My Story of Porn addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Logan116622, Apr 11, 2022.

  1. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    Hello, so I'm going to do something I have never done before. I'm gonna tell you guys everything about my porn addiction in the hopes that it helps me and other people. I started with porn young, probually 13 or so. Someone at school told me to search it, and I had my own laptop so I did. Worst mistake of my life. At first I didn't jerk off because I didn't know how to. But once I figured it out I was hooked. I started with it every so often, progressing to a few times every day by 15. My porn genre began very vanilla, but over time it started to change. First to cartoon porn and then to incest cartoon porn. I hated myself but I couldn't stop. I was bullied a lot at school, porn was my friend, it helped me to feel better. Then again my porn genre evolved to gay porn, I fought between the gay porn and incest for a few years. Neither side won. My life was overtaken by porn and jerking off, my record was 12 times in one day. There was nothing else. I never had a girl friend, I didn't date, I had few friends throughout all of high school. I was depressed, thinking daily of suicide. But I held on and carried on. Fast forward to when I was 26, nothing had changed. I didn't know who I was, what sexuality I was l. My porn gentes had gotten even more extreme, i was powerless.There was no point to my life. But when I turned 27, something clicked inside me. I began to fight back slowly. I accepted that I was bi, I moved out of my parents house, I began my first relationship. But the porn was still there. It hurt my relationship, one of the reasons I am now single. I started NoFap, making some progress till now, with my longest being 21 days. I still struggle, but I am trying to fix myself. Thanks for reading, I plan to keep you updated on my process if anyone is interested? Let me u know please, it would help.
  2. desmond3

    desmond3 Fapstronaut

    I will be reading it, please keep us updated.
    And don't give up on yourself. You are one of the few who understands masturbation is a problem, the world needs you.
    health life likes this.
  3. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    Thankyou for responding! Really apreciate it, I shall keep you updated.
  4. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    Day 3 today. Feeling good, not been having too many urges. Busy for next 4 days so should be good hopefully.
    WilliamJ.F. likes this.
  5. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    Day 6, still going!
  6. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    First week down!
  7. WilliamTheChristian

    WilliamTheChristian Fapstronaut

    Congrats on a whole week!

    There's also a Journal or Log area on this website where you can read other people's daily victories against porn addiction.
    health life likes this.
  8. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    I relapsed. :( It started with edging, it never ends well. I think the chaser effect is partly to blame. But really it's me isn't it.
  9. Leon12

    Leon12 Fapstronaut

    You are different because you have recognized the problem and admitted it, which is the first step towards “Freedom”. You now dig deeper into your inner self to uncover the motives behind your abusive and discreet porn dependency. Once you find out the root cause behind your porn use, you’ve already done most of the heavy lifting. What works for other people doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll work for you as everyone is different, so take into consideration your uniqueness along the path to recovery.

    I would like to share with you an effective method that you can use to your own advantage so that you have no excuse to make.

    I also have put a link for you to download your own copy of my recently published book, it's a method created from my 2 years struggle with porn "Download your free book copy"

    1- Set your date and time to stop

    Set a date and time to cease masturbation to porn and carry on as usual right up to the moment you select to stop – Don’t quit cold turkey from day one, as that will make you feel as if you’re depriving yourself of something. You must particularly not think that you’re making a sacrifice. It is vital for optimal recovery.

    2- Look forward
    Remember – you’re not giving up anything because porn did nothing for you. In fact, it only made your life miserable. You get no long-lasting healthy pleasure from it, and it simply kept you in its belly for far too long – a slave to lust. Get it clearly into your mind: you are losing nothing, and you are making remarkable favorable improvements not only in health, energy, and money but also in trust, self-esteem, independence, and, most important of all, in the length and quality of your future sex life. You’ll enjoy being a non-porn user from the moment you go through your last session.

    3- Have a final PMO'ing session
    There’s nothing to sacrifice – you’re getting rid of a heavy burden. Watch your final porn video and make an irreversible promise that you will never watch another video again or view women on the net as sexual objects no matter what happens. This is the most crucial decision you will ever make because the length and quality of your future sex life critically depend on it. What’s more, you know it’s the right choice actually as you make it. You know that you made the correct decision, never even begin to question or doubt that decision, and never let anyone influence or shake you confidence in your own decision.

    4- Be cool about the process
    Your brain will eventually rewire from the effects of porn consumption the more you abstain from porn use, but that doesn’t signify that you will feel utterly miserable because you can’t have another sneak peek. The physical withdrawal is very moderate, and it quickly fades. Take the time to appreciate that you won’t have to deal with any pangs after successfully leaving porn addiction behind you.
    Slowly but surely, reprogram your mind to function without porn because it can and always could.

    5- Don't keep waiting for the moment of revelation
    Do not try to avoid discussions about porn out of fear that you’ll be influenced to relapse. You must be highly confident that nothing can reverse your decision. Go out and appreciate social events right from the start and do not envy porn viewers; instead, you should pity them. Realize that they will be coveting you because every one of them will be hoping they could be like you: free from the nasty porn dependency.

    No porn addict wants to see their loved ones PMO’ing which means they desire they hadn’t begun themselves. Recognize that it’s not you who are being deprived, but poor porn consumers are. They’re being denied their mental health, vitality, peace of mind, self-esteem, courage, self-worth, and freedom. If you’re ever questioned about your no PMO lifestyle, just ditch the conversation and don’t even bother explaining the long list of benefits of NOFAP. Do not cast pearls before swine.

    6- Think about porn
    Don’t try to resist thinking about porn – it just doesn’t work. If I say: “Don’t think about a monkey”, the first thing you’ll think about is a monkey? Just make sure that whenever you remember porn, you’re not thinking: “I am craving just one more PMO’ing session right now, but I am deprived” but instead think: “Isn’t is great that I don’t need to waste my valuable time on porn anymore and I have no motivation to do so anymore. I’m a recovered porn addict!” Then you can safely think about porn all you want and you’ll still feel no threat to relapse at all.

    7- Don't sneak a peek, not even one
    Never be fooled into thinking you can “sneak a peek” just one time to get over a stressful life situation. If you do, you’ll end up trapped in no time at all. Never think about it one last time; always think of the clean streak. Don’t compromise your outstanding achievement by dropping your guard down, don’t slack off. Stay vigilant and disciplined.

    8- Don't go on a porn diet
    Do not use porn to quit porn consumption. That will make it more complicated and painful to stop because it’ll enhance the illusion that you’re making a sacrifice. You can’t treat poison with poison. Get through your head that by going on a porn diet, you will keep the cravings alive and constantly suffer and end up very confused. You can’t heal a heroin addict by prescribing fewer doses of the substance that caused the very problem in the first place.

    9- Never doubt your decision
    Get rid of all the porn content and cut all possible ways porn might appear in your life again. You were already a non-porn addict when you finished your last PMO’ing session. In fact, one of the best joys of being porn-free is not having to deal with it anymore. You have put an end to your own self-imposed slavery.

    10- Once free, preserve your freedom
    You will soon recover your lost powers back but be on your guard not to get trapped again. If you ever think of having “Just one last sneak peek,” remember that there is no such thing, so the question you should ask yourself is: “Do I want to throw my great achievement into the dirt only to get back in the trap that I have fought so hard to break free from? a disgraced porn addict again, every day craving those perverse scenes ?” The answer is “No.” Why not? “Because I hated being a porn slave every day – that’s why I decided to better myself in the first place and become normal again.” It’s essential to remind yourself if you slack off and unconsciously drop off your guard. A little reminder every now and then works as a powerful inner suggestion and will do wonders.
    Logan116622 likes this.
  10. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    Starting again. Wish me luck I need it. I found myself resetting my laptop so i could watch porn getting through all of my blockers!
  11. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing! Keep trying, it's never too late.

    Is this relationship with a guy or a girl? I'm curious
  12. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    It was a guy
  13. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    I'm on 5 days again! Feels good
    desmond318 likes this.
  14. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Was? Did you 2 break up?
  15. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    3 months ago
  16. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    Make it a week again! Feeling positive, just need to keep going.
    robidubi and desmond318 like this.
  17. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    12 days now.
    desmond318 likes this.
  18. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    16 days.
    desmond318 likes this.
  19. Logan116622

    Logan116622 Fapstronaut

    Made it to 20 days. Something I have learned is count any edging as a relapse.
    desmond318 likes this.
  20. At Day 3 , facing a rejection. Need help and support for my motivation. I am feeling like it will be better to do fapping for some time and enjoy some p*rn*gr*phic content. :(:emoji_sob: