INCEL / VIRGIN ~ Anger Issues! ( 28 years old ).

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Mr.Tony, Nov 6, 2021.

  1. I feel like I f*cked up:

    I studied hard, I succeed in my Education, I'm a Financial Engineer with an MBA! - Just graduated recently.

    I feel like my father screwed me up! He made me follow a certain path ( Studies ) being a nerd my whole life, I feel like I've screwed up with his advices.

    Yes, In society I'm successful, But within myself I'm not! And I feel like everybody has surpassed me within this Topic.

    I'm starting to feel the symptoms of the Inferiority Complex - I feel like everybody sees me in an inferior way.

    I never had a chance to be with someone almost my whole life! Except once when I had a Kiss from a Girl, Years ago!

    I can't figure out why exactly...

    I have anger issues now, my uncle had f*cked up my Past Year NoFap Journey and Now it triggers a weird Anger issue and stomach pain.

    What can I do now ?

    My Father had 4 Wives, he was successful with women his whole life, but never ever mother f*cking ever told me a single word about it his whole life, I feel like I screwed up big.

    I can discuss this with Family / Friends - I can't take the mockery... I might behave violently.

    I'm sorry, I wasn't like this last year...
    Buddhism Is True and im_done like this.
  2. Outcasted From Society:

    There is nothing worst than feeling unnormal and being mocked at by society, with NoFap it makes me more angry.

    I was a nerd student, I fuc*ed up, I know that.
    im_done likes this.
  3. I can totally understand your anger, I kind of feel the same way because I am finishing college, and I don`t really like what I am studying, but I think of it this way - when I finish it I will satisfy my parents wishes and then I can move on with my life and my personal goals, I don`t have to do the job I`m schooled at, my dream is to create art(music, movies) and I know, as long as I breathe, that I will fulfill that passion. I will probably use my education only to make money, so I can finance my true art goals. The point is you can walk away from your job anytime and do something different - better to be poorer than to be wealthy but unhappy with your job and people around you, sometime the stress will caught up to you and it can lead to physical problems. So advise you just to relax and think about what would you really like to do, and then try to walk towards that goal a day at a time. As for the girls, I am a virgin too, I don`t know nothing about them , so I can`t help you there. But know that you are not alone - there are thousands unhappy people who hate their job, and fear to leave free lives. At the moment I might be one of them, but I know I will risk little bit in the near future and I will never forget my goals!
    ResetButton, im_done and Mr.Tony like this.
  4. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    My family never wanted me to be the sad, kissless, jobless, no car, no skill having 23 year old I am today. However, the environment I was raised in made didn't teach me any different. Connecting with women was something my father and stepfather didn't tell me. Possibly because it's just something people do. My family would never have anticipated the state of dating and sex-deprived men of today.
    "Stick to those books and it will all be worth it!"
    I wouldn't say I was a nerd because a nerd implies a level of proficiency that I never possessed. Why couldn't be raised to be an athlete? Instead, I was raised in a stuffy house with women, children, and a stepfather that had to work all the time. The only "advice" I received was from my mother and grandmother that, of course, was garbage that I never attempted. If I could go back, I would maximize my looks and not allow myself to coddled.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2021
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  5. My personal goal is:

    Becoming a Millionaire or Die this way.
  6. I had a Black Belt in Muay Thai / Kick Boxing - I've spent 4 years of my life, Living inside a Gym! I'm fit, My problem is I never learnt to speak to many women, That really in itself is not the problem, the feeing I feel over discussion this Topic is Unnormal!

    I feel uncomftable...
    Buddhism Is True and im_done like this.
  7. im_done

    im_done Fapstronaut

    That's neat! I started my fitness journey not long ago. Yo, if this is a hangup, I would buy someone for the night if I could. Love, romance is just a fleeting rush of chemicals in your brain, not magic. That's wnat I plan to do, anyway. Also, there are many more male virgins than you think. In many western countries or developed countries, it's becoming more of a epidemic.
  8. You might want to get yourself a copy of The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi. Download the audio book and listen while you lift. There is a language that women speak, a wave length they operate on. A framework fundamentally different from that of men. Reason and morality have nothing to do with it. Its relational and narrative. You are 28 years old. You 100% have time to figure this out and start making good on your sexual market value.

    A lot us have of shit fathers. That's a big part of the reason we congregate on boards like this one. We never got the guidance we needed. Don't let that stop you from unearthing the exact nature of your problem and devising a solution.

    You aren't getting the time and attention of the women that you want because you are either unwilling or unable to find and push their buttons.

    It isn't about being nice or mean. Its more of an indifference to her approval. An ability to perform. To demonstrate your value.

    Most of my success with women over the years was accidental. And much of what I did on purpose was wrong. I am still working out how to do the right things on purpose and the wrong things not at all. Game must be internalized, not regurgitated. And it must be connected to the rest of your life.

    You are not alone in your anger or your misunderstanding.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2021
    ResetButton and Mr.Tony like this.
  9. Sounds familiar. I too have an MBA, but some time later I realised the sad fact is, for many jobs that involve this, maybe only 25% actually boils down to intelligence, the rest will be down to people skills and some congruence factors (discrimination still occurs, but only in unwritten forms).

    I too had no father figure growing up, always at work, and when not emotionally absent. Ultimately they probably have only done what they thought was best.

    Let me say though, although it won't seem it, 28 is nothing and lots of time is on your side.

    Setbacks are discouraging, but don't let them define you, I did and it will only make you more depressed.

    Targeting money is fine but ask yourself is it something you really value? It's entirely possible that once you get to this arbitrary figure you will be no happier.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  10. Thank you, I will follow your advice.
    This NoPMO Journey is making me feel weird, Last year I was pretty successful.

    The weird frustration... Is making me go crazy with a big anger.

    My problem is not Porn, My problem is where I f*cked up ? My body is saying I'm a failure, while in the same time I'm not.

    It's a little missed up, All of this is basically related to my stomach pain and NoPMO.

    I'll try my best for now.
    Buddhism Is True likes this.
  11. It sounds like what you are describing is "red pill rage" but you haven't taken the red pill yet so you don't have any vocabulary for what you are experiencing. Porn is a buffer against the pain of failure. Facing that pain head on is what we are here to do.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  12. So from what I've read in this thread, you're not an idiot (you're an academic success), you're not a loser (you just landed a great job and career path), you're fit (and I assume in great shape) and you're a Muay Thai/Kickboxing Blackbelt. These achievements are fucking impressive dude because they aren't easy to achieve - you have to consistently work hard for years which is something a lot of people heavily struggle to do.

    You being a nerdy student isn't anything to be ashamed of - I was a rebellious, sporty student and I'd much rather of just been a nerdy student (constantly getting in trouble and making silly mistakes vs acing school and being smart). In fact, I just started university now and I'm trying so hard to become more nerdy because I'm beginning to flunk my subjects. Getting women is just about practice and consistency (much like your other achievements) so relax dude, you're in a pretty good situation and have so much potential.
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  13. A good thing to improve your confidence is to find yourself, find what you are and try to improve the now and try to repair your past bro. I was lost for a long time before NoFap and self development that helped me process all my emotions. Girls like a guy who is well put together so they can admire them. It's about not thinking about sex and trying to get to know their personality. Sexual thoughts kind of ruin your approach. Another thing is how you dress that attracts them. But more importantly it's about how you feel about yourself. You have good in you, you just have to figure out what that is
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2021
    Mr.Tony likes this.
  14. That is a contradiction in itself.
    He was actually not succesfull in love trust and commitment?

    Ride out your anger, let it all out. It may be a part of the mourning process because the loss of your father.
    I miss my father but I alse see the reality of my relationship with him. I need both parts.

    A million will not make you happy.
    Death will not make you happy neither.

    They both won't bring back your father not will it bring the life you want.
    You need to learn to follow your heart and decide how you want to live your life apart from your family.

    All the best for you.
    Mr.Tony and Chevu Chelios like this.
  15. Could be... I feel a little weird with my Body screaming out.

    Cortisol is everywhere when going full blown NO PMO, I had to do something stupid a few minutes ago...

    MO: without Porn - As porn is toxic!
    I wouldn't lie, the level of Snger went down immediatly afterwards, I've felt relaxed with a Rainy Night outside, cold as it is. I've felt good somehow...

    Last year, I went 360 days No PMO / No Sex. I think I had these Problems but somehow I ignored them.

    I'll try to find a solution, what's the best healthy option ? For someone who doesn't have access to Sex ?

    I don't want to end up Raging or becoming Mentally Unstable due to NoFap.
  16. I believe in the Red Pill thinking.
    Buddhism Is True likes this.
  17. How you dress plays a big role too...
    I usually don't know how to speak, or I'll speak akwardly without any sense at all, I can hear the Oblivion Music on the background, Especially if the girl is attractive.
    Buddhism Is True likes this.
  18. Well there you go ya cheeky bastard, another strength - you're able to focus your mind to one thing and stick to it. I'm trying to be like that but I'm struggling so much. I have a very indecisive and impatient personality which makes it hard for me to stick to routines, accomplish things and keep friends/potential girlfriends. My brother is like you and he's on his way to becoming a millionaire now.

    How do you not have access to sex? I think you should just put yourself out there and try to get a girlfriend.
    Buddhism Is True and Mr.Tony like this.

  19. I usually don't go outside a lot, I have that Isolated Nerdy Personality.

    Beside studies, I never talked to a girl...
    I velieve I can that too, I just never had time nor the energy to do it!

    I'll do my best, Hope you'll do your best!
    And I'm Happy for your brother! Good Luck to him!
  20. We are stuck in the same place. Luck and chance have got to be replaced with purpose and skill.
    Mr.Tony likes this.