My whole life is going down the toilet

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by allhopelost, Oct 6, 2021.

  1. allhopelost

    allhopelost Fapstronaut

    I'm addicted to inhalants. I'm extremely addicted to porn. My health is destroyed. I want to kill myself. I've thought about it many times. Like jumping in front of a train or gassing myself with a car in the garage. I swear to god I'll do it. I'm done with my existence on this planet. I want all of the pain to end. Just take me off this planet and be done with it. Stop the torture!!
  2. treed

    treed Fapstronaut

    If youre suicidal don't do it...
    Call 911 or some help line im sure someone here will provide.
  3. allhopelost

    allhopelost Fapstronaut

    Why? What's the point?
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  4. Hey buddy,
    First of all: Welcome to nofap.

    I'm sure you didn't only create an account to tell us that you will end your life.
    Of course we all have had that feeling. At least, I had.

    Nobody wants to die, we all want to live and so do you.

    It's a good starting point to come here on nofap, where you will meet a lot of fellow suffers.
    There is a lot to learn, a lot of things need our attention. You will read a lot of succes stories from people who where in the same place as you are now.

    You only feel so bad because you treated yourself so bad. That needs to change.
    You have made the first step to create an account here.
    What is the second step that you can make to make your life a little better?
  5. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Well, really, if things are that bad, you might as well just keep your addictions. They are not worse than facing a train or gas or whatever. Don't psychologically overemphasize recovery to the point of all or nothing; we don't place the recovery goal over our life existence. You really can calm down about this, but you need to choose to do so. They'll be more relapses along the way, but that's a good reason to live and work on this part of yourself, but also other areas, too. It's not all about our penis. Let up and let go of the perfectionistic need to get this right immediately, which is actually a worse addiction than the PMO and other stuff. That is the real problem here - not PMO. If you're unable to put things in real perspective, then consider that a therapist can help you do this and also explore other reasons that you are holding onto your addictions, which actually serve us on some level; otherwise, we wouldn't bother with them. The road to recovery is a journey - but you need to face it maturely, calmly, patiently, with humility, and forgivingly upon yourself and others. You'll grow in all these areas first before you ever completely drop PMO, etc., from your life - for those qualities are actually more important to gain than recovery itself. It is our very addiction that will give us the resistance to strengthen our muscles of virtue. Then, when we are strong in all these other areas, the addiction perhaps is not even needed anymore. It becomes hollowed out, and it will easily blow over in the wind - like a cardboard cutout of a hollow man (the inner addict no longer needed or useful). Best wishes!
  6. allhopelost

    allhopelost Fapstronaut

    I did. I created an account because I wanted to let everyone know I want to kill myself.
    Dying. I don't think you guys understand. This isn't a joke.
    Just look at the people addicted to inhalants on youtube. They can't even talk. Most end up dead.

    I clearly can't be taken seriously. Is this just another sick joke?
  7. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Okay, I was thinking of poppers or some such, controlled on a lower level. I've used myself. Again, if your inhalant addiction is extreme or dangerous, you need immediate medical intervention or some other support. Please consider calling a suicide hotline if you're in the extreme at the moment, and they'll help you consider all the real options available to you. But, you have to do something and just do this. A posting site can only take you so far - you need to take the next step, and you can return here and post again, telling others of your experience. You may help a lot of other addicts here in doing so.
    Legacy of Lost Soul and Awi007 like this.
  8. allhopelost

    allhopelost Fapstronaut

    Paint. I abused paint for a month. Then quit for 10 days. Relapsed. Then quit for 10 days again. Relapsed today and yesterday. The suicide hotline is terrible in my country and doctors are only interested in locking you up in a psych ward which will make things worse. I started the addiction because I am depressed and stuck at home in lockdown for over a year. I live with two narcissists which abuse me daily. I am trying to leave. But without the basics like an education which is incredibly hard to study for because of these external stressors I can't even do that. Any type of control I try to exert over my own life is crushed by my narcissists and life. So I feel hopeless. Most people I meet want to use me up and feed emotionally off of my suffering and discard me. I hope that helps you understand at some level what I am going through now that I am explaining. Now add a rape, sexual and abuse traumas, a near death experience. Yeah. My life sucks.
    Legacy of Lost Soul likes this.
  9. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Little steps at a time. You can approach a doctor to treat depression as a start, this doesn't involve a psyche ward. You can approach a therapist on your own and talk through all the precipitating factors, just short of declaring something that will get you in a ward. Can you start with something?
  10. ZombieMan

    ZombieMan Fapstronaut

    If you kill yourself, you’ll bring yourself more misery. Your life just wont end. Only your body will. You will have to deal with your consequences in the afterlife. And that will be a billion times worse than the ordeal you have in this world.

    There is always hope for a person who wants to change. However the only change a corspe can do is become ruin.
    Roady likes this.
  11. Of course not. I you only wanted to kill yourself, you already should do so.
    You created an account because you need attention, a listening ear and advice.

    I know that addiction is not a joke. It's a matter of life and death. I know this.
    I'm only here and alife because there was always a very little hope inside of me.

    You don't have to be like them. You can be like one of the heros here on nofap; you can find them in the forum "success stories".

    Well, it's brave to open up here about your life.
    Thát's what you need the most: somebody who listens to you.
    I'm sorry for what you have to go through.
    Please share more if you need. It can bring so much release to your mind.
    There are a lot of people here willing to listen to you. It can be a very first little step into your recovery.
    Life has many good things to offer you, once you decide to step out of your bad life, no matter how little these steps are. You are not alone in this.

    So again: I would like to welcome you here on this wonderful place called nofap.
    Robinthehood and A Carolean like this.
  12. Man, I cant deny that life can be a bitch sometimes. I also can't deny that there are pieces of shit in this world we live in. But, there is something I can tell you.

    I am only a random dude on the internet and I will not fix your problems no matter how badly I would like to. Your life might suck right now, past experiences might have given you hell of a lot of traumas, that fucking sucks man. I myself did think about killing myself a few times but never did it because I did not want to give up.

    I know you are in a lot of pain and as you said, you don't have the best environment around you. But, don't you want to know what's on the end of the tunel? Don't you want to know if you can get better and give a big FUCK YOU to all the people who were cunts against you? Don't you want to see if you can make it man?

    Shit is tough righr now, but what if you make it? What if things get better? What if one day, you get better and are able to help other people get out of the same kinds of hell holes you say you are living in. You would be doing a much better job than all those doctors you say only want to lock one up.

    I hope this helps man. I don't know you but I hope that you don't end your life. Life can be difficult, yes, but it's worth it.
  13. allhopelost

    allhopelost Fapstronaut

    Right so it's up to you to play reverse psychology mind games with me to try and get me not to kill myself.
    I don't believe in that. That's pretty sadistic when you think about it don't you think?
    Yes I do.
    I can't see anyone face to face which is problematic. I have a psychologist that I used to see 7 years ago but he probably thinks I'm a nutcase because I told him I listen to metal and play violent video games. He was very anti video games. I also told him I like guns, in a country where guns are illegal, and that I wanted to hunt. I can't imagine what he must have thought about me. He was always looking at his watch to see when the appointments would end. Another I told about my porn addiction and my sissy hypno addiction and he told me the only solution was to watch playboy mags instead and see a psychiatrist for an antidepressant to reduce my libido. Whenever I go and see a psychologist they always have no idea what I'm dealing with.
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2021
    A Carolean and Nugget9 like this.
  14. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    You seem to have shut out all options. I'm unsure what you are asking for here or expect to find. This forum is very limited; I don't think it will have any solutions for you other than give tips to quit PMO addiction. But, again, the onus is all on you to do this, but you seem to undercut even that in your mentality. Best wishes!
    Roady likes this.
  15. Hey @allhopelost, it's good you come here to let us know you want to end your life. I'd suggest come back again and again and share your thoughts, talk and meanwhile stop inhaling paint or any other toxic stuff. You mention those people on yt who can't even talk anymore. From what I read I can see that your brain is still working fine, you are processing all the replies properly and can answer accurately. You know exactly where you're at and you can speak up and type it still. Your brain sends the right signals to your fingers. Your fingers work fine too. From that I gather there is still hope as your body functions. Your psyche might be messed up. Give it a rest by stopping that inhaling sh*it right away. All you need to inhale from today on is the fresh air that will help you to recover, heal and then ... well you will find out what comes then. It's miraculous. Stay strong, keep going, keep growing.
    black_coyote likes this.
  16. allhopelost

    allhopelost Fapstronaut

    My "mentality" is depression due to medication I am taking messing with my antidepressants. I'm not sure what I'm expected to do. All I can expect in these times is terror and hostility. Maybe if this covid thing never happened I might have been able to have some good luck. But no. All I can do right now is stop the drug addiction which I have and hope for the best. I don't know what I was expecting. It's either being here or having no human interaction with anyone. I guess that's what I was looking for.
  17. ZombieMan

    ZombieMan Fapstronaut

    Whats sadistic is what your planning to do with your own body. Death isnt fun. Nor does it end misery. It will cause you far more.

    Your a person who clearly needs help. And has no access to it. So you just gotta endure it for now. Its the least you can do for yourself to have a happy ending. Dont let your monsters win.

    Figure out a way to survive, figure out a way to escape….and Figure out a Way to Win !
  18. Man if you live 20 days with self-discipline, you will be amazed how great the little things in life become compared to the garbage you now need to feel decent. You will like sunshine, you will like a good meal, a good workout, a beautiful girl, a funny joke. But you have to change. It's not going to be easy. But you have to do it.
  19. ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved

    ImASinnerWhoJesusSaved Fapstronaut

    I get it man, I really do. Not your specific troubles...I don't have the same exact experiences. But that's f***** tough what you've experienced.