Google Family Link (Remote App Lock)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by sinner76, Mar 13, 2021.

  1. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Please, don't apply anything except when you finish reading.

    It works as a remote app lock. If you want to install a new app, it sends a notification to your accountability partner and he could approve or reject your request.

    It also prevents:
    *Installing apks without permission
    *Access to developer mode without permission (Blocks USB debugging/rooting)
    *Forces safe search on Chrome (and not other browsers)
    *Blocks porn on Chrome (still not perfect)
    *Blocks Safe mode by default.

    Let's start!

    -Supervise your account directly tip from @muellermilk

    This method is RECOMMENDED you'll get all functions of Family Link and will be able to:
    -Login to youtube using your account.
    -Use your credit card/bank account on Google Play
    -The Parent could end the supervision immediately from their Family link app.
    -The child could end the supervision from his phone BUT the phone will be LOCKED COMPLETELY for 24 hours, not even calls or text messages would be allowed.
    To add supervision to a Google account:

    An email will be sent to the "parent", he should follow the steps and family link will be installed automatically on the supervised device.

    "Google Family Link for children and teens" app should get installed automatically on your device. If it doesn't, go to the play store and try to download a new app, you should get a notification in your status bar: "action required for account", click on it and follow the steps. On some phones, Dark mode will cause some apps to crash when family link for children is installed.

    Your friend/accountability partner should download "Google family link for parents" app on his phone:



    Warning: Google family link allows the "parent" to change the "child's" device PIN code and to even wipe the device. So you have to choose a trusted family member/friend to manage your account.

    Here's what's your friend has to set-up now on the parents app:

    1-Change Google play settings to allow all apps and games. If he doesn't do that, youtube app would be blocked.

    He has to leave the "Require approval for" option set to "All content". So that whenever you download an app from the play store, he gets notified about it and he could approve or deny your request.

    2-Allow device location, so that you could use GPS and location services.

    3-Block apps that you think are unsafe and could cause you to relapse under: "Android Apps"

    4-Enable Safe search and Chrome site filter
    Here's a 2 min demo:

    Note that website filtering and safe search only work for chrome browser.

    Also, apps that you previously downloaded (added to your play store library) won't require permission before downloading again. So scroll down through your previously downloaded apps and download them then let your friend block them.

    Note that "Controls for Signing in" needs to be set to "Yes, ask me every time", if you want the phone to get locked, after a factory reset has been done. A permission will be needed to set up the phone again.

    Removing Family Link's Supervision:
    Just open the Family Link parent's app and stop supervision.

    But if the supervised account is younger than 13 years, you will have to do more steps:

    -You could change the account's age to 13 years.

    Open Family Link's parent's app, click on a family member, click on the three dots in the upper right corner then select account info.

    Click on the pencil on the upper right corner and change the birthday:
    Year: This year -13 (If we're in 2021, 2021-13 = 2008)
    Month and day to tomorrow (If today is 23 March, change the day and month to 24 march)

    You will have to wait for a few days (3-4) till google sends an email to the child's account containing the graduation link. Meanwhile, the parent could turn all the restrictions off from his parent's app
    This method is useless as 13- accounts can remove supervision by waiting for 24 hours just like adult acccounts.

    B)Create a new Google account to use on your phone with an age of less than 13. You won't be able to remove supervision or bypass it without the permission of your "parent". This is the most secure method.

    -You won't be able to login into youtube using any account. You're still able to access all youtube videos but you won't be able to use an account.
    -You will have to use Family Payment options to purchase apps from the play store(and also for in-app purchases).

    Create a new Google account:

    For the birthday, set it to this year (2021), this month if possible. So you get 13 years of protection.

    Also, don't create an account right now as your trusted friend will have to enter his Google account's email and password.

    You'll have to remove other Google accounts from your device other than the one which is younger than 13 years old.

    C)Change your original (main) Google account's age to less than 13 years old (Read the warning first)
    *This will delete all of your youtube data including your subscriptions and playlists. You won't be able to login to youtube using your account on your phone or on your PC. That's why it is better to create another Google account with an age lower than 13 years.
    If you want to do it anyway:

    You can't change your birthday to a date before the date of creation of your account. So if you created your google account before 2007, you won't be able to change your google account to less than 13 years old as 2020-2007=13 years. But if you for example, created your account in 2013, you could change your birthday to 2013 and you turn to 7 years old. Note that whenever the account reaches 13 years old, you could remove google family link without permission. You could change your birthday from the following link, but do it only when your friend who is going to manage your account is present as he will have to enter his Google account's email and password. So don't rush.

    Last edited: Aug 6, 2022
    muellermilk, gabriel_sw1 and AversioN like this.
  2. muellermilk

    muellermilk Fapstronaut

    I added the supervision to my existing "mature" account. So I use the teen version - but I think it's very similar to the child version. However with the teen version, you cannot wipe the smartphone and you cannot change the PIN. You can also turn supervision off, but then your smartphone will be locked for 24 hours.
    xXsinnerXx likes this.
  3. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the info! I never tried to do that, to be honest. So do you think supervising mature accounts could be useful? As you said, you could always turn off supervision.
    muellermilk likes this.
  4. muellermilk

    muellermilk Fapstronaut

    Supervision of my mature account helps me a lot to control my smartphone usage. I use the app mainly to control my bedtime and to filter my Chrome browser.
    Even if I turn off supervision, I have to wait 24 h to get my phone unlocked. This is a problem since I have to use my phone daily. Therefore, I wouldn't turn off supervision myself.
    Being supervised by Family link, I still have normal access to Youtube and to Google Play. So I can use my own bank account as payment methods and I don't need to use the family payment options. You can also have a Youtube Premium subscription associated with the supervised account only.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2021
    xXsinnerXx likes this.
  5. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Okay, I got it. Thanks a lot for the info!
    Is the parent account still able to require approval for play store downloads? Or is this only possible to do on a child account and not on a teen account?

    Also, for the Play Store, you could just set it to never require approval from the parent's app. I didn't know that supervised child accounts can only use family payment options.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2021
    muellermilk likes this.
  6. muellermilk

    muellermilk Fapstronaut

    The parent account of the "teen" can also select the option, which requires approval for all play store downloads given by the parent. Also, the parent account can prohibit installation from unkown sources and the debugging mode on the teen's device. Safe mode on the teen's device is automatically disabled with Family Link on.
    Compared to the child version, however, the parent cannot check the browser history with the Family Link app for teens.
    xXsinnerXx likes this.
  7. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    A friend told me that his phone wasn't locked for 24 hours when he removed supervision from here:
    muellermilk likes this.
  8. Doublep

    Doublep Fapstronaut

    I use this with my wife. It helps me to know I can not look up porn and other non positive information unless I really really try. It works great for me. And it shows her I actually care. It is a small change that we both know is for the best.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2021
    muellermilk and xXsinnerXx like this.
  9. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Good for you man! It's great to have an understanding wife to support you through this.
    muellermilk likes this.
  10. muellermilk

    muellermilk Fapstronaut

    I cannot remove supervision with this link. I guess this option does only work if you just turned 13. When I click the link, I get the following message: "Looks like you're trying to sign in with an account that can't go here."
    xXsinnerXx likes this.
  11. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Phew, thanks for letting me know! So it's not that easy to remove. I'll add that to thread, maybe somebody finds that useful. Thanks!
    muellermilk likes this.
  12. muellermilk

    muellermilk Fapstronaut

    Thank you for adding the hint and the link for setting up supervision!
    xXsinnerXx likes this.
  13. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your knowledge! If everyone shared what he knows, then we could beat this shit
    muellermilk likes this.
  14. smh_fam

    smh_fam Fapstronaut

    That's my understanding, and it's a complete lockdown, no text messages or phone calls (unless you're calling 911).
    xXsinnerXx and muellermilk like this.
  15. Infidel.48

    Infidel.48 Distinguished Fapstronaut

    I found many ways to bypass it.
    That's why using an account less than 13 years is best
    xXsinnerXx and muellermilk like this.
  16. muellermilk

    muellermilk Fapstronaut

    For me it works fine and I am grateful for this option. At least, I can keep my Youtube Premium student subscription and I can use my payment options as usual. In principal, I can also remove supervision from my account immediately since I have access to the parent phone.
    JosephKony69 and xXsinnerXx like this.
  17. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Many people don't need a 100% foolproof blocking system. Sometimes, all what is needed to stay away from P is to increase the number of clicks to get it.
    JosephKony69 and muellermilk like this.
  18. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's a great app! Actually, it's relatively new, released in 2017. That's why you haven't heard of it.
    I feel sorry for the kids now xD
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2021
  19. muellermilk

    muellermilk Fapstronaut

    Frankly, I'm thankful my mum didn't use any parental controls on my computer. But if I were a father, I would also use it to control my kid's internet usage.
    sinner76 likes this.
  20. sinner76

    sinner76 Fapstronaut

    Yep, they will notice of course. If you really need to put it on their devices, you need to talk first.

    Personally, I wish my dad had put an app like that on my phone. My teenage was totally screwed.
    muellermilk likes this.