Feeling isolated on the NOFAP journey

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by tomdavidyoung19, Sep 5, 2021.

  1. tomdavidyoung19

    tomdavidyoung19 Fapstronaut

    Good evening all,

    I’m relatively new to NOFAP with my best streaks being between 30-40 days, but recently fallen into a relapse cycle of every 7 days or so.

    I know I can get up again, weather the storm and improve all aspects of my life to tackle PMO. However, I feel isolated where I don’t think my friends and family understand my battle with PMO. Therefore, I thought the NOFAP forum would be great place to reach out. Has anyone else felt isolated and any tips for getting a good streak going again please?

  2. Man from my own experience I believe this loneliness is normal, but who really wants to improve is you and not your family, I recommend you to study a little about personal development!
    Good luck !
  3. tomdavidyoung19

    tomdavidyoung19 Fapstronaut

    Hi Kizual,

    Thanks for the advice. Slowly getting into a new streak, focusing on the basics (diet, exercise, sleep), started doing some yoga and meditation. Patience is the key now!
  4. Hi brother

    I feel the same .
    I also feel isolated even when im on nofapcom.
    If you ever find out a solution on how to cope with isolation ,feel free to share it with me i would be glad to hear it .


    Ps : about getting a streak going after many relapses ,i think that the main secret of nofap is to keep trying again and again till you find the right vein to accomplish a good long streak .May God be with you .
  5. E31

    E31 Fapstronaut

    Hey there Tom,

    you're definitely not alone altough that doesn't always help feeling alone, i know.
    What really helps with that is reaching out, you already started by posting here.
    You could also consider therapy and or self-help groups if these things are available for you.

    Regarding keeping your streaks(which you are totally capable of when you already crushed over a month) it really helps to minimize screentime altogether and replacing it with healthy hobbies and installing All the blockers you can get. I've got myself Cold Turkey Blocker, Simple Website Blocker, Website Blocker, Leechblock(can be tricky to set up but you can effectively filter out certain keywords for any website) and Any Weblock, which are all free. It'll make life a whole lot easier because humans are not build to run on willpower alone all the time. It's a muscle and with proper training it gets bigger and more persistent but can only do so much. So build yourself an environment that supports you on your journey.

    All the love, all the power!
  6. tomdavidyoung19

    tomdavidyoung19 Fapstronaut

    Hello Malik,

    Cheers for the message and the good wishes.

    I think with the loneliness, knowing that I’m not alone quitting this addiction is half the battle and the forum is great for that. Self-acceptance is also think helps in that not many of my close friends do understand but it’s up to me to make the changes and self-improve.

    6 days in and feeling pretty strong thus far. Just got to take each day one small step at a time.
    Malik gilroy likes this.
  7. tomdavidyoung19

    tomdavidyoung19 Fapstronaut

    Hello E31,

    Thanks for the message,

    I have talked it over with my counsellor but I think I want to delve a little deeper into it and ask myself why is it I keeping going back to fapping?

    Thanks for the useful tips as well. Life is a little crazy for me right now with lots of endings and new beginnings, but once life settles down I want to get out of my bunker and branch out and defeat the PMO monster!
  8. tomdavidyoung19

    tomdavidyoung19 Fapstronaut

    Feel like I’m having to dig deep at the minute... had a wet dream a week or so back, starting to have really vivid dreams, zero or little libido, increased anxiety, and old memories resurfacing. I’m going to take this is a sign that my brain is slowly rewiring itself. Any other people had similar experiences?
  9. Rangula

    Rangula Fapstronaut

    I'm experiencing the same thing. I think that changes like these do indicate a change in the brain. After all, you wouldn't be experiencing this if you were still doing what you were doing.

    I'm new to this, but I've read many stories indicating that this was the best way to take care of my issue. So any change in my mental state I take as a positive and just ride it out. Things will be better in the end. It just takes a little bit of re-arranging the furniture until everything comes together.
  10. Group support is key i believe, especially face to face or at least over video conferencing. One of the things with addiction is it's often an isolated affair and one of the best things to combat addiction is recovering in a community where your demons cannot hide! trust me, porn addiction especially thrives on you being isolated and creating shame and embarrassment so the only way to take the power away from the addiction is to open up and share with like minded people. This has really helped me with drugs and porn.

    Also what @E31 said about minimising screen time and opting for other activities which aren't related to your computer is really important, it's very easy to spend the whole day glued to your computer having not actually achieved anything of value so go out and make stuff happen and experience things.
    RobbyGo36 likes this.
  11. tomdavidyoung19

    tomdavidyoung19 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the message Rangula. I agree about the rearranging the furniture bit. My moods are so up and down at the minute. Monday I felt great last two days have been struggling and almost relapsed this morning. But, I’m reminding that not only is this the longest streak I’ve ever been on and the nofap journey is a tough one and not to be hard on myself.
  12. tomdavidyoung19

    tomdavidyoung19 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the message thorswrath32. Definitely agree on minimising screen time. I normally do a pretty good job of this at weekends, but my work is office based so I’m front of a PC 9-5. Having said that I try and take a 5-10 min break every hour away from the screen.

    And yes I really appreciate having this forum where I can voice my thoughts and feelings on NOFAP. In terms of my urges, they only seem to strike either when I’m going through a bout of stress and anxiety or say after a night out where I’ve spoken to some women. Anyone else have similar experiences with urges?