Do Nofap benefits come in different stages?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by numpty, Sep 28, 2015.

  1. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    Okay am at day 25 today and by day 16 I had experienced the following;

    1) more attention from females
    2) more energy to cope throughout days particularly when sleep deprived
    3) getting less angry especially over small things
    4) improved erections

    I know i mentioned more in other topics but this is all i can recall now as am pretty unwell at the moment and one half of my brain is trying to tell me fapping will help but the other half (which is growing) is telling me it wont!

    So am wondering whether different benefits come in different phases. However i know some of the stuff i mentioned others experienced this much later!

    So what benefits did you guys gain at what stages?
  2. Sergey123

    Sergey123 Fapstronaut

    I think this approach is a little wrong. I see people on the forum rushing to see the specific benefits of nofap on early stage. I think it not as important as you think. As more you progress in nofap progress you will have better state of mind. You will be more peaceful, focused, happier, etc.
    I can make a list of more than 50 benefits that I felt during reboot, but it nothing near the state of mind I having from rebooting.
    pornisnotrealsex likes this.
  3. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    I have been confident with girls for the last few years.

    Day 8-10 for more energy and day 16 for more attention. Bearing in mind that i was going to relapse before day 16 it was hardcore i couldn't cope! Absolutely unbelievable! !

    @Sergey123 benefits should be sought for as this can be a motivational factor to stick to nofap. I absolutely struggled just before September. I would fap 6-10 times a day was going back to my old ways where i used to do it upto 20!

    However i struggled and had many motivational factors each new one being a stepping stone ie

    1) struggled for the first 4 days
    2) got to day 10 and got into this "chaser affect" to succeed nofap and felt more energetic
    3) day 13/14 struggled and antagonised was going to relapse but do you know what kept me going? Thinking i will never recover and my current streak of 14 days will go to shambles

    4)for my struggles on day 13/14 i was REWARDED with BENEFITS - more and more women eyeing me up

    Day 25 today - as i said in OP am unwell i just went to get medicine i look like a tramp cant walk straight and have stomach cramps. And guess what? I got eyed up by 2 females.

    I am not being big headed but each benefit rewarded makes me more motivational.

    I rather have my mind full of excitement for nofap and its benefits rather than porn fantasies and other pathetic sexual nonsense. I have realised people rebooting do activities to occupy themselves but IMO that's for PHYSICAL purposes MENTALLY they have not occupied themselves and they stumble on the "viruses" buried in the mind.

    And 25 days is not early stage as IMO

    25/30 = 83.3% of one month complete

    When i will reach 30 i will have a "head start" for 2 months as i will already be 50% complete ;)

    Reboot IMO is about mental awareness and developing defences. Yes i have done something that others call edging HOWEVER it was for preventative purposes ie i did start to M or view porn but then mind kicks in and tells me "this is wrong and you will lose progress". Yes i edged but I stopped M - for me that is developing control which is required for nofap.

    How i will do for the rest of the time only God knows.
  4. proxerproxer

    proxerproxer Fapstronaut

    Good Luck
    numpty likes this.
  5. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut


    Thanks. Its encouragement and support from yourself and other members that helps. Because only those that have been or are in your position know what it is like!

    I said i was going mad at day 13/14 and was going to relapse. Made a topic on here and got tons of support which contributed to not fapping. The ultimate key to fap or not is your mind. Currently our minds are fuelled by shit that encourages fapping. Sites like this can be the fuel sources to not fapping!

    @alexander thank you for creating this site. Nofap never occurred to me it's just a stumble that i came across last year or so. I think similar sites were created in the last 5 years. Wish i came sooner - but hey better late than never (remaining positive! )