No passion but need a career ASAP! Any suggestions??

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by GripStrength, Dec 3, 2021.

  1. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    I’m looking for help from people here!

    I (unfortunately) due to severe long term depression have zero passions right now. (Oh how I long to be passionate about a subject so much as to fall in love with an idea).

    I have a problem though. Try a lot of debt from drinking on a credit card, anddd a kid coming, and what will be 30 000 dollar plus hospital bill.

    I need a career ASAP. I need a job that pays the best pay I could possibly find. I don’t really care what it is but it would be nice if there is some element of creativity, and an opportunity to branch out on my own once mastered.

    Does anyone have any suggestions of decent paying careers? I’m very open as I have no passions right now. I can put in time like for apprenticeships etc. Schooling might be hard. But open to suggestions for anything.

    I am just so incredibly lost when it comes to Jon’s and careers. Have no idea what’s out there, no idea what anything pays. I had no intentions of being alive past 30, so honestly have never put any thought or consideration into this. Now I’ve been scrambling for the last few weeks trying to research and brainstorm.

    Can anyone help me out with some good suggestions?! Thanks!
    Asgardian36 likes this.
  2. Coolbreeze

    Coolbreeze Fapstronaut

    You could try one of these personality tests to see what suits you based on your answers and then look around on LinkedIn or other platforms accordingly.
    GripStrength likes this.
  3. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    Thanks. Literally never thought about this or done anything like that
  4. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Gather a list of six jobs you're able to tolerate, then throw a dice and whatever number you get pursue the job that corresponds to that number.

    I think a great way to lift your depression is realizing none of this really matters, yeah for some that might be more depressing but it also means you don't have to take things so seriously.
    GripStrength likes this.
  5. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    The problem is I don’t know six jobs to throw in. That’s what I’m looking for some help with.

    And yeah I try to do that. And was living like that for forever. Didn’t really help much. Just was like yeah no point being alive at that point.

    I do need a good paying job though to get my own property and support a kid and stay at home mom.
    Quezatolah likes this.
  6. Quezatolah

    Quezatolah Fapstronaut

    Yeah it's true, you do need a purpose to live, and it appears you got it now.

    I'm in no position to offer any advice on good paying jobs, I wish you well on your journey.
    GripStrength likes this.
  7. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Hey I struggle with clinical depression. I take meds everyday due to it. I have struggled with your exact issue for quite a while. However, after searching for a long time, I have finally decided I want to become an optometrist.

    I feel you, it is a struggle. And school is a struggle. And I'll let you in on a secret: 98% of people aren't "passionate" about their career. Most people just show up, do the job, go home to their families (or no family). The thing that helped me decide was not to try and find what I was passionate about, but rather something that is tolerable where I don't dread going to work everyday and something that helps people. See if life went according to plan, I wouldn't have an addiction, I'd probably be in a loving relationship with someone, I'd be a musician who is well-known enough to make good money but not too famous, I'd be out of my parents house, and I'd be traveling the world. But those types of lives are rare. So I can give you a tip what I have found to be me most helpful in my life:

    Don't try to pursue your passions. 99% of the time it just doesn't practically work. I mean if we all tried to be musicians and authors and journalists, society would collapse. Instead, look at the market. See what sectors and jobs are predicted to grow and be needed (i.e. technology, medicine, law, social work, psychology, etc.), and then just play the elimination game. If you see a career that doesn't match with your personality, don't pursue it! You're just going to hate it for the rest of your life. So build your career plans on three pillars: 1.) What will be needed/what will grow in the future. 2.) What matches your personality. 3.) What you'd be willing to work for. It doesn't have to be this perfect, ultimate job. That's a lie society tells us. "Fulfill your dreams and everything will be great." Problem is, 80% of our dreams are usually crushed by reality. Stick to reality. Find a career that you think you'd be okay with personality wise.

    And, hey. If you do write a book or a song or whatever and get famous off of it. Then great! I want an autograph. But until then, just find something that is useful to society and something that you wouldn't hate.
  8. Archangel VIII

    Archangel VIII Fapstronaut

    A good job is more about who you work with rather than what the actual job is. Good co-workers can make McDonalds a super fun job while bad co-workers can make being a superstar the worst job.
    GripStrength likes this.
  9. BenSarek

    BenSarek Fapstronaut

    Would you not be safer seeing what jobs are actually available first??
    Check the classfieds or your local job finder website or newspaper.

    Honestly I'd go with a government job or a really reliable company. Something where you have surety and won't be sacked on a whim.

    I did teaching English as a foreign language for a year, that was so much fun.

    I was a forest ranger for a while too, again best job ever apart from when it was absolutely soaking wet.

    Good luck buddy.
    GripStrength likes this.
  10. The problem with posts like this is that most people like this are trying to hit people up for money, by pretending to be in recovery. I can't accuse anybody, but my suggestion is to keep the subject about recovery from PMO.

    Another dude's income is not your responsibility. Let it be.
  11. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    ?? what are you even talking about? Where did I ask people for money?

    I’m not a beggar.

    I asked if anyone had any good suggestions.

    Which I’m still very lost about. (If anyone does have any good ideas or knowledge of decent paying careers)

    I don’t know why your comment offended me so much. But seemed pretty unnecessary. You’re telling people don’t give me suggestions? Don’t help me? That I’m somehow asking for money? What the actual hell are talking about?

    This is also the self improvement forum. Everything to do with self improvement. Why would anyone have to talk purely about not masturbating?
  12. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    Thank you
  13. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    As of the last probably 5 years or longer my dream was to have a family. So I’m pretty set for that! And feel very fortunate.

    But yeah, I’m just going to hop in to whatever I guess. I try to think of what suits my personality. Retained,
    Skeptical, naturally study people’s behaviour, dig in to what people say to find the truth, can’t stand people thinking they can take what they want from people whenever they want, never forget a face ever... All signs would point to being a cop. But I’m not clean cut at all or good at retaining that cop personality they train you to have, and the way things are you’re just naturally hated even if you became a cop for the right reasons.

    Have very poor verbal communication. So anything that requires a lot of socializing to become successful is just not going to work at all.

    At this point I really don’t care. I’d become a plumber if I knew for sure I’d have a half decent income for the next 30 years.

    People used to suggest that I become a forest ranger before, all the time. So that one suggestion actually completely reminded me of that which I forgot. That’d be cool if I could keep my family close by. I’ll actually look into that.

    I’m passionate about making enough to support a stay at home mom and kids, anything that brings home the bacon is good for me. But definitely sticking to what is a good fit. Like a real estate agent or something is absolutely out of the question. Not to mention I’ve always felt dirty selling things and accepting money that way.
    (Shout out to that last comment >=[]). Hey at this point if someone said that people that specialize in DVD player circuit boards make 100 grand a year and no one is doing it I’d dive right in! Literally do not care what the job is!

    If I write a book I’ll give everyone on here a signed copy :p. Thanks for the inspiration though!
    Don'tLookBack likes this.
  14. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    That is very true! But for me (I should have been more specific) a good job is one that pays enough to support other people than myself. And have my own property eventually. Those are my only real requirements.
  15. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    I like that forest Ranger idea. Thanks
  16. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Dude maybe could be like a forensic scientist or something like investigation behind the scenes type stuff. So you can use that kind of inquisitive personality you have, but you don't have to put yourself on the front line like cops. You wouldn't really need the best talking skills, as long as you can write a good report. But hey, you'll figure it out. I'm glad I could put in my two cents.
    GripStrength likes this.
  17. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    Hmm ya, that is a really good suggestion. I also like that it would take a lot of hard work to get to be in that position. And that it’s different all the time and challenging. Almost unrealistic at this point with the schooling I would need and pressure I have to cash out as soon as possible. But I like that it is just on the edge of being able to grasp for some reason.
    Don'tLookBack likes this.
  18. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    You know, you've only got this life to make the best of yourself. I'm all for realism, but sometimes we need to take a few risks. Just make sure that when you commit to something, you strive to follow through.
    GripStrength likes this.
  19. GripStrength

    GripStrength Fapstronaut

    That is good advice. Just whatever I pick. See it through. I really have no other choice now... unless I want to be a dead beat dad. Asking for donations on nofap :p (shout out to that one guy)
    Don'tLookBack likes this.
  20. Don'tLookBack

    Don'tLookBack Fapstronaut

    Also remember to be compassionate with yourself. And always keep in mind that if there is a better option available for you. Always take that road. You've got this!
    GripStrength likes this.