a productive system

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by Deleted Account, Oct 27, 2021.

  1. I am a student. I want a system to get thing done. i try every one software and try to have a diary but ALL are very complex. i do not want complex things, just Todolist for daily purpose.
    Perseverance 16 and helloguyz like this.
  2. Your default notes app, schedule and Office should be enough. I tried many but these ones lasted.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  3. But i do not have phone for much of time
    Perseverance 16 and helloguyz like this.
  4. Then Google slideshows or sheets on web, which is similar to PowerPoint and Excel on PC respectively.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  5. In that case a simple paper and pen works well for me.
    Perseverance 16 likes this.
  6. i did that but it did not work
  7. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I just always got a physical "Weekly" Planner (view: 7 columns, M-S, times 7 am to 10 pm etc.), and I put a stickie note on the current week listing TTD, with each item labeled as A, B, C, D, etc. Then, in the planner itself, I would block out time for "A", elsewhere "B," etc., but schedule in life and leisure, too. I would cross off the TTD item on the stickie once completed, but if you run out of time for an item, just reschedule remaining time elsewhere. When the week concludes, just move the stickie to the next week and continue. Make a fresh stickie, as needed. The main task with this system is to get everything out of your head and into your planner. This automatically relieves your mind from trying to juggle many things, and it relieves stress or worry that you forgot something. That is the key power of the system, which makes you carefree, a necessary maintenance for a student.

    I graduated Summa Cum Laude just by being this organized (which is nothing complex) and for my study system. All one needs to be an A student is to be organized and have a great short-term memory. That's it.
    Last edited: Oct 28, 2021
    Great Me likes this.
  8. It is Finished

    It is Finished Fapstronaut

    I think you are the most interesting and peculiar member of this site.
    JoeinMD likes this.
  9. Cirilla

    Cirilla Guest

    I use Apple Calendar, Habitica, Notion and most of all Todoist. I wouldn't be alive without Todoist
  10. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    Well, thank you. I would highly agree with the "peculiar" part. Ha!
  11. GhostRider@11

    GhostRider@11 Fapstronaut

    I don't like to plan each and every hour, that's just too much disciplining. I just need to know what needs to be done.
    So I once created a WhatsApp group with a friend, then kicked him out. Then renamed the group - "To Do List". Now, I just post anything that I need to do in that group, and delete the messages for the task that had been completed. It is also helpful for keeping links of important webpages or articles that I want to see later on. When teacher sends some important PDF file in class group, it might get lost among hundreds of other PDF's sent by other kids, so I also have another personal group named "Study Material".
  12. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    What is your problem? What is your purpose?

    You want to be productive? Making to-do lists is good but it's not gonna solve all of the problems around productivity.
  13. I make todolist in pocket diary but i find out even I write them on the diary but at the end it did not complete
    And make me feel demotivated
    Purpose To study only
  14. Hadrian3

    Hadrian3 Fapstronaut

    It's not that simple. My personal experience suggests that my mood is a major factor in productivity. If I am feeling good, I'll probably be productive and vice versa. So, maybe your first step should be finding the cause of problem.

    Also I found this video helpful:
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2021