In a world full of hentai is there room for anime?

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by thexcrimsonxghostie, May 31, 2015.

  1. I'm sorry but when a country has been so hijacked by porn that girls can get groped and raped on a subway train makes me sick to my stomach. There are millions of people crying out for ALL this crap to stop and nothing is being done about it in Japan. In addition to what I posted about the child porn... why is the Japanese government doing anything to curtail this blatantly warped brand of porn from spreading to other parts of the world? World leaders use porn to keep people wired in and appeased so that they can be sedated and destroy families as the establishment is your family.

    As Leon Trotsky once said, "God is the state, and the state is God."
  2. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    I will fight you with everything I have if you want to harm this genre!
    Rapes, groping are not right but there is nothing immoral about hentai!
  3. so there's nothing immoral about loli? Get real bro! You can go ahead and fight. But, when it's all said and done, there will be nothing left of you so to speak.
  4. Zerg Prosecutor

    Zerg Prosecutor Fapstronaut

    Absolutely not!
    It might be disturbing but sure as hell is not immoral...they are not real children.
  5. Look! Perhaps you live in a nice glass house in suburban white-power land or something where everything is perfect and you've never had to want for anything or have endure suffering like I had... but I've seen reality for what it is. If you were ever molested by family or others, you would have a different point of view wouldn't you? Now... I play the victim, but still what happened had happened and maybe they may not be real children BUT IT CERTAINLY REINFORCES CHILD MOLESTATION AND EXPLOITATION!

    From this point forward can we refrain from derailing threads.
  6. Dude, now you're just being a troll. Obviously you're not here for the same reason everyone else is. why are you even on this site?

    Here give this a read and see how horribly wrong you are.
  7. Governments are too busy using porn to bank off of us! haven't you noticed? Otherwise they would have done something about it. As for Japan, I've read the people have pretty much had enough but nothing is being done. Therefore it's on the people, not the government, to change it like they want.
  8. Hey thanks for derailing a perfectly nice thread with your trolling guess who's getting reported
  9. It looks to me like we got our thread back guys.
  10. NobleKid

    NobleKid Fapstronaut

    Everyday i have alot of troubles but Naruto helps me to stopp fapping
  11. Haniff_Khalid

    Haniff_Khalid Fapstronaut

    I stopped watching anime because of this. It leads me to watching hentai because of the boobs and panty shots. So i know that watching anime is not safe for me anymore. I limit my time watching tv shows as well cause i take most of my time watching sports and documentaries (well, sometimes).

    My friend had tons of anime and hentai videos stored in his hard drive. He loves it so much but i wouldnt dare to consider as a porn addict. Because i am a porn addict as well...
  12. ...........I'm so done with trying to find filters that work. Because not a friggin one of them do!

    Each one I've tested either works for awhile and then fails or just doesn't work period. I get so sick of thinking I have something that's gonna help me but let's me down every time. I'm told that testing a filter won't set me back, but it's a little disheartening when it feels like you gotta walk on eggshells with image searches unless you are super meticulous and specific in what you type even with safe search on! Sorry for going on a tirade, but I can't keep that bottled up in my head.