I'm having an issue waking up in the middle of the night

Discussion in 'Abstinence, Retention, and Sexual Transmutation' started by Duskleh, Aug 15, 2022.

  1. Duskleh

    Duskleh New Fapstronaut

    I've been having a problem for a while now. I'm 6-7 months doing nofap I found a really hard obstacle to deal with, when I wake up in the middle of the night I end up masturbating to the point sometimes it leads to a porn relapse. I really don't know how to deal with this. Maybe the cause is because I'm drowsy and I don't pay as much attention to what I'm doing and end up masturbating without realizing it. I'm afraid I have to not be drowsy to fight against it, which will probably ruin my sleep, I have no idea how to distract myself from this urge without actually waking up and killing my sleep.
    Any advice on how I can deal with this problem?
  2. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    I have this problem as well. Usually in the beginning or if I relapse and start over.

    I think it’s my “addict brain” waking me up b/c a. while you sleep your subconscious has free reign and b. your less likely to resist the urge.

    I do 2 things to combat this:
    1. 1. I keep my day loaded (work, exercise, reading) anything that will wear me out mentallly and physically so I sleep w/o waking
    2. As I fall asleep, I tell myself “No PMO” over and over, like a mantra. Since your mind is still working while you sleep, it can actually work for you. I read about how artists and mathematicians, when faced with a creative or logical roadblock, would go to sleep thinking of the problem. They’d wake up and boom! the answer came to them. I’ve done this myself with work. Gone to bed with a problem, wake up and suddenly realize the answer. Maybe it’s just rest, but, it works.
    silex_jedi, MasturTainer and Duskleh like this.
  3. First thing I would do is keep all screens far away from you when you go to bed. The further away your phone, tablet, or computer is the less likely you will be to get out of bed and use it.

    One thing that helps me fall back asleep (and feel free to laugh at it) is that i count to myself. Yes like counting sheep. 1, deep breath, 2, deep breath, 3, deep breath, etc. It seems to help me relax, clear my mind, and fall back asleep. I've been doing it for years and don't think I've ever gotten past 25.
  4. Duskleh

    Duskleh New Fapstronaut

    Thanks! I'll try doing that
  5. Duskleh

    Duskleh New Fapstronaut

    I used to count but I never took deep breaths, never thought about it, this will sure help me thank you for your advice
  6. MasturTainer

    MasturTainer Fapstronaut

    I read 1/3 of your brain moves while you sleep, as in changes shape... Could be false
  7. InappropriateUsername

    InappropriateUsername Fapstronaut

    Picturing my brain moving is somewhat creepy.
  8. savemegod

    savemegod Fapstronaut

    this happened to me too. What I found out was pretty intresting. My room had no air conditioning so whenever I woke up it was due to heat or if i had a heavy dinner. So make sure your room is cool and you don't eat anything heavy at night.
  9. I highly suggest to find some ambience and meditate, try to visualize all you're thoughts and mind are calm like an ocean. It sounds weird and cheesy, but I did this today at work thus having some anxiety and it helped. Felt completely normal.

    Unfortunately I have to be up at 3:00AM for work. I wake up an hour earlier then my alarm some times around midnight, it really does suck so I know what you're goin threw man.
  10. If you wake up in the middle of the night and can't get back to sleep, don't lay in bed trying. Get up and do something like reading or knitting or something like that (something that doesn't use a device) until you feel sleepy and then try sleeping again.
  11. I find I get this when I have been hitting the gym hard and have extra pent up energy. Best to keep the phone outside the bedroom so there’s no temptation and wait out the urges. Sleep will win as long as you don’t cave to the temptation to fap.