Semen Retention and Pre-Cum (cowpers gland) fluid

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by god_follower, Sep 22, 2015.

  1. god_follower

    god_follower Fapstronaut

    Question: I know there are many health benefits with practicing semen retention. So many professional athletes deliberately abstain from ejaculation prior to a big match because doing so gives them a huge edge in performance.
    Ancient Chinese Medicine says this is because we lose some "jing" each time we ejaculate. (Jing is the heart and soul of our body's vitality.) Losing it affects energy, mental ability, and weakens your body's immune system.
    Does pre-cum have jing in it? (the clear kind from the Bulbourethral a.k.a. Cowpers' glands) I leak out a lot of precum everyday whenever I have a sexual daydream or read something that's triggering.
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2015
    Bradford0418 likes this.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Have you changed your mind that the Bible does not forbid masturbation?
  3. god_follower

    god_follower Fapstronaut

    I just now saw your question that said : "Have you changed your mind that the bible does NOT forbid masturbation?"
    I have not changed my mind one iota. Alexander Rhodes deleted my post about what the bible says because he didn't like it and then gave me a warning because bible verbiage is not allowed in the NoFap forums.
    Sure, I can have bible verses in the personal forums, but nobody will see it.
    NoFap deliberately marginalizes Christians to the personal journals for that reason.
    NoFap's policy towards God's Word is pure hate and censorship.

    Do you think the bible is silent on masturbation?
    It's not silent.
    Masturbation is sin.
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2015
  4. IGY

    IGY Guest

    I just wondered where the thread went. Thanks for explaining this.
  5. JD1

    JD1 Fapstronaut

    What happened?
  6. Christopher Palmieri

    Christopher Palmieri Fapstronaut

    @god_follower What you say is true of this Mystical Energy Force.
    So, the Chinese call this Jing? I've read Hindu and Greek views for this, as well as Christian. Personally I know that energy loss is huge when you release your sperm. I 'm certain Cowper's gland fluid has no semen. The semen comes from the testis. However I have read that semen can occasionally leak into the penis and have tiny trace in the pre-cum. Most wearily though, If you came the previous night say; then you have sex in morning, sperm will still be left over inside your penis shaft, so you need to pee to kill the sperm leftover actually.

    This makes a lot of sense actually. Think about if you retain semen for one month. If you are having sex then I would think that because you are probably at full semen supply some could leak out. My Grandmother actually told me this is how she became pregnant. She said your grandfather had a leak. Pretty sure some sperm could leak if you're testis are full... So yeah.. Don't have sex with a woman no condom if you're in that state.. Or she might give you a presant in nine months :D.
    Bradford0418 and god_follower like this.
  7. programer

    programer Fapstronaut

    What's this happening to our Threads. I wrote one and Titled it, Celebrating 150 days of Nofap. It changed from Nofap to rebooting. Who the heck is doing all this...
  8. god_follower

    god_follower Fapstronaut

    I would say Alexander Rhodes did it or one of his volunteer surrogates that have admin rights.