Loneliness causes PMO, not the other way around

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Paulie G., Mar 30, 2022.

  1. Paulie G.

    Paulie G. Fapstronaut

    Hey Guys,

    It's been a long time since i've posted something on here, but i recently made an interesting experience and i wanted your takes.

    So i tried doing long NoFap streaks for a couple of years now, usually the longest i could go was 1 week or 10 days max. Maybe a month ago or so i decided to try Tinder again. Surprisingly i had my first match ever, that was nice, friendly, not 20 miles away and agreed to meet.

    We agreed to meet the following week and she actually showed up. She even came to my place (i was completely thrown off by this. I actually didn't even take the date seriously, i thought it was just gonna be a learning experience for me, because i was nervous af and expected her to go home after like 20min and never text me again. i would have NEVER thought she would come to my place, but i asked her and for some reason she said yes!!!) and we watched a movie, cuddled, made out and she even made me O. It was an incredible experience for me, because i never did something like this (it was my first kiss, i'm 24 btw). It was literally one of the nicest moments of my life (maybe the nicest one), and i don't even mean the sexual thing (we didn't even have sex) but just holding her and her touching me was such an amazing feeling, i can't even describe it.

    Now here is the interesting part: After we agreed to meet and after the meeting i had no urges to PMO at all. I think when we agreed to meet i already was at day 5 and i didn't even think about PMO until we met and also not in the days afterwards. I think i went up to like 20 days in total without thinking about P*rn or m*asturbating AT ALL and it was completely effortless. All it took was a tiny spark of hope, that i could actually have an interaction with and get to know an attractive REAL girl to completely 100% kill my urges of watching p*rn. I only relapsed on the day we had our second date planned, because she cancelled a couple minutes before the meeting... That actually devastated me, because i was looking forward to seeing her again the whole week and then when i was just about to leave the house, i read her text. It hit me like a ton of bricks.

    I used to think that i can't get a girl, because of my PMO habit and that i would be able to get one, if i just reached x amount of days. But now i think PMO would be no problem at all if i had more chances to talk to girls and go on dates. I think PMO was never a real problem i had, it was just the consequence of having no real experiences in that regard.

    What do you think? Has anyone experienced the same? Do you think PMO was never my problem?
    TheLightOne and jcl1990 like this.
  2. Randy Andy

    Randy Andy Fapstronaut

    Lol the cause of pm+ is addiction. There are so many "here's why, no that's not why" that are just ideas. We can look to our experience, we don't have to believe every thought that passes through the mind. The reason we often get caught up in theoretical "this is why people use p" has two parts: 1 we don't like calling ourselves addicts it doesn't sound good, hurts pride and 2 something inside me "wants to watch pornography" among many other things so if it can get me debating about theories I will become the master debater I.E. arguing keeps me from having to give up what I simultaneously want to give up and keep doing. That's very uncomfortable, like slamming the gas and the brake at the same time. We're all in that process most of the time, sometimes more on the side of wanting to give it up sometimes more "wanting to do it.". Also it's appealing to have a simple answer, eg if I just don't get so lonely I'll be able to control my pm+ that way. I predict that that will not work long term, in particular on the if chance that someone stays porn free for decades that way they still won't be as happy as acceptance would have made them.
    Paulie G. likes this.
  3. You are the only one who can decide if it's a problem and/or an addiction.

    Even if PMO is neither, you might consider completing a hard mode reboot anyway.

    This will rebuild your brain and body in such a way that you will make a far better future.

    Because you will be surprised and amazed at the kinds of changes that will result.

    These aren't going to come to you because of taking the easy way in life.
    Paulie G. likes this.
  4. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I do believe in a lot of cases that having a girlfriend or the act of going on a date... that this can completely rid your mind of wanting to PMO.

    Last year, I hung out with a girl two times. Had one O with her as well, which was on day 22. Just from feeling this warmth and complete difference in how I felt inside by hanging out with a girl I actually liked and feeling that from the inside.... this led me to get to day 94 on that streak, before a relapse on day 94.

    And this girl didn't want to hang out with me anymore after we hung out those two times. But just the good feeling of talking to her and trying to date her and actually touching in a romantic way... THIS was very powerful

    I'd say that you shouldn't give up on this girl yet. She probably still wants to hang out. Yea she had to cancel, but don't give up on her. Continue with your NoFap streak.... She could just be seeing if you are willing to put in the effort to try and get her back!! Don't give up on her just yet
    Paulie G. likes this.
  5. Paulie G.

    Paulie G. Fapstronaut

    I wasn't talking about generalities here, just about me personally. I'm sure there are people that are ADDICTED to p*rn, but I don't think I am. I was never a hardcore user to begin with and if i had a gf i could stay away from PM with 0 effort, i'm 100% sure about that now. So i think that for me PM is just appealing, because i have a need that is unsatisfied, but if i could satisfy that need or even just have a tiny bit of hope to satisfy it, i lose interest in PM entirely.

    The problem is that when i relapse i do so, because i get that frustration, anger and feeling of missing out. It's not just horniness that makes me relapse, what gets me is seeing couples and guys that are successful with women and knowing deep down that there is no way for me to get what they have. And i've tried to get to 90 days for literally years now. I guess you could say i didn't try hard enough... Maybe you're right. But no matter how dedicated i start a streak out, at some point i get frustrated and all it takes is 1 minute of negligence and i start from day 0 again. Idk... at this point i think i just can't do it. So maybe i need to try something new.

    It was weird, she cancelled last minute and i thought her excuse was made up and she just didn't want to see me anymore or found something better. After that i basically thought it was over, but then she texted me again a couple of days later...? why would she do that? So now i'm thinking her excuse was maybe not made up hahaha. I told her to text me if she wants to hang out again, so i'll see what happens. I'm more concerned with finding new possibilities to get to know girls tbh. Because the problem i had when dealing with her was: I have one option (her) and she probably has dozens and dozens of dudes in her phone that are at least as "good" or better than me. She probably sensed that and that's why she cut me off.

    I don't think she will text me again, but if she does: great. If she doesn't: ok. Maybe in a couple of weeks i can try again, if i figure that there is nothing to lose anymore at this point.
    jcl1990 and Buddhabro2.0 like this.
  6. Do you have any idea how many times I started and stopped a reboot?

    It's the reason why I have over 300 days every year, but this is only my third full reboot.

    Keep trying.

    Remember that all you need to focus on is getting through TODAY.

    Don't put any more expectations on yourself.

    You will do it.
    Paulie G. likes this.
  7. TheRebuild

    TheRebuild Fapstronaut

    Don't get carried away with the idea that having a woman will make all this go away. You're going to get pain and frustration in a relationship and when that happens you're going to get triggered back into your old habits. Even if the relationship is fine, you will be tempted to PMO again. When it comes to this the grass is never greener. You need to get to the root of your issues and start fixing them. PMO is just your way of checking out of life. Start replacing it with something else. If you're frustrated go for a walk and clear your head instead of looking at porn. See that as a win and a positive action that you've taken control. Keep doing it. Build a belief system within yourself. You need to start reprogramming how you respond to things and that takes a lot of time.
    Paulie G. likes this.
  8. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    I think you have a good chance with her still. Maybe don’t wait a couple weeks before contacting her again. Maybe text her asking how she is in like 5 days, and if she would like to get some food or something

    You remind me of situations I have been in before with girls… Girls seem to view time very differently than guys.. if a girl cancels on us last minute and doesn’t talk to us for two weeks… us guys kind of assume it’s over. But this isn’t the case with girls at all.

    I am almost 100% sure she still likes you, she was just either actually busy that day when she cancelled, or she is seeing how you react to this because she wants to see how you could potentially be as a long term option

    and yea, I feel similar to you as far as PMO “addiction”. When I go on a date with a girl I like, or if there is a possibility of a girl I like wanting to hang out, my desire for PMO drops to 0% because I deeply feel how much better the real thing is.

    Anyways, it doesn’t matter how many guys are after her, it probably isn’t dozens. She seems to have you as one of her top choices, so try to remain emotionally calm and balanced during this time.
    Paulie G. likes this.
  9. Paulie G.

    Paulie G. Fapstronaut

    Alright, thanks man. I'll keep trying.

    Hmm you're probably right with the grass on the other side thing... but i just can't imagine how I would get an urge for PMO if i had a gf and did it at least once a week. But yes, i've never been there, so i guess i can't really tell. The thing is though, i think that IS the root. I think the root of my issue is that i have no social life at all and never even have the chance to talk to women. I probably should work on making male friends too, i just don't really know how to go about that... and yes replacing PMO with good habits is good advice, thanks.

    Well, idk where you get your optimism from, but i sure hope you're right
    It could honestly go either way, she could text me again this weekend or next week or i could just never hear from her again. There is really no way of telling for me how she acts, she confused me a lot already . To me her behaviour doesn't really make sense, because, me personally, I either am attracted to a girl or not and if i'm attracted i will try to meet her. if i don't i will try to get rid of her and never text her without her directly asking me something. She doesn't appear to be on either side, or sometimes on the one side and then on the other...? I'm only talking about the texting now, in person we really got along great from my pov. i probably was awkward sometimes, because i was so nervous, but she came back to my place, so it can't have been that bad either.
    I think it really just comes down to my "competition". Sometimes i'm at the top of her list and then she wants to meet (or schedule something), but then maybe someone "better" comes along and she cuts me off again. So, it's really in god's hands, but i keep my hopes low. That way i will be very happy if i see her again, and if i don't i won't be suprised or sad or anything. I'll keep you updated how it goes, if i remember to do it hahaha thanks
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2022
  10. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    """"""To me her behaviour doesn't really make sense, because, me personally, I either am attracted to a girl or not and if i'm attracted i will try to meet her. if i don't i will try to get rid of her and never text her without her directly asking me something."""""""

    The way you are viewing this is from a very logical perspective and very rational. I don't think women think like this though, at least not as much as guys do.

    The optimism comes from a couple things. First, she hooked up with you... Second, even though she cancelled at the last minute that day, she texted you another day and was talking to you again.

    I'd say you should ask if she wants to hang out again and try to plan a day. Don't just wait for her to text you. The fact that she texted you after initially cancelling, at least in my opinion, this shows that she was telling you that she is still available for you... She doesn't want you to stop pursuing her
    Paulie G. likes this.
  11. Paulie G.

    Paulie G. Fapstronaut

    hmm, you're right. if you put it like that, it doesn't sound that bad hahaha

    but now i kind of have to wait at least a week or two, since i told her to text me if she wants to hang out, don't you think? i think it would come off kind of weak if i told her to text me when she wants to do something and then two days later text her again asking her if she wants to do something...
    jcl1990 likes this.
  12. jcl1990

    jcl1990 Fapstronaut

    Yea it’s probably better to wait at least 5 days minimum. Im just guessing though

    maybe you could say something for example like: “hey, so I thought I was gonna be busier this week but I’m actually free on Tuesday night if you’d wanna go to this place” and then if she replies saying she can, then great. If she replies saying she can’t, then you can ask her schedule and try to figure out a day for a date. And if she doesn’t respond, then wait another week and try again
    Paulie G. likes this.
  13. TheLightOne

    TheLightOne Fapstronaut

    Same man;) u are normal
    Paulie G. likes this.
  14. TheRebuild

    TheRebuild Fapstronaut

    I hope for you being in a relationship helps you move past it, but there are a lot of guys with gf's, who are married etc who are still trapped by this problem. It isn't that you're getting a sexual release with your partner, it's that your brain wants more. We see sex objects everywhere that trigger us. The problem isn't a lack of sex, it's that we have a lust or desire in us that can't be filled by our partners. We get desensitized to normal things and need more to get us off. If you've never been with anyone or not had a relationship, in the beginning that will be new and novel to you, so it will probably quench the feelings you have. But over time, don't be suprised if your need for PMO comes back.

    Also, you've mentioned you PMO when you're hurt. Well if that happens in a relationship, you might not be able to get sex, so you'll be tempted to go back to PMO to soothe yourself and that can set up a whole new guilt/shame cycle that you're using PMO instead of being with your partner.

    I'm not saying being in a relationship won't help you, but you need to keep an open mind and be vigilant when it comes to this. There is no magic cure.
    Paulie G. likes this.
  15. Paulie G.

    Paulie G. Fapstronaut

    yeah, i'll see if she texts me (don' think she will) and if she doesn't i'll just try reaching out one last time next week or so, but mentally i've already written her off. i mean it will be almost one month then since we saw us the first time and she probably went on dates with 10 other dudes in the meantime, i don't think she will even remember me at this point lol. hell she found someone better in like 5 (!) days between our first date and the second we had planned, that's probably why she cut me off hahaha

    yes i could see that happening. probably it won't cure all my problems to just have a gf... but tbh i can't think of anything else that frustrates me like not having any chances to talk to women. i mean of course some small things happen during the day that piss me off, i think everyone has that, but those are not things where i think to myself "man, whatever might as well throw myself under a bus..." and they don't really trigger me to PMO tbh.
    TheRebuild likes this.
  16. frosties

    frosties Fapstronaut

    I believe moments of loneliness lead to porn and porn leads to loneliness. I will only eplain the second implication since you've already explained the first. I feel like porn cuts me off of my emotions, it helps me prevent myself from connecting with people. I believe I am not getting too close to people on purpose because of fear of getting hurt but I still have the need for connection. Porn helps me kill/numb this need. It does the same with my sexual needs, it "answers" them (it also enhances them unfortunately, and renders the satisfaction less then it would be with actual real sex) and that way, prevents me from getting out of my way to seeking any kind of physical relationships. So yes, porn helps me cutting me off from people and makes me feel lonely.

    As for the woman you are referring to, even without knowing her I seriously doubt she's talking to 10 other dudes haha, you overestimate the time we have to spent on multiple guys. Two is already way enough for most. Also, people can sense when a guy (or a girl or anybody) doesn't think high of himself. Self-deprecation reeks and is repelling while confidence (or rather knowing your self worth) is very attractive. This is good news since it means you can get attractive by cultivating your self worth, which does not depend on your looks or your achievements. If this girl agreed to make out with you in your own apartment, you're probably not as uninteresting to her as you seem to think you are, I doubt she's already forgotten you. If you do choose to send her a message, maybe you could write in a breezy tone, detached but interested nevertheless?
    Paulie G. likes this.
  17. Paulie G.

    Paulie G. Fapstronaut

    That makes sense. Seems like we have an equivalence between loneliness and PMO hahah

    Did you ever use Tinder? If she's very picky, she has probably still 5-10 (very good) matches per day. I assume she meets some of them, otherwise she wouldn't have met me. 10 guys in 1 month is like 2 or 3 per week, do you think this is unrealistic? If you combine every text she ever sent me, she could type that in probably less than 5 minutes, then our date was one evening. I don't see how that is so time draining hahaha. but anyways, i'll try to meet her again next week, maybe she comes out... wouldn't be the first time she surprised me lol
    and i'm not trying to be self deprecating, i'm just being realistic. I really can't explain her behaviour (or that of many other women) from my POV. But if i imagine having 5 hot chicks hitting on me and begging me to go on a date with them every day, i can perfectly see myself acting like they do hahah
  18. frosties

    frosties Fapstronaut

    I do use Tinder and I am a chick, I do have a lot of good matches, date propositions, but I certainly don't message all of them and actually meet very few. Maybe a first message but I quickly know which one (emphasize on the one) I actually want to talk to. It is not as mathematical as your demonstration, it doesn't take me a lot of time to have a conversation with the match, but I don't really have "mental time" and interest to give to multiple people at the same time. Maybe it is different for your match yes, but maybe it isn't.

    There are multiple explanations for your chick's behavior and I actually have one, it's merely a guess. Maybe this woman has trust issues, I know for me it is very scary not only to trust someone enough to get emotionnaly and physically close to them but it also scares me that one may get attached to me in an unhealthy way, which can happen when someone doesn't value themselves, they will do everything to please you and it is scary. (although I think it scares me because I myself don't value myself much :') ) Which is why I talked about a breezy text, those are the kind of message matches send me that completely erase my fears and make me want to meet again.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2022
    arahis and Paulie G. like this.
  19. Paulie G.

    Paulie G. Fapstronaut

    Ok guys, it's been two months now, so i thought i give a little update on my situation.

    I met this girl again actually, but i really blew it. She didn't really show that much interest in meeting and i had to do all the "work" (asking her again and again...) and it gave me a weird feeling and as a result i was very tensed up when we finally met.

    Then i met another one, and i didn't like her that much tbh. I mean she was nice, but she was very masculine.

    Two weeks ago i met a third one and she was cute. I think she wants to meet again but she is preparing for exams atm and so she doesn't have time. But, thanks to her, i am now on day 19. I think this is the longest streak i ever had since i started nofap many years ago. So... i will definitely keep going, my goal would be to last until my birthday. that is over 100 days in total. i hope that at some point i have a chance and enough courage to start a conversation with a girl, so i don't have to rely 100% on tinder hahah
    arahis likes this.