Accountability journal

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. I have intermittently tried doing for nearly 25 years (I am 34 and was exposed to porn at a very young age) but this is the first time I have ever sought the support of others, albeit anonymously, but am hoping this is a big step for me. Already it feels different and I have more confidence? Have others felt similar when finally seeking help?
    Tao Jones likes this.
  2. End it

    End it Fapstronaut

    This is a battle that isn't meant to be done alone. That is why 1 Corinthians 10:13 "nothing will befall you except what it is common to man" and there quite a few other verses about fellowship among believers. Keep taking steps outside of your comfort zone my friend! This addiction feeds on loneliness and isolation. That why Satan tries to get us to feel shame, because then we feel like we cannot come to others. Happy to have you here, and look forward to seeing more posts from you!
  3. I also struggled mightily for 25 years entirely solo. I never could get free on my own. It wasn't until I got into a recovery community and committed to staying connected with it that I finally started making some headway. Keep reaching out. We are here to support you in any way we can.
    Perarduaadastra99 likes this.
  4. Thanks so much! Have already read through so many others’ stories and advice that I can tell this was a good decision. My initial goal is to go 90 days free of PM (I have done similar stretches in the past before and feel confident in doing so) but long term, if yesterday is the last day I’ll ever give in…I would be ecstatic. Getting into the word daily and spending time in prayer is something I need to get more serious about and have also put off physical exercise for far too long. Being in a community like this has already been so inspiring
    Tao Jones likes this.
  5. Im slowly beginning to see that shame is absolutely a tool of the devil, even in the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve felt shameful about what they did and hid from God rather than going to him and asking for forgiveness. Thanks for the support!
    End it likes this.
  6. Made it through day 1. I’ve been here before. I know day 1 is easy, day 2 is less so. It gets harder from there, reminding myself that the temptation WILL come. I WILL want PM eventually and Satan is going to throw everything he can at me. I must remember that it only comes in waves, if I can resist the worst of it the wave will pass.
    End it, Tao Jones and Wysrem like this.
  7. Day 2 in the books! Baby steps…
    Tao Jones likes this.
  8. Forgot to check-in yesterday but was so busy it wasn’t an issue at all for day 4! Things at work are going to slow down a bit this week so I’m preemptively trying to prepare myself for when a wave of temptation inevitably comes.
    Tao Jones likes this.
  9. Didn’t have any issues at all for day 5. This feels different than other times I have tried to kick this. I feel much more in control, generally in the past the 3-5 day hump was the hardest for me but I feel really good about where this is going and much more confident using this forum to keep myself accountable
    Tao Jones likes this.
  10. End it

    End it Fapstronaut

    These journal's are great. I do recommend you get multiple weekly and daily check in accountability partners in addition to this journal. While, I can't really be an accountability in a software sense (I blocked email), I would be fine with talking! I am sure there are a few other guys on here with a bit more experience that could help as well!
    Tao Jones likes this.