Ending my life :(

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by drunkenmaster, Jun 24, 2022.

  1. jay3241

    jay3241 Fapstronaut

    Just to motivate you, I tried quitting since 11 years ! I am 30 year old male and could finally quit when I was facing terrible withdrawal symptoms 40 days into my nofap journey. Today I am 123 days clean with no sexual release whatsoever ( had only 1 legit nightfall, could abstain release on 2 other occasions by kundalini exercsie) the only motivation that will help you is to realize the terrible brain and body damages that are happening albeit unnoticeable right now. They will show up sooner or later and with a vengeance. I never believed in all this until I myself faced extreme anxiety, panic, mood swings, despair etc.
  2. True One Shot

    True One Shot Fapstronaut

    What's up surely you don't want to kill yourself just because of porn it's just a bit pathetic what's the real problem?
  3. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    I have spoken to some good advsors your so far is probly the worst lol anyway I have had some good advice from other forum members I am not killing myself but if you push me.
  4. ceeport

    ceeport New Fapstronaut

    When you’ve gathered enough strength go outside. Walk, you need to breathe and you need to be. This helps me immensely.
    I still struggle weekly but instead of doing pmo every day I’m doing it once every 5 days now and I’m trying to aim for more but it’s hard but the main thing is as long as you’re making progress no matter how big or small. I’m now even considering doing a 10 day vipassana retreat as I’ve heard it’s benefited lots of addicts, and it’s free also. Might be worth having a look. All the best
  5. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

  6. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    The brain doesn't necessarily think it's porn . Your talking one on one with someone on an online dating site known for hookups.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2022
  7. mdz

    mdz Fapstronaut

    To me chatting to a woman online (which is not natural in the first place), together with getting a dopamine rush and erection, is a red flag.
    That is why I now stay away from Tinder and dating sites.
    Perhaps for a non-addict that is okay to use dating sites.
    Nevertheless, I prefer to meet people in person, addict or not.
  8. Upwards2020

    Upwards2020 Fapstronaut

    I'm not disagreeing I think if your progressing with no pmo , staying clear of sites like tinder is smart and necessary. But many people who watch porn and use dating apps which is probably a massive number of people , but if people who are committed to NoFap go on dating sites and see it as a personal issue .it is not . It's a dating app that was my point .
  9. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

    Just jog on ok off my post
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  10. As someone who has suffered from suicidal ideation, I cannot echo enough how powerful it has been to write out, sign, and have a witness sign a promise to never give up.

    Now I know addiction deals with brain chemistry, neuro pathways, etc. but before that became a factor, there was an issue within me that lead me to make unhealthy and self-destructive choices that ultimately escalated to being addiction. I think taking time to reflect on your own history may help you discover what caused you to get to where you are now.

    Doing this, for me, has helped me greatly in ending tons of unhealthy and self-destructive behaviors, and making progress with ridding my life of this PMO issue.
  11. clan Leader

    clan Leader Fapstronaut

    oh sorry
    i misunderstood
    i read so fast
    i have also come sucidal thought and now its gone
    so i wanna help who suffer
    btw great work bro:emoji_thumbsup:
  12. kadhkas

    kadhkas Fapstronaut

    check this series on quiting porn
  13. drunkenmaster

    drunkenmaster Fapstronaut

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