making a girl the purpose

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by matt2k12, Oct 8, 2021.

  1. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    I've been in love three times in my life (with three different girls obv),
    first time i didnt even get into dating,
    second time i got into dating but not in a relationship,
    third time i got into a relationship.
    regardless of the outcomes and the girls and wether we'd be a good fit at all etc. .., i have observed a similar pattern: everytime i fall in love, sooner or later i make the girl my sole purpose of my life. how do you call such a behaviour?
    i think its because i dont have an underlying purpose in my life anyway, and getting a girl has been my sole aim for the last couple of years. yes i studied and worked out and got work etc., but that was all secondary to me.
    how do i balance me wanting a girl and me wanting to live my purpose?
    i look at hemingway. he has had many women in his life, but he has also worked hard. what do you think he aimed for?
  2. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    See it like this, girls certainly can give you happiness and teach you many things about yourself. But a girl no matter how sweet she won't be a full source of pure happiness and love. She is a human with flaws.

    Aim for perfect happiness, that includes a woman if you want but also and most importantly happiness needs to come from within yourself and depend on you solely.
    matt2k12 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  3. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Answering the question he aimed for enjoyment of life and freedom. It's not saying a girl is not important in your life and you just have to focus on your success it's more a balance and see all great in lfe not just women. Rediscover the world and yourself you'll see how wonderful you and the world around you is
    matt2k12 and Vanquisher12 like this.
  4. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    how do you rediscover the world?
  5. modern milarepa

    modern milarepa Fapstronaut

    Think of the things you used to love doing and do it again. Also try new things to see how they feel like, there's a world besides your girl that can give you the same or even more joy than her.
  6. MarioCorrelos

    MarioCorrelos Fapstronaut

    The main thing is to not make the girl your one and only thing. As you've already been told, find more things in life.
    matt2k12 likes this.
  7. Rev2.0

    Rev2.0 Fapstronaut

    Yeah as much as women might say they want to be the center of a man's universe, that's a quick way to get pushed to the friendzone or worse. Down deep they don't want to be the sole and ultimate source of a man's happiness -- it's too heavy a burden to bear. What they want is to be taken on an adventure by a man who's got his life together on his own terms and is going somewhere exciting. A lot of times that translates to having a lot of money and toys but there are plenty of starving artists and musicians pulling sexy smart women too. A woman will do a lot to be with a man like that.
    matt2k12 likes this.
  8. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    @matt2k12 , well don't you want own a home, go on vacation, start a family, save for retirement, get a good job, maybe common normal goals, but good enough to work together to reach these goals ?
  9. nfpexperiment

    nfpexperiment Fapstronaut

    @Rev2.0 , wondering if these men can have long term relationships or are the women only staying for sex and untill they get bored and then leave.
  10. p1n1983

    p1n1983 Fapstronaut

    This is only going to push her away from you. if she became your goal in life, you are going to do anything to keep the relationship alive because that relationship is your life. That is never going to end well, because woman are after guys that are after their goals and ambirtions and not relationships.

    You should have a full life before dating. This new woman in your life should be another amazing thing you do in life. You should keep doing all you do before knowing her. This relationship is another relationship you have in your life, besides your friends and family.

    If you make a woman your goal, then you don't have passions in life, you don't have any goals and ambitions that you really want to acheive. Find that and you are never going to put first a relationship, goals and ambitions always comes first for a man, then in second place you can share your free time with friends, family and relationships.