How I quit porn in two weeks

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by JohnWatts77, Dec 21, 2021.

  1. JohnWatts77

    JohnWatts77 Fapstronaut

    I realized I had a porn problem when I wasn't able to get an erection with girls. (FYI, I have been a heavy porn users for the pass 15+ years. I started watching porn videos when I was 15 and now I am 53.) I tried quitting porn the recommended, way but just going cold turkey, but it didn't work for me because I was using porn to masturbate when I was stressed. It was my stress relief mechanism. And here is the problem with any kind of a stress relief. If you don't replace it with something else it will be very difficult to quit it which was my case with porn. So instead of try to quit porn directly I decided to take a different approach.

    Whenever I got stressed out I would masturbate BUT I would force myself to imagine that I was having sex with real women I knew. I didn't stop looking at porn while I was doing this but I stopped masturbating to it. I noticed that after about a week porn didn't excite me as much anymore. I kept doing this and after about two weeks I didn't need to look at porn anymore. In fact, I could look at it and feel almost nothing. I had rewired my brain to associate sex and orgasm with real women.

    Now, this may not work for everyone. Maybe I am just unique in my mental abilities or have more control over my brain. The funny thing is, just from pure habit, I still want to watch porn BUT when I do I don't feel anything and just stop. I think it will take some time for me to break the habit of going to porn when I am stressed since I used it for stress relief for so many years. I even tried masturbating to porn recently and it was difficult. It took a long time to cum. In contrast, I am able to cum when masturbating to fantasies of real women fairly quickly.

    I think I need about a month to really know if I have gotten over porn but it definitely does not have the same effect that it did on me two weeks ago. Today, I really don't even feel any motivation to watch it and there is nothing stopping me from doing so (no porn blockers etc.). Instead of forcing myself to stop watching porn I just removed the benefit of doing so. I don't know if this will work for anyone else but you can give it a try and see if it does.
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2021
    savage_redemption likes this.
  2. Tuvok

    Tuvok Fapstronaut

    You haven't quit porn
  3. PegasusKid

    PegasusKid Fapstronaut

    Maybe i'm a bit confused but it sounds like you've just grown numb to porn because you've found a new stimulus for masturbation, which happens to a lot of people on here. But you're still going to porn sometimes, you're just not enjoying it so this is kind of walking on a tightrope. For most people, this would just lead to another type of unhealthy relationship with porn where they feel they can control it despite being an addict not so long ago, which is just....idk. That mentality usually leads to testing yourself to see how you respond to porn, and that tends to end badly. But yeah, give it a month or maybe longer and then check back in with this strategy. Going to porn when stressed is still going to porn. Whether or not that's a problem for you is up to you to honestly assess.
    WesternWolf, ShotDunyun and Candun like this.
  4. Jaime1978

    Jaime1978 Fapstronaut

    I've been honest with myself my addiction is the reason I have 2 failed marriages I've cut out porn and masturbation but its driving me crazy I'm on this site hoping to change myself but I'm finding that this day and age everything is sexulised I love watching you tube but had to stop so many tik too bids pop up how did you just stop?
    zaho, Droopy, randomname3 and 2 others like this.
  5. Man, you are fooling yourself! You need to just quit, that's all.
    This forum is full of good advice...take it. What you describe has nothing to do with superior mental ability, sorry to say.
    WesternWolf and randomname3 like this.
  6. JohnWatts77

    JohnWatts77 Fapstronaut

    I don't know but to me the real power is not in controlling yourself but not having to control yourself at all. It's the difference of not keeping any alcohol in your home because you are afraid you will drink (if you are an alcoholic) vs having alcohol in your home but not being tempted to drink. I use to literally watch hours of porn every week. I use to masturbate to porn for hours until I was literally exhausted. Now, I don't do any of that. I don't know what your definition of progress is but to me this is a BIG deal. At the end of the day it does not matter what technique you use to get results as long as you are getting results.

    One interesting thing I have learned is that we can continue to do something that is habitual even when it no longer gives us the reward it once did. It take times to break these habits. For example, I don't drink Coke but whenever I eat a hamburger I still want to drink Coke. There is a strong association in my mind between hamburgers and Coke. The stronger the association/habit the longer it will take for us to break it. Now I drink Coke when I eat a hamburger NOT because I actually enjoy Coke but because it's a habit. I could break this habit but since I don't eat hamburgers that often it's simply not worth the effort - so I drink the Coke.

    There is nothing wrong with watching some porn now and then, it's when it becomes an addiction that begins affecting your life in a negative way that it becomes a problem - like any kind of addiction.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
  7. If it works for you, then I am very happy for you. But how many days have you gone without watching p? Because if you are still watching it daily, then I am afraid you mind is playing tricks on you. (I am very familiair with with that).
    Candun and Roady like this.
  8. randomname3

    randomname3 Fapstronaut

    Glad to hear you're making progress already! Chances are, after a 15 year addiction, your body and mind will need a lot of reprogramming, which takes a lot of time and repetition. Just don't get discouraged if it starts to get a lot harder before it gets easier. Keep learning how to do better and get up again and again, and again, until you're free!
    Candun and JohnWatts77 like this.
  9. JohnWatts77

    JohnWatts77 Fapstronaut

    When I started I stopped watching porn completely and I was able to do that for about two weeks. My real problem was that I didn't have a way to handle stress without masturbating. In my mind, stress relief = masturbation and porn was the fastest way to do that. In the past, when I went on holidays I wouldn't look at porn at all. My porn habit was/is closely tied to work and stress. For me the key is finding another way to deal with stress. But let's see, I will stop watching porn again starting today and see how long I go without watching any. Thanks
    Candun likes this.
  10. JohnWatts77

    JohnWatts77 Fapstronaut

    What I have found to help a lot is to not be alone. Get out of your home, be around people as much as possible. This will distract you from even thinking about porn.
    randomname3 likes this.
  11. the300clean

    the300clean Fapstronaut

    "How to be a millionaire in 2 weeks!"
  12. I noticed the same, that I used watching P as a way to cope with stress and negative feelings. I am not there yet where i want to be. But what helps me dealing with stress is meditation and journaling.

    Wish you the best in the journey
    JohnWatts77 likes this.
  13. Candun

    Candun Fapstronaut

    Have you thought about new and effective ways to help out your stress?
  14. JohnWatts77

    JohnWatts77 Fapstronaut

    Nope, no new stress relief solution. I just try to stay out of my apartment as much as possible and to be around people. This seems to help me feel less stressed but I am also less productive. The paradox is, that productivity creates stress. The more productive I am the more stress I experience because I am just working a lot. I suppose this applies to all of us.

    I have tried meditation before but it didn't seem to help me that much. Also, we experience more stress when we have more uncertainty in our lives.
  15. NutMaster777

    NutMaster777 Fapstronaut

    That makes no sense at all, if you don’t have to control yourself, then it wouldn’t be a big deal do just don’t drink the Coke, you don’t enjoy the Coke but still drink it, sounds like it would be easier to not drink it, but you do. So you have an illusion of control-> If I wanted I could stop drinking it, If I wanted I would be the best student, If I wanted I would be a great pianist. Those are lies to justify your lack of compromise.
    Tuvok likes this.
  16. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    NoFap to me means rebooting, thus sexually being a monk. True cold turkey because you are over the cycle of porn and masturbation and how you KNOW it makes you feel after. Don’t have any fallbacks on your behaviour. Just go for it now, otherwise more time is wasted on the old habits.
  17. JohnWatts77

    JohnWatts77 Fapstronaut

    As I said, this is just one approach. If it doesn't have any value to you then don't use it. Everyone is different, our brains are different, our personality, our experiences. Just because something works for someone else does not mean it will work for you. What matters is that you find something that works for you. The HOW does not matter, as long as you get the desired results.

    My approach focuses on the cause of the problem not the symptoms. We are not watching porn for no reason. We are not masturbating incessantly for no reason. Why do we still have a drug problem when we have such serious laws against drug use? Because we haven't addressed the WHY. Why people are using drugs. As long as the reason people use drugs remain it doesn't matter what we do, people will continue to use drugs. It's the same with porn. And is a drug, it's just as addictive as you all know.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2021
  18. Well, that's debatable.
    What about death? That's uncertainty to the extreme!
    Are we all doomed to a life of stress because of uncertainty about something we all have to face?
    No, we can embrace uncertainty, we can embrace the mystery, we can embrace the moment no matter what the next moment may bring!
    NutMaster777 likes this.
  19. JohnWatts77

    JohnWatts77 Fapstronaut

    Death is not an uncertainty. In fact, it's one thing that you can be certain about: that you will die someday :)
  20. JohnWatts77

    JohnWatts77 Fapstronaut

    Well, I may not have much motivation to watch porn but I still can't get it up for sex with a live girl.