Ending my life :(

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by drunkenmaster, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. There'll be varying advice on watching television and movies. For me, it's fine, as long as you're not spending the majority of your day doing that. Others will disagree, and suggest severely limiting screen time. Doing anything, including eating, affects dopamine levels. What's important is to do high productivity activities a lot of the time (reading, exercise, a project, a hobby), and low productivity activities (watching movies) some of the time. It's all about healing your dopamine levels and training them to respond to new activities that are more meaningful and productive. Reading stimulates dopamine, but it's obviously a lot more beneficial for you.

    When you're bored, it's a case of pushing through, because your brain is wanting that hit, and the key is not to give it a hit via a potential PMO trigger - Instagram in your case. You have to train your brain to like something else, but it'll take time.
  2. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    From monday I will start atm I am exhausted from masturbation and porn it has been very hard
  3. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    Lucifer, may I ask what could I train myself in to likeing I dont watch movies very rare like hardly ever not as much as when I was growing up but just today I want to relax as I am at the bottom atm my biggest problem is and you have identified the issue Instgram its the (what shall I do next ) kicks in then I go there then it leads to porn its about finding happiness in meaningfull actvities I like architecture I also like women obviously who dont

    for example Lucifer I feel atm dead from masturbation after a few days I get bored then body is feeling strong then I hit instagram (then all is over) because I get bored of reading and exercising and you said I have to enjoy those actvities over time.
  4. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    My biggest problem is finding something I like apart from masturbation
  5. It's entirely up to you.

    I like reading fiction, watching TV shows, exercising, writing, and of course, I'm working during the week. When I wasn't working, I volunteered to fill some of the time. I make sure I read and write for at least 6 days of the week. Sometimes, I just lay on my bed with music on, and think about my creative writing. I also follow an exercise program, and occasionally complete puzzles to help with brain recovery.

    It's almost like revising when you're at school. You don't want to do it, but you just have to stick with it, because it's a far better option than going on Instagram, or fapping to porn. Due to my longish back to back streaks, and supplementation, I'm able to recall much of the fiction I've read in the last 6 months. There's brain fog there, but recall is so much better, which in turn, helps my writing.

    Also, I'm doing this for law of attraction reasons.
  6. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    I know a promise you can successfully keep: Promise to always get up and try again; meanwhile, be gentle and merciful toward yourself. It is a journey, and sometimes a long one. If longer, it may be because there are other issues you need to deal with first, which are actually more important than no-PMO. Eventually, when you no longer need PMO to medicate those now non-existent issues, PMO is more easily eradicated - like the last man standing. You not only come out the end of the process with the addiction beat but with many of your other sides polished and more actualized toward authentic living and real freedom in life. Life's journey is for the very purpose of facing these obstacles - one by one, little by little. Take the steps you can today, and tomorrow is another day. Promise always to pick up and try again - it is the stamina and courage that is forging within you a lot of masculine noble virtues - such as - fortitude, temperance, patience, forgiveness, boldness, confidence, humility (which is truth of self - neither self-deprecating nor self-aggrandizing), virility, better love of self, better love of others, etc. All these prove more important than no-PMO in the end, actually, and PMO might just hang around to sand down and polish the rough edges off you - until you come out as one gem of a person. Then, PMO itself may more easily fall while such virtues are acquired to some better degree. Yet, the very growth is in the struggle (like weightlifting for the soul - there will be falls and burns). Best wishes!
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
    drunkenmaster and Lucifer. like this.
  7. Sorry, I got my messages mixed up.
    You shouldn't improve on Monday, you should do some improvement today.
    Are you British?
  8. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    Yes I am British I have started from today
  9. Good. You have a headstart over several billion people, therefore.
    You can do it. Please remember what I said about doing some squats.
    Do or don't do.
  10. Ketherlonk

    Ketherlonk Fapstronaut

    I would highly recommend installing a filter where you can block specific sites that cause you to relapse, Instagram in your case. I have blocked Facebook, Twitter, Instagram on my devices, because they all led me to relapse. I consume better content now and don't miss them anymore!
  11. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    I can block them on my phone but on desktop its hard desktop pc is my main problem browsing instagram at hot women
  12. Ketherlonk

    Ketherlonk Fapstronaut

    I have filters installed on my laptop. I think this should work on desktops as well. I use Covenant Eyes, but there are many other good ones like Net Nanny. One has to pay for those, but there are probably free ones as well.
  13. Please, don't do this, try to do something, like i in difiicult life-situations, i watch cartoon's, and some of them is giving me motivation to life. Try to find something like this, maybe you like videogames, or sport.
  14. StevenBlack' hosts-file - Try that, you can found it on GitHub.

    I don't use social media, just because he collect a lot of personal data, the best way - transfer you'r friends to eMail or What's App, or something like that.
  15. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    We as humans are not even supposed to browse images on instagram and porn. Especially on computer screens. Its not natural.
    YOu dont have ot turn your clock back to stone age, just 50 years.
  16. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    I struggle with that and I agree your 100% correct I shouldn't this is why I am here in this group getting support I want to stop I really do u could help rather and I know your not condemn.
  17. CoomSlayer

    CoomSlayer Fapstronaut

    "Death is so terribly final, while life is full of possibilities." ... Tyrion Lannister

    Even if you assume everything as terrible as it can be, you must understand if there is even a 0.01% chance you can overcome this addiction (and let's face it, there's a much higher chance than that given people can quit chemical substances like drugs and alcohol) you must take it for yourself.

    This extreme step you're thinking about taking, if you take it, its the end of your story. Blackness. Not even credits roll. Is that how you want to go out? Groveling on the floor? What would you say to God..you gave up because you couldn't stop touching your cock? That's not good enough mate. There are guys fighting for every minute to live, some other guys staking their lives for noble causes. You don't get to throw yours away for something pathetic like this. No sir.

    You are better than this , you are more than this and you CAN do escape this addiction. AND get your dream life!
  18. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    Lovly words many thanks for that I am not going to end my life I needed support which I have know recieved I am starting my journey today Day 1

    Please be with me instead of fighting against me in the thread add me as a friend do whatever lets work as a team and get through this I want to change I am starting today
  19. If you truly want to 100% stop watching porn and fapping, you need to make it harder to access it. Get porn blockers on all your tech. Or better yet, just stick with a laptop and throw away your smartphone and get a flip phone with access to a internet or mobile data. Or get a light phone. Also, I highly recommend reading the SPAM REMOVED (spam code #001) - REPORT TO MODERATION way. You can read it or listen to it for free, just search it in your browser. The book gets you into a better mindset and gets rid of your fear of "missing out" on porn (Which goes for every addiction). Also develop better habits like working out, reading books, taking cold showers and making your bed in the morning. Keep yourself busy. You should also get into a habit of mindfulness. Journaling and meditation are both good for keeping yourself calm and to lower your chances of fantasizing and relapsing. As you develop better habits you start to also develop discipline and it eventually gets easier for you to not relapse or have urges.

    Suicide is not the answer, it's not even an option. Trust me, I've been in your position many times throughout my life. But, I never gave up. I'm still struggling to this day, but my journey isn't over yet, and neither is yours. Patience and persistence is the key to succeeding in life.
  20. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    cool, I have a blocker on my pc its all down to me end of the day :)