How do you deal with rejection?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Jrmz94, Oct 7, 2021.

  1. Jrmz94

    Jrmz94 Fapstronaut

    Let's be honest, rejection hurts no matter how much you pretend that it doesn't.
    nfpexperiment and silex_jedi like this.
  2. Vanquisher12

    Vanquisher12 Fapstronaut

    The key thing to remember if you're rejected is not that you're not losing a girl, she's losing you, and if you're a good, kind and internally strong chap who respects both himself and other people, then she's lost a keeper, probably without even knowing she has, which is her problem and not yours.

    Also if a girl rejects you, she's clearly not right for you as she doesn't respect you enough to consider you potential long-term partner material, and even if you did manage to get into a relationship with this girl, chances are it wouldn't have lasted that long anyway.

    You're better off rid of a girl who isn't right for you, as it means you can continue your search for one who is far better-suited to you without having experienced an unsatisfactory relationship with the girl who's just rejected you.

    Better luck next time old chap :)
    Ghost79, Ngo27 and Coak Hakola like this.
  3. Ngo27

    Ngo27 Fapstronaut

    That sounds so true. More pain can arise from the thoughts after the rejection. I may feel a bit disappointed after hearing someone say no to a date or other requests, but pondering about the reasons for rejection based on myself will be a downward spiral. Hearing no from someone is usually that person practicing his/her boundaries.
    Vanquisher12 likes this.
  4. If it hurts then you need to suffer to end up not caring about being rejected. And when you don't care about being rejected you're free. Because you can express yourself as you are.

    I get rejected every day by women I approach on the street. In stores, in nightclubs. When I say every day, I mean literally every day.
    It doesn't hurt, because you get used to it. And when a woman sees that it doesn't hurt when you get rejected, you sub communicate a very strong value which is:

    "No matter what you think of me, I will stay true to who I am."

    Rejection is positive. Avoiding it is nonsense. It brings a lot. More resilience, more courage etc..
    Ghost79 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  5. silenteagle

    silenteagle Fapstronaut

    Rejection definitely hurts! more so if the dating experience was initiated via a dating app. But then we can certainly work on our social and physical skills to convert these dates into more deeper relationships. And the causes of the rejection can be totally random: she got bored/ randomly met another guy/ is busy enough to date etc. So why not work internally rather than rationalizing the causes of rejection?
  6. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    We men somehow got to learn to live with rejection, yes it hurts. We men have been bestowed the honor to approach women, we men must initiate, it is our job.
  7. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Rejection just means you're one step closer to someone better.
    curling_cobra likes this.
  8. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Take comfort knowing that you are not alone in this, other guys get rejected too.
    curling_cobra likes this.
  9. depeche69

    depeche69 Fapstronaut

    Two helpful thoughts:

    1. By approaching a women, you give here the chance to find the love of her life. If she rejects you, then at least you gave her the chance.

    2. This picture

  10. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Important also is that you keep working on yourself, reaching your goals, financial goals, carreer goals etc.
  11. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    Just reverse the roles, think about a woman that is not your type, and lets say she wants a relationship with you, what would you do ? You would politely decline, it is the same with woman rejecting men. It might hurt but we got to respect eachother preferences, is not that you hate the other, you just got your preferences.
    curling_cobra likes this.
  12. UncleBarnacle

    UncleBarnacle Fapstronaut

    How to deal? Move on, end of story.

    Maybe I don't understand the question. Or maybe I'm in a field where rejection is inevitable, and it applies to approaching women. I mean, last night I was sitting not far from an absolutely adorable woman at my favorite coffee shop, a woman who was at a table with a pal who was much older, of a different race, just opposites. Every time I looked over there, this little cutie was smiling - seemed so friendly. Short, too, like I love.

    The pal got up and the woman walked toward me to leave, out the back. Had to say something! I mean she was JUST my type, short and supercute and a bangin' big butt, jiggly-wiggly, plus glasses, which I am a sucker for, plus obviously intelligent.

    I was wearing my motorcycle leathers as I'd just come from the road, so I thought I looked extra "bad boy."

    I almost got in her way and said "Hi. Was that a job interview? I was trying to figure out your relationship!"

    She laughed and said "No, just a friend!" and blew right past me and out the back door.

    "Um..bye!" I thought. And went back to work. I see her here and there at the coffee shop, so I vow to try again. But def. blown off.

    That's just one example.

    Another woman I thought I really hit it off with last summer, talking for a long time, smiling, flirting, etc. and she put her hand on my arm a couple of times, always a good sign.

    Finally I said "Hey, it was my birthday last week and I still haven't had any cake. Would you like to have some cake with me?"

    Her answer floored me: "I'm 17."

    LMAO ok! I thought she was around 24. Very tall, and a kickboxer, very mature, so...I was easily fooled.

    "Good day, madame!" I guess you wouldn't call that a rejection.

    But anyway, yes - "Next!"

    You'll hit it one of these days!