Challenge Finished and New Challenge

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by srdiogenes, Feb 12, 2014.

  1. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    So today I finished my small 10 days challenge after several years of masturbating almost daily.
    It wasn't really that bad.

    My motives for this challenge were:

    - To see if regular masturbation has any effect on energy levels.
    - To see if regular masturbation has any effect on the way I behave with women.
    - To see if regular masturbation has any effect on hairloss.

    I also added conclusions about:

    - Horniness levels.
    - Confidence levels.

    Energy levels:

    The impact of NoFap with energy levels was huge on me. From day one I felt motivated, awake, less drowsy and in a better mood. This good energy levels stayed with me until day 10. I did fap on day 10 morning (this morning) and energy levels went down drastically. I've been drowsy the whole day and just feel like sleeping. I can't really tell if this is a coincidence and I'm particularly tired today, but it did happen and I didn't feel like this in any of the other 10 days.

    Behaviour with women / confidence levels:

    Confidence levels also got better. As if as soon as you stop fapping and forbid yourself from touching yourself to please your needs, you start looking at the right way to do it. Having proper sex. So my mind did make a little click and for some reason I started to feel more confident around women, more flirty and less scaredy. They also seemed to respond better since women seem to naturally notice this sort of things. This confidence levels also spread to other areas not only women. I felt like doing more possitive things for myself like eating better, quitting smoking, working out. As if I stopped being so "needy" and "whiny" all the time to focus on improving myself.


    This one I'm not sure about. I do believe I'm losing less hair but it's too little time to tell. I also quit smoking which is bad for hair and I'm using some hair products and techniques to stop hairloss so it could really be any of those things.


    Day one and two were the worst. The horniness was quite difficult to handle although not impossible. After that it really went down. I did feel horny and wanted to jack off after seeing any good looking woman but the feeling went down very quickly. After a few days I just accepted the feeling of feeling horny as a natural thing and didn't think about fapping at all to cool it off. I just let it be.

    New Challenge:

    I'm challenging myself to a 20 day no fapping period. If I could handle 10 I can easily handle 20.

    My motives are the same as my first ones. I'm hoping:

    - To improve my energy levels and motivation.
    - To improve my confidence levels around women.
    - To see if regular masturbation has any effect on hairloss.

    Again, whish me luck.


    Previous posts:

    My story and my challenge
    Day 1: so far so good
    Day 2: So fucking horny
    Day 6: A lot less horny
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  2. aaron92

    aaron92 Fapstronaut

    Hello and welcome, 10 days is a good start- maybe set yourself a new goal of 14 days?
  3. William

    William Fapstronaut

    Wishing you luck!
  4. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    10 Days Update:

    After my first 10 days of my new 20 days challenge I have some new findings I'd like to share.
    Actually my life has had drastic changes since I started this no fapping challenge but that's been caused by a series of decisions in which no fapping is only a part of, so no fapping is not a magical solution to everyday problems. This post is not only about no fapping, but about the improvement I've been experiencing these last days in general, which I'd like to share.

    But there are some aspects in which solely no fapping has had an undeniable effect in me.
    First of all, energy levels. Regular masturbation definitely causes a drowsiness and tiredness effect on my body and my mind. This is a certain conclusion (for me) since I haven't been feeling this energetic and awake in a long time.
    Second, confidence and motivation levels. There's something about not fapping that causes this natural aggresive behaviour to come out of me. (Not speaking about violence at all here, but about this aggresive and assertive attitude in facing everyday challenges). This feeling of improving, challenging ourselves, stopping being victims and starting being men. I can't say this motivation is caused solely by no fapping but it sure contributes. Since I began the challenge I started working out, reading and quit smoking. This attitudes are forming a snowball of improvement that grows every day and I haven't felt this good about myself, my body and my mind in years.
    I started focusing more on myself. I stopped trying to please everyone all the time. I have started to put my needs above everyone elses which is a huge improvement and attitude change for me.
    I feel like I own my sexuality. I don't have to respond to every single sexual stimulation I find in the streets, at work, at the computer or at television by masturbating. I choose when to respond to sexual stimulation.
    These are great findings that have been making me feel great about myself lately.

    I'll post another update on day 20 (I'm clearly finishing this 20 day challenge, and probably will start a 30 days one after it).

    Cheers and good luck to everyone.
  5. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    So this is an update since a long time of no posting.

    I never quite finished my 20 days challenge as I said I would, I actually sabotaged my efforts around day 19 if I'm not mistaken. Since that day, it's been back to fapping regularly (it's been around 2 months of regular fapping now). I'm not quite sure of the reasons why I decided not to continue this challenges, but it was probably related to me choosing the short term pleasure to the long term benefits of no fapping. Besides, with me, fapping is not that much of an addiction as it is a habit. I've realised I sometimes fap when I don't even feel like doing so just because it's "that time of the day" (particularly, when I shower). Or maybe I'm just an addict that doesn't want to recognise his own addiction. Who knows...

    The fact is that lately I haven't been feeling on my top energy levels. I actually have been feeling down and weary both physically and emotionally. Of course, this has a lot to do with me going back to old and harmful habits. I've been smoking more, concerning less about my diet, still working out but with a lot less energy than before, went back to fapping and wasting too much time on my computer.

    How can one feel good about his own body and soul when his habits are those of an unhealthy person?

    In my last challenges I found out a couple of things about those no fapping periods and since I'm going to start a new one I'd like to remind them:

    - They improved my energy levels.
    - They improved my daily motivation.
    - They improved my overall mood.
    - They improved my aggressiveness towards challenges.
    - They improved my assertiveness.
    - They improved my sense of self-worth.
    - They improved my overall confidence.

    This being said, I challenge myself to 14 days of no fapping. I'll try to update regularly.

    Whish me luck.
  6. Flash

    Flash Fapstronaut

    Hi srdiogenes, I was reading your post when I noticed the sentence above. This really rang true for me. I'm only three days into my challenge, but it does seem like exactly that - choosing whether to respond to stimulation rather than responding unthinkingly and habitually.

    Best of luck with your new challenge I'm looking forward to reading your insights.
  7. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    Thanks Flash, it is a matter of choice after all. But choice can be highly influenced by habit. Many times we tend to end up choosing the things we don't really want . The only way to get out of that bad circle is to cut the habit for a reasonable amount of time. Only then we start seeing the benefits of true choice.

  8. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    Day 3:

    So I'm almost on my 3rd day without fapping and it hasn't been any hard so far. I've been very busy these days and that definitely has been helping a lot. Now I realize many times I fap out of boredom, so that's nice to know. Working out also really helps since it gives a sense of tiredness and satisfaction and keeps the body feeling healthy. In such a short amount of time the benefits are already starting to show, particularly the confidence levels. Maybe this is just a personal thing but when I don't masturbate daily, my confidence boosts notably.
  9. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    Day 6:

    So after 6 days I've been noticing women more. A LOT more.
  10. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    Day 12:

    Getting there. The motivation is fading though. Energy has been decreasing and cravings have been increasing.
  11. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    I accomplished my 14 days goal. :)
    New goal: 30 days of no fapping. This will be hard but I have confidence in myself. I'll be posting updates from time to time. Wish me luck. I'll do my best.
  12. Way to go! You're doing great!
  13. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    Day 11 - 30 Days Challenge:

    To the newcomers on the No Fapping adventure I can tell you this: It just gets easier as the days go by. Fapping is a habit made by oneself, and as such it can be removed by oneself. You just need to understand and focus on the reasons why you fap, and the benefits you will get by no fapping.
    I've already stated some of these personal reasons on this thread a few times but I don't find any harm in reminding them to myself again.

    I used to fap out of boredom, anxiety, depression, an excess of "bad" energy and sexual frustration. Those were my reasons. So in order to stop fapping not only does one need to have a true will to do so, but also one needs to find a way to fight those symptoms. If you're bored, keep yourself occupied. There are plenty of things you can invest your time in that are productive and good for you. Study something. Find any activities that help you grow up as a person. But most importantly, work out. Find some way of physical excersise that you find entertaining and practice it at least twice a week. Excercise fights almost every single one of the motives that I personally had for fapping so much. The boredom, the anxiety, the depression and the "bad" energy. Sexual frustration, well I guess I can't do anything about this one but to accept I don't have a sex partner right now, and that I will sometime soon. And no fapping makes it a lot easier to find it, because it makes me a lot more aware of women, a lot more confident around them (and with people in general), it makes me feel more attractive, and for some reason it makes me connect on a different, more profound level with them.

    If you find yourself struggling on those first attempts at stopping your bad habit, don't worry about it. Start all over again and you'll succeed sometime. After a few victories, it just gets easier and you don't even notice when it's been 10 days and you haven't touched yourself.

    I'll update with more news later.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2014
  14. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    Day 16: 30 Days Challenge

    As opposite of what I've always believed, masturbation does not release sexual tension. It actually makes it worst (at least in my case, and when it's an everyday thing). I'm 16 days into my 30 days challenge and one of the most interesting things I've noticed is how I behave around women, specially the attractive ones. I just don't seem to be so anxious around them anymore. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't get horny. I still do, but I manage it that a lot better. I don't feel like I have to jack off or fantasize every time I meet a very attractive woman. That makes me connect a lot easier with women in general without having to feel sexual around them all the time, and since my confidence levels have improved I get along with people in general a lot better. I have a more relaxed and truthfully caring state of mind. Sexual tension and axiety has actually went down.

    My challenge isn't that much about porn, but more about masturbation itself. I'm not really addicted to porn and I can get an erection naturally without looking at it, although I do watch it from time to time to makes things "more interesting".

    Anyway, I'm only halfway through my current challenge and things are going quite fine. Hope they'll stay that way till the end.
  15. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    hi there! you might remember me the 28 y/o newbie. thanks for posting. i was reading through your journal and i see that there are struggles. same with me here since i started. yesterday was the worst - the chemicals are starting to take effect and it was difficult. i craved for release, but i had to constantly remind myself of how i don;t want to go to reset and relapse. your journal gives me insight as to what i might feel as the days go by. thanks for sharing those.

    may you have the self-control to accomplish your next goal. :)
  16. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    I don't think I suffered a lot from the "chemical" point of view or at least I really didn't pay much attention to it. I just felt friggin horny for most of the first week and this huge horniness attacks came back from time to time but with less intensity later. Right now I'd say I feel normally horny (as any healthy male should be), but I manage the horniness a lot better. Meaning I feel like I have power over it. I don't feel like I have to respond to my sexual calls everytime I feel horny or else I'll explode. I just know that I have the power to choose wether to respond to them or not. And right now I'm choosing not to. And it feels great!
  17. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    Day 21: 30 Days Challenge

    The cravings are still there at all times, but now I can manage them at will. This is precisely what I was looking for.
  18. adriatik28

    adriatik28 Fapstronaut

    Way to go bro!! Its time we get to be in control of our urges. Good for you, you are now able to manage them. I still have to control myself and it just takes so much and there are times I just wanna release the tension. Last night was difficult by far... really had to keep my hands literally above my head.

    Fight on!!!
  19. srdiogenes

    srdiogenes Fapstronaut

    So I never really finished my 30 day challenge. Just as before I failed at around day 26, very close to the finishing line. The reasons were pretty simple. A mixture between depression an extreme horniness that I just couldn't handle. I got very sad about something very stupid so I said fuck it, I'm almost done... 3 or 4 days don't really make a difference. So I went ahead and did the thing. I'm not entirely disappointed though. This is the longest I've been without fapping in a long while. And even though I got moments of extreme horniness I also learnt to gain very long periods of extreme self control and that's a great achievement for me.

    So I've already described a dozen of times the benefits I believe I've been getting out of no fapping so I won't do it again. Many times I can't even tell if these benefits can be attributed to no fapping or if they are also the result of a lifestyle change... but one thing is for sure. No fapping changed my perspective on many things. Specially on love towards people and most particularly towards women.

    So I want to challenge myself again. This time to my longest no fapping period of time. 45 days. This time my only objective is to find love. Wish me luck.

    Edit: I found this great quote, and I'd love to share it.

    We're in a sense afraid of being horny because whenever we start feeling that longing we immediately start yanking ourselves until it goes away. WHY? Last night I found out that if you don't rush to put that fire out, it turns out that that fire is the very fire that should be constantly burning in all men, pushing us forth into the world to conquer and win. Bask in the warmth. You need it to succeed. We're truly blessed to be male, healthy, and alive.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2014