How to overcome fear to approach female strangers in public places

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by nfpexperiment, Sep 14, 2021.

  1. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    Personally I wouldn't advise this, as a woman will always be on her guard in public and it'll be easy for her to view you as a creep even when you're not (especially in this age of female supremacist movements that demonise all men). Couple that with the nervousness you've already talked about and warning bells will doubtless be ringing in her mind. Think of it as if the roles were reversed and a really unattractive girl you wouldn't court in a million years approached you randomly on the street. You'd probably be equally uncomfortable.

    Instead I would advise joining hobby clubs, religious groups or any other society that specialises in whatever you like to do, and just meet and build rapport with women while you're doing what you enjoy. The atmosphere is much more relaxed because you're there to have fun and meet people anyway, meaning you'll be at your most confident and in your element, and you'll also have an added bonus of having at least one common interest with any girls you meet, which is always important for building a connection.
    Last edited: Oct 1, 2021
    Dares Greeneye likes this.
  2. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    I experience on case, I approach a woman at work, she wasnt giving any signs, after a chat I did not make effort to seek contact, she took the e
    Your advice will take a long time to meet women you like. You got nothing to loose by trying, but the thing is the fear, is kinda illogical I would say, you wont die.
  3. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    On the contrary, my most fulfilling and closest-to-relationship experiences with girls have come from approaching them in regular shared hobby clubs or classes and just building rapport over an extended period of time, because it gives me a chance to show them my balanced, respectful and chivalrous personality, whereas the only experiences I've ever had of approaching random women in public have left me often unsuccessful as they've shown no real interest or respect for me when I've given them nothing but respect in return.

    I'm not afraid, just facing the facts that, for me anyway, approaching randomly in public doesn't work and bonding with a girl over time at a club or society achieves much more lucrative results.
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2021
  4. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    So her attraction to you was low or none existing.

    Of course is not, but is not about the fear. Is about spending your time more efficiently. Instead pursuing woman and get rejected over and over, use that time to work in yourselve. That is going to make more woman have high attraction to you from the start and then you are going to really understand how a woman behave when she is really attracted to you from the start, even if she never talk to you before.

    On the contrary, working in yourselve to be a great catch is going to attract the woman you like, even better ones. Yes, is going to take time, everything in life that is hard to get take time and effort. If not every single guy in the world would be dating his dream girl.
    Only guys that make the effort take the price home.
  5. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    No woman finds me attractive but they do find me friendly and open person. But that is not enough for them to date or fuck me. I approached 200 women and still counting and don't care if they find me disgusting . If I see a attractive woman I like, I approach her regardless of my chances. I just tell that I noticed how nice she looks and mention something I noticed specific about her and start a conversation, but they all end up telling me they already have a boyfriend, are in a rush or just ignore me. But just sitting there and accepting I can never have her is even worse then getting rejected, for me at least.
    My point is, just put your balls on the table. Better to die on your feet then knees.
    Coak Hakola likes this.
  6. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Yes, better die trying than doing nothing even if it means getting rejected, guess if you must die one day, we all die one day, you can die telling yourself you were no coward and tried..........
    Ghost79 likes this.
  7. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    @Ghost79 , also work on self improvement, job , health and keep body fit.
    Ghost79 likes this.
  8. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    I already do those. I'm very athletic and live a healthy lifestyle. But women don't care. They just don't like my face.
  9. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    @Ghost79 , how do you get over the fear ? I know there is nothing to fear as long we are respectfull, nice, polite and don't force anything, even if we totally make a fool of ourselves because of being nervous, we are doing no crime nothing wrong, but still the fear keeps me from trying.
  10. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    By your message I already see the problem... Your overthinking it. Just empty your head and approach. Its no big deal. Dont take it too serious either as rejection is part of the game even for the most handsome guys doing approaches.
    Spirituss likes this.
  11. Because you try not to be afraid anymore. You see fear as something negative. You're afraid of being rejected, of not knowing what to say, of being weird socially.

    Fear is positive. It is proof that you are human and empathetic. If you weren't afraid, you'd probably be a psychopath.

    I've approached thousands of women in my life. I still feel fear as I approach women every day.
    Accept that you suck and dive into the unknown. Rejection makes you stronger, allows you to know yourself, and not give a shit about being rejected. The more you avoid rejection, the more you fear rejection.

    Whereas successes are a reward for hard work.

    But without risk, there is no reward, no learning, no evolution.
    There is no how, all you have to do is stop believing those negative thoughts, unplugging your brain and taking action. Accepting your imperfection and turning it into a strength.

    Approaching women is above all a process in which you will change who you are and become a better person.
    This means that your evolution is more important than the relationships you will have. If you focus on your evolution rather than on getting results and sex, you won't give up.
  12. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Just an idea, We propably should think like some drugslord, not that we are gonna sell drugs. Drugslord don't care about the law, they are willing to take great risks (being killed, jail time etc), chop people hands and legs off, they dare to do it, they know it is a possibility still somehow they managed to handle the fear or maybe they don't have fear, I dont know. I propably think they are good with woman too.
  13. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Drugs lord attitude, plan then execute plan, if I die I die, I die trying.
  14. Ghost79

    Ghost79 Fapstronaut

    The fear will never go away. Yet I wont let it exercise control over me. Because i'm a warrior of life! :D
    nfpexperiment and Spirituss like this.