New member, looking for help

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ice, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Ice

    Ice Fapstronaut

    Hello everybody,

    I am new to NoFap. I am 29 years old. I joined after stumbling upon some yt videos with lectures about porn addiction. In the back of my head, I knew for a long time that it's probably not very healthy, but I kept on rationalizing my behaviour. I am starting to understand how my brain has been tricked into believing why it's necessary for the survival of my genes. I don't think it's going to be easy; I need to stop taking the path of least resistance.

    Right now, I am depressed a lot. I isolate myself, and have self esteem issues. Basically, a lot of the things I heard other people with this addiction have reported. Reading the stories of their recovery gives me hope that I can also improve the way I feel, and start to enjoy living again.

    So far, here's what I did:

    - I have configured my computer to use an openDNS server. Porn is now blocked from my computer.
    - I have deleted all porn from my cell phone
    - I am planning to get pleaser out of normal pleasurable things, like working out, and spending more time enjoying hobbies.

    I did not remove any porn on my HD's just yet. I did that a couple of years ago, and ended up regretting it when I relapsed. Something inside of me doesn't want to let go. It's not like I can access it very easily, because I have to type in a rather long password to access it. I am thinking about changing the password to some randomly generated password, and storing that on a USB-stick that I can give to a friend while I take the 90 day challenge.

    I think the hardest part is going to be the cravings. They usually start with flashbacks.

    If any of you can give me some tips, and share some experiences that would be great. Also, I think it would be great if I can connect to somebody who is in the same boat, so if someone out there wants to chat, send me a PM.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  2. vctr

    vctr Fapstronaut

    Man you should remove them from your HD as well. In my opinion, if you don't delete it and rather just protect it with password i think subconsciously you're prepearing for relapse someday. I know how you feel because i used to think the same.
  3. Used4Death

    Used4Death New Fapstronaut

    Good luck dude, I agree with Vctr, you gotta be willing to let it go, whether you believe you can make it or not. In the end, it'll make you stronger.
  4. Ice

    Ice Fapstronaut

    Yeah knew somebody was going to say that to me. Bear in mind that the plan is not only to password protect it (it already is), but also to give the password to a friend. When I take the variable of porn out of my life for 90 days, I can do it as an experiment. And if I don't like the results, it can be comfortable to know I can go back to my old habits without much trouble.
  5. vctr

    vctr Fapstronaut

    Ok then, give it a try. But personally, since i have some withdrawal symptoms right now i do sure it has impact in my life, it is soooooooo awful. You can try for maybe 30-60 days and see. I have the withdrawal symptoms in the third week. And if you have got the symptoms or if not but you feel your life getting better then you would know how bad porn addiction is. Good luck and keep fight dude!
  6. LegoT

    LegoT Fapstronaut

    Dude. I know you're just testing it out...but you gotta get rid of that stuff. If you start out with even an inclining of going back...YOU WILL FAIL. Trust me! I know. You gotta be all in if you want to last more than a few days or even hours. You gotta be all in, or all out. The part of you that's wanting to save that HDD is your addiction talking...not you. I'm glad you're taking a lot of precautions, but you got to protect yourself from your own mind (addicted mind) that's your worst enemy.

    Keep in mind that "you" could be replaced in that whole rant with "I". So I'm talking to myself too. ;)
  7. hansdd

    hansdd Fapstronaut


    I really feel for you. ...Flashbacks.... My experience is that sooner or later you have a week moment and you will succumb. I'm realizing that its not just an addiction and/or a struggle with yourself. we live in a physical world and a spiritual world. I strongly feel there are evil spirits who want us to lose. when we let these evil spirits in they take over so we aren't really aware of what we are doing until it is too late. The longer we win over these unseen spirits the less power they have over us in time.
    If you wold like to contact me you can IM me over Skype: hans.duerichen.

    I strongly suggest you make your HD squeaky clean.

    make good contacts and don't isolate.
  8. NoFapAsian

    NoFapAsian Fapstronaut

    Hey. 2 simple instructions.
    1) Delete all porn.
    2) Never touch your penis.
    Good luck buddy.
  9. PrinceYann

    PrinceYann Fapstronaut

    Number one is Ok, number two is extreme.


    OP: dude, I think you really love in your mind the shapes that this porn collection shows to you - I felt the same, I loved my collections, but you have to find a substitute. You can't destroy without replacing. If you really want to remove your addiction you have to find a better addiction. The world is so big, start reading and you will soon find things so amazing that all this porn you have will matter nothing anymore. (I'm a secular guy). I already removed bad habits and replaced them with good habits (e.g. made a home gym and started working my body). The porn can be harder to remove for many reasons, but it is possible and anyone can do. If you need assistence, I'm here. Welcome.
  10. Ice

    Ice Fapstronaut

    First of all: Thanks to all of you who responded. It's great to know that there are some other dudes who actually care.

    This morning I woke up with mixed feelings. Like... Really? Did I sign up for that NoFap thing? I don't know if I can do this... But I know I have to do this.

    Yeah, the flashbacks can be quite strong. So far what I have been trying is to associate these images with 'bad' things. Association is something I also use for remembering names, and memorizing information. It's about making strong connections in the brain. So far, it seems to help. But I have a long way to go. It helps a lot to read from people who succesfully quit.

    Yeah.. Something inside me just doesn't want to let go just like that. Like I said, I first want to see how long of a streak I can do.

    I wish more people would start hating me for it ;).

    Thanks again for caring, everybody! It's great to know that I am not alone.
  11. Ice

    Ice Fapstronaut

    I did it!

    No, relax, I didn't relapse. I gave the USB stick with the keys to my encrypted collection away to a good friend. I told her to keep it for 90 days. There is now no way for me to access it.

    I have mixed feelings, but I am very curious to see how not watching porn will change me.

    The girl I gave the USB stick to was puzzled, because I didn't tell her what it's about. She wrote the date in her agenda. She's a good friend, and I have talked about some of my problems with her before. She doesn't know about my addiction to pornography, though. I am very curious if she can figure it out. I'll probably tell her some day.

    She started guessing, that maybe I made some prediction, and wanted to prove to her I predicted something before an event. It was quite hilarious :).

    I've also joined a whatsapp group, and found some guys to chat with. It's great to be able to chat with some of you in real time.

    So everybody: Thanks for the support, and good luck reaching your goals!
  12. stygian

    stygian Fapstronaut

    I agree with others that this is a big mistake. It is good that you do not have access to it. But you are going to realize at some point that it is a temptation. Even if you cannot get it until 90 days, that time is going to come, and you could very quickly throw away all of the progress that you have made in just a few moments. It is very easy to fall back into the trap. Someone just posted about strong temptations after day 90. And it may take more than 90 days for you to reboot. It takes some 120 days. So you might not even experience the benefits before relapsing.

    I did not feel comfortable deleting everything initially, and I didn't. But the time came that I felt that it was right and deleted everything so that there is no way to get it back. You will feel liberated after it is deleted. But as long as it exists I don't think you will truly feel free. If it isn't too expensive I would have her destroy the usb.