
Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by Deleted Account, Dec 17, 2021.

  1. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    This is the key takeaway I think.

    You could be considering drinking, gambling, or any other bad habit. It just happens to be paying women to treat you badly is what appeals to you in your current mindset.

    Sometimes we need to hit rock bottom before we're motivated to change.

    Best case scenario you have some fun and don't get hurt. It's still a fleeting feeling, in a moment's time you'll have less money and the same problems.

    This might be your rock bottom in this moment now? And if it is, I wonder what small actions you could take to address the things that are falling apart?
  2. @Reborn16 are you suggesting I fall into this fetish need when other things aren't going well? I just want to make sure I understand.
  3. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    No I would suggest quite the opposite.

    What I mean to say is that it appears this fetish may be used for temporary relief when things aren't going well. It sounds like that's what you're describing, and I know from experience it can be a difficult cycle to leave behind.

    It's understandable and relatable, but it's definitely not ideal. I think earlier in this thread I mentioned how fetish play like this can be fun in moderation with safety paramount. But I believe this is only the case when in a healthy relationship. Not with online porn or paid escorts, and not when used to escape our life worries.

    I think when we're in that downward cycle we can safely assume we're at a point of rock bottom.

    Rock bottom may seem negative, but the thing is once you acknowledge you're at a low point and want to change, you can only go up from that point.

    I don't mean to say each day will be better than the last. Simply that you can take small actions to move yourself away from that low point each day.

    In summary. Being very low can be a blessing in disguise. You can identify what this fetish really is to you (for me it is an escape from a stressful or boring lifestyle). And you can think about what small things you can do each day to improve your situation, so the fetish is less relevant to you.
  4. @Reborn16 ah okay I think we were on the same page actually, got it now for sure though.

    And yeah I mean, with not having a job right now and such, I do have a lot of time for introspection... so instead of being desperate for stress relief, pleasure, whatever it is, and going for it under a time constraint and such... I can really think about when and why I end up wanting it, and if I go through with it, what it really did or did not do for me.

    I have some ideas.
  5. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Going without a job for a while can be another blessing in disguise as well I think. Having recently left a time and energy consuming job, I would agree it's very useful to have that space opened up for introspection.

    I wonder if you follow Jordan Peterson's work? Rule 4 of his 12 rules for life may be helpful here. That's to compare ourselves only to ourselves yesterday, and take a life audit and find what small steps we can take to improve.
  6. I’ve been thinking about this again lately. I think I know why though.

  7. Replying to my own post here just to let you guys know I did successfully resist her. She stopped contacting me eventually maybe a week ago.
  8. That said... last night I had a dream about a female relative stepping on my balls. I woke up really hard. Apparently this is buried pretty deep in my psyche. But thoughts are just thoughts, everyone has intrusive thoughts, I'm telling myself. As long as I don't act on them, PMO or seek out a domme and do something with her, I'm okay.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  9. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Good to hear you're working through what might be behind it all man.

    It may be something in your psyche that is expressed through this fetish. Have you identified possible underlying causes that may be the culprit for you?

    For me, I think growing up I had a number of experiences that I used to identify myself as a victim. Some times that definitely was the case, but I think I hold onto this 'victim' mentality as being part of my personality for good.

    I'm reading through a book 'No more mr nice guy', which talks more to these kinds of phenomena. Perhaps finding whatever may be happening with your psyche, and addressing that, will help you out with this one.
  10. Maybe I should read that book.

    I recently realized some issues with my parents that might be involved.

    Mom: helicopter parent, overly concerned with my wellbeing and sure that if she controlled every aspect of my life I would be okay. Got highly anxious every time I was going to take any sort of risk (i.e. pursue reward) and totally emasculated me in the process. The whole thing would end up with me making sure she was okay afterwards, and feeling inadequate for not being able to make that happen.

    Dad: absent or aggressive parent, basically thought I should suffer during my childhood as much as he did during his. If he gave me something, I was an asshole for receiving it. If I expressed needing something, I was a pussy and a spoiled brat for needing it. If I got something for myself, it was probably because I did something bad to get it or someone felt bad for me and gave it to me. Obsessed with "do it yourself" tough guy culture... but then also hated whenever I did accomplish anything. Accomplishing something better not make me think anything positive about myself, and if I was better at it than he was I was an arrogant asshole, if I was worse at it I would get picked on and made fun of.

    Together: Overbearing mom prevents me from feeling like I had my own capability to do anything, dad picks on me for not being sure I know how... or... absent dad leaves me to figure out something myself and I do a pretty good job of it, but overbearing mom is hurt that I don't want her help and worried that I might get a little scratch or something... and then dad is furious at me for feeling like I've achieved something, developing some self-confidence.

    So what does that mean for me now?

    In friendships with other men, we have to have a ton in common or nothing at all... a lot to avoid competition between value systems, or nothing at all to avoid competition within a particular value system.

    In romantic relationships with women: I take charge, put on a lot of charm, am Mr. Perfect for awhile it seems... but if that continues for too long she eventually thinks I"m a control freak and she can't relax / figures I'm hiding something... or if it goes on not long enough, it's because it implodes and I'm an anxious mess with fear of abandonment and wanting to know that she's okay, that it was good enough, etc.

    Why is this in a ballbusting thread? Maybe because they don't call them the "family jewels" for nothing. Through the discussion on this thread and a lot of my own introspection, I realize that ballbusting fetish is misguided maintenance of my masculinity. Getting kicked in the balls either proves how manly I am or makes sure I'm not getting too manly. I guess...
  11. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    I hear you, having an anxious mom and at times overly critical dad has shaped how I view myself for sure. I think getting this off your chest is a great start.

    I've been told getting counselling with a male is best for guys, this may be the next step to go from there?

    Definitely not uncommon to have these childhood issues steer us in certain directions as an adult though. I'm pretty sure we're all dealing with some background influence big or small from the past. I guess one silver lining, it's taboo nature in the fetish means it's something easier to identify and address.

    Hope you keep questioning with this one, it's certainly worth working on for yourself and future partners!
  12. @Reborn16

    Thanks man, you've been really helpful on this thread. Glad we are talking and hopefully I've said something beneficial to you somewhere in here too. Male therapist... that's an idea.
  13. Man, speaking of ballbusting... I'm getting a spiritual kick in the balls today it seems like. I just mean that in terms of the intensity of the situation, not that its end goal is pain.

    I'm reliving old traumatic memories of physical and emotional abuse, I've been struggling with communications required of me today as a result, and to add to that my phone won't even charge properly right now...

    This is rough. Maybe getting my balls kicked is just a way to control getting abused, which feels a notch better than having taken abuse I had no control over. At least I asked for it.
  14. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut


    Thanks man, it's good to talk this out. I'm still processing this desire too, so this chat keeps my mind open to new ideas. I still don't know if this fetish has a place for me in a relationship, but until I'm dating another girl I'll try to just leave it as an unknown.

    I think you're onto something with controlling your own abuse. Apparently in BDSM the subs can have a high level of control when it's done properly, because they can only be dom'd if they give their permission. So asking for/permitting this could be a way of processing abuse where you're somewhat safe (provided the woman knows what she's doing).

    Adding to this, there's some who suggest BDSM can be healing. This may be the case in a relationship. However, in my opinion if it's paid intimacy there's still a hollow feeling at the end.

    One conundrum I hope to figure out: If we reach a point where our life is fulfilling, therefore we attract a great woman, do we then still have any desire for this abuse? I hope we can answer that one day.
  15. I actually just posted about this in another thread. Obviously it was short lived in my case, but I caught a glimpse of what can be.

    Awhile back, 2016 or so I think... I met a girl. She was too young for me and various other professional matters got in the way, so we didn't end up dating or anything, but there was attraction and flirtation. At the time I was well into my ballbusting fetish. But this girl, she was a church going good girl, knew how to flirt and all of that but was still very innocent, very feminine, nurturing and kind. My car didn't have AC at the time and I had just been inland where it's blazing hot, so I was sweating and self-conscious about it... she read that right off me and said, "you smell good right now, what kind of cologne is that?"

    Anyway, the point of all that... I could not for a second imagine this girl playing that role, kicking my balls. It just did not make sense with who she was and who I enjoyed her being. She showed me what I really wanted in a woman. It created this weird duality where sure, I still watched that kind of porn and felt urges once in awhile, but not around this girl. Nothing progressed with us, but I was sure that was the kind of girl I'd like to marry... and the idea of having ballbusting as part of our relationship just wasn't there.

    So long story short, they do exist. There could be a girl out there who just activates a better part of your masculinity and makes your fetish a place you just don't go. If it lasts with her, maybe one day you never think about that fetish again. That's where I'd like to get.
    Reborn16 likes this.
  16. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing that story, honestly that's the perspective I needed.

    It may be less about this fetish or any other, and way more about whether or not we have a foundation in a good relationship with ourselves and others.

    And agree, when I interact with women who are kind, feminine, and even build me up in some way, I view them and myself completely differently.

    Would you actively pursue women like this now?
  17. The urge is back... after a day of low self-esteem, fighting with people (mostly women), and then feeling bad about how I acted. I've been trying to talk to this woman in her 40s who used to bust my balls when I was barely 18.

    I wish I knew something else I could do when I feel like this, to feel like I was solving the problem.
  18. I have trouble finding women like that. Lately I'm not pursuing anyone because I have pretty low self-esteem. The only chick I know who is like that who I would pursue is not single. She isn't married either, so I could still pursue her... but again, no self-esteem lately.
  19. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Low self-esteem is the worst. I don't know how much it all ties into dopamine, but I've found doing uncomfortable things that are good for us can kick start feeling better about ourselves. Things like a cold shower, exercise, or a goal outside your comfort zone.

    Different things work for everyone. But if you're interested there's a bit more to this here. It's a long video, but part 43:55 speaks to this point for 5mins. How To Reset Your Brain's Dopamine Balance - Anna Lembke | Modern Wisdom Podcast 392 - YouTube

    Of course this will only go so far... I think processing trauma and underlying issues is one thing, but keeping a positive mindset (or at least not really low) from day to day is just as important.
  20. Reborn16

    Reborn16 Fapstronaut

    Are you in a big metro area or big town? I would suggest when the time is right to expand your search. Wherever your target demographic may spend her spare time.

    Fair enough with low self-esteem getting in the way now though. It's not something we can force, if the swagger/mojo isn't there then it's hard to fake it. This definitely comes and goes a bit. However if this is a long-term thing, that might be a call to more drastic change for what's not working in your current lifestyle.