
  1. Marcus113


    Once, I stumbled upon a video discussing a mouse experiment. The experiment involved placing a mouse in a cage with two water sources: one with normal water and one with drugged water. The mouse, unsurprisingly, chose the drugged water. However, when a few more mice were added to the cage, the...
  2. L

    How it feels to be alone in life.

    That sense of helplessness, this piercing feeling that sinks deep into the body once you find yourself in this situation. I know this feeling by heart, i've always been like this. If we haven't met before, i'm a person with less than a few friends. Ever since i was a child, i had problems with...
  3. tawwab1

    Depornify your life

    Whenever I go to view the newest posts here, I find myself reading the first posts of newbies. After a while they seem to all sound the same: Argh, I’ve been struggling with PMO addiction for 7 years. My girlfriend cried when I couldn’t get it up, and now I’m depressed all the time and anxious...
  4. Change5454

    Worst case scenario (not really)

    4 days into a binge and feel like I'm headed for a big role this time, a grand relapse! It is the worst case scenario for this to happen (exaggerating, but does feel like the perfect storm). Got 2 weeks off work starting several days ago. I'm married and my wife is at work all day. I live in a...
  5. T

    Feeling isolated on the NOFAP journey

    Good evening all, I’m relatively new to NOFAP with my best streaks being between 30-40 days, but recently fallen into a relapse cycle of every 7 days or so. I know I can get up again, weather the storm and improve all aspects of my life to tackle PMO. However, I feel isolated where I don’t...
  6. D

    105 days: My journey so far

    Hey everyone. I haven't posted here in a good while and I figured I'd make a quick post to share my progress. Today is day 105 of my streak and it's been a long road. The pits of my despair First let me start off by telling you about what my situation was like at the peak of my addiction. I...
  7. Davyfreedom

    How to Combat Isolation

    Hi everyone. Over the past few months I've been closely evaluating why I relapse into pmo. Isolation is the one thing that keeps presenting itself as the single most damaging cause. How do you combat isolation you might ask? In this post I will share some ways to deal with isolation in order to...
  8. U

    About this loneliness

    I am writing to you from a city 1,800 miles away from where I live. Before the pandemic, I traveled all through the year for my job, and loved it. I would take care of business in 1-2 days, then stay at an Air BnB or similar for, say, another 10 days. Since I can work anywhere, I just worked...
  9. mAtHy0o

    Can’t wait to be murdered in prison

    Very lost. Made mistakes. Not a troll. Just can’t communicate. Think I have Asperger’s syndrome . Alone all my life. There’s no purpose for my existence. HS sucks. Social anxiety sucks. Mental illness sucks. Pedophillia sucks. Being retarded sucks. I hope I die in a car accident. You guys must...
  10. D

    A little vent.

    Hello friends. I am typing this because I'm in a tough situation at the moment. I broke out of a 4 day binge yesterday after relapsing on day 110 or so. It wasn't pretty. I was laying on my bed, semi flaccid PIED cock in my hand crying inside and fapping away. I ended up deleting my social media...
  11. M

    Porn can’t kiss you, hold you, laugh with you, start a family with you, love you.

    Porn only leaves you feeling empty, anxious and depressed. Porn leaves you with self-hate. Porn isolates you. Porn gives you sexual problems. Porn decreases your empathy for women and other people. Porn kills love. What do you want? Porn or real women and real love? It’s up to you..
  12. karibmati29

    Trying hard to deal with self-loathing, sexual confusion, self-isolation, etc.

    I'm a nerdy 27-year old dude who's never had any serious relationships (and afraid to get into one), can recount the few times I had sex as mostly bad memories, and for as long as I can remember I've always had a huge challenge with loving / accepting myself. After failing the 90-day hardmode...
  13. D

    Day 35 or so. I feel weird.

    After abusing porn and sexting from age 13 to 19 I finally decided to get serious about recovery after suffering from PIED for a year and ignoring it and sinking deeper into sexting and porn addiction. The last few weeks have been weird for me. I feel like I don't even exist. I feel like I'm...
  14. Bhap

    ISOLATION - The Double Edged Sword

    Double Edged Sword: An idiom used to describe something that could either hinder or help you. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've recently decided to open a new chapter in my NoFap journey, and in the few hours that I've...
  15. mentorr

    Can PIED Be Beat During Isolation?!

    Hi Guys, I hope everyone's keeping well right now. A quick and simple question: can anyone offer advice on beating PIED during isolation? I'm at 253 days (8 months), i'm currently going through a nightmare of a flatline which has been going on for just under 3 months now. I recently heard...
  16. takezawa2

    Peak of my addiction I bought a second laptop for porn.

    I remember when I bought my second laptop solely dedicated for watching porn. I remember the rush I felt when it first arrived, it was a high, I physically felt weak (almost couldn't even stand), my hands were shaking, I didn't even know how to use it and I was overwhelmed with anxiety with the...
  17. C

    Coronavirus Isolation and NoFap

    Assuming that probably 95% of PMO happens in your own home, going outside is a great remedy (for myself at least) to stop the intake of P or MO. What do you think? Is this next-level hard mode? Ps. If you have any tips to stay strong in isolation they're more than welcome (;
  18. Avaloview

    I Feel I've Lost All Control Over Myself

    I'm in such a deep hole right now I've no clue where to turn. I've recognized that I have a problem. I am addicted to porn and masturbation, but previous solo attempts at nofap have not yielded success. Just recently, after some bad experiences trying to get into the dating game, I've fallen...
  19. T

    Can I keep my struggle a secret?

    I realized many years ago I "can't" quit porn, and I have tried to quit porn a thousand times, always updating my strategy in order to not fail again. Still, I eventually relapse. Sometimes I wonder if I don't have enough motivation (after the post-relapse dissappointment fades) since I do not...
  20. Topic

    Do you find going out mentally exhausting and depressing?

    During bouts of loneliness, I sometimes find it exhausting to simply be outside. There's something depressing about being by myself outside passing countless people, unable to connect with anyone, no-one wanting to connect with me.
  21. F

    Fisrt day - I made a mess to my head

    Hello everyone, im 34 years old and I've been masturbating myself since I was like 14 or so, everyday till a week ago. Im scared now, I cant get it up when Im with my gal or any other women, it happened to me in the past, or using a condom. I need to mastrubate and penterate in and an out like...
  22. D

    Thinking of emailing the Samaritans or someone

    I try to be strong and not be over dramatic. I try to put things off and try to avoid painful situations. I don't like to talk about how bad things are. I like to fantasise so I forget my troubles. The fantasies aren't always sexual sometimes they're romantic. There are things that are going on...
  23. D

    Trust Issues

    It's only recently I've come to the conclusion I have trust issues. Before I even meet someone I assume they don't like so, therefore, I keep my distance. I feel uncomfortable and nervous around people. I don't believe my friends truly like me and are just pretending to my friends. The last few...
  24. HereAndThere

    I chose to be lonely

    When i was a kid i had bad relationship with my parents. It made me close up, not trust people. No one is to blame really, but even if i could legitimately blame someone that wouldn't solve the issue. Later i rationalized my reaction by painting all people as bad, evil and untrustworthy. I made...
  25. pantuflasdecoco

    What should I think to stop being angry toward everybody?

    I am angry all the time. Anger towards everybody. I'm alone and indoors all day, and rarely go out on my own if it's not for college or something specific. I don't hang out with anyone, I ruined/am constantly ruining the only relationships I have. I'm more isolated than ever. It's complicated...
  26. L

    In need of support/advice

    I had a lengthy conversation with my husband this morning about what's been going on with me. He suggested that I post here and see if anyone else is dealing with something similar and if anyone has any advice. Within the last several years, I've isolated myself from everyone (friends, family...
  27. A

    Day 3 of 100, pmo&hand abstinence lol

    So I have 97 more posts to do here on Nofap. I honestly haven't been experiencing urges. I usually don't in the early days. Probably when I get a week in is when I begin to covet and my eyes start to wander to every woman I see. So by then is when I will need you guys help. I mean, my urges...
  28. A

    Day 2 of 100 + My Daily War

    I'm back from after almost a year leaving NoFap. My time here before was somewhat successful. I had a streak of 22 Days, I believe. Where I actually grew a feeling of adversity towards watching Porn. I remember on my 22nd day, or 23rd, when I visited the website I frequent I felt disgust...
  29. Igaleksus

    Need support here!

    Right now I'm expiriencing really strong desire to watch P and then MO. It feels like something inside whispers to me: "F*ck that! Reboot? Pf! Who cares! You don't have GF, and no one will see any changes in you. Reboot and all benefits from it just a fairy tales. You will relapse, sooner or...
  30. Kman20

    How do I stop my craving for a gf ?

    I seem to get infatuated with every girl I meet and talk to. One girl in particular who has been my friend for a good while now I’ve become so infatuated with since the time we’ve met. Probably because we have so much in common but I spend like the entire day thinking about her, I’ve even had...
  31. T

    Trying to feel different

    Hello fellow fapstronauts, Let me introduce myself : I'm actually 22 (f'ed up when signing up) and studying mathematics at the university. I've been wanking for a bloody long time, starting at 13 or so. I've never really wanted to stop, even though I was guiltripping from time to time (I...
  32. Captain K'nuckles

    Anyone here has social anxiety and feel the need of interact all the time?

    And how this sucks to you? i have this curse but i feel like an very social person, i really enjoy and also feel the need to talk and talk and get attention, but it's strange how from nowhere i start get anxious in social circles and end up quiet...
  33. Captain K'nuckles

    Do not isolate yourself during the change of your life

    Other thing who seems obvious but i want to tell this, i was having a reunion with my family when i was feeling so much alone, we laugh we had dinner togheter and in the end of the day i was feeling full ready to continue my life and conquer the things i need, family and friends have a huge...
  34. Retsek

    10 month hardship

    Hi everyone, just wanted to share my story of isolation and wanted some feedback and maybe assurance that ill get better. Since August of 2016 I've been in South Korea with my step dad and mom, due to the military. When I got here, I was hyped up with experiencing a new culture; the women, the...
  35. M

    My background

    Hi Fapstronauts. I joined NoFap 3 days ago and I might as well get out my comfort zone and introduce myself. As I mentioned in my first thread, my name is Michael, I'm 23 years old, a senior in college studying geology and geospatial analysis, from Atlanta, GA and I decided to join NoFap because...