I feel emasculated.

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Alcatel1312, Nov 22, 2022.

  1. Alcatel1312

    Alcatel1312 Fapstronaut

    I wont be sharing my story today, because I haven’t been fully cured yet. But what I will share is how my life has turned upside down.

    after discovering Nofap, fight club, and the matrix (How the elite wants us feminine and addicted). My eyes have been opened, I feel like I’m not in tact with my primal desires and needs. I have become a traditional man. I only want a wife, not many girls. I want to protect and provide for my family. I want to be able to be “the man”.

    I graduated from high school this summer, and I feel like there is no purpose in my life. I don’t have a job. All I do is hang with friends, and work out. When I’m on retention I have too much energy and I can’t use it all on working out because that isn’t enough, I need something more.

    My life lacks meaning, and purpose. There is no struggle in my life. I don’t know what I want to do with my life. Actually I don’t think any of us has struggle that can be compared to our ancestors or our grandfathers. We might struggle, but in comparison to them, we have it very comfortable. I want to be a beast, either In the streets or in finances.

    What should I do?
  2. are you gonna go to college?

    If so, pick a college degree that will pay a high salary in the future

    If no college, then get a good job, possibly a sales job that pays high commissions

    Why not just get a long term, steady girlfriend? You don’t have to get married right away, and you don’t have to have sex with multiple girls

    Just get one long term girlfriend who you really like

    I think you are fine, nothing too worry about. Just pick a direction to go and stick with it
  3. You need $$$ to survive. If you want to find a wife and provide for her and start a family, that will require $$$.
    See where your interests lie and where this meets a practical way of making a living (ie a job).

    Find out what this requires (a diploma? college degree? apprenticeship? university degree? etc)
    Take steps to get what is required.

    Envision what you'd like your life to look like. Use this as motivation when you feel like all is pointless. Make it as clear as possible (by no means have I got this down. this is hard for me)

    When opportunity affords, do good to those around you. Help others. This builds character.
    On our death beds, when we are old and frail and have blown all our money, character is all that remains.

    Get strong physically. Not only for yourself, but to be able to protect those who need it when a situation arises.
    If you want to be a family man in the future, you will have to know how to protect said family from harm.

    I 1000% can relate to the sentiment: "There is no struggle." Society has softened us to the point where we yearn for it. This is good. It shows we are still alive. I remember thinking "I want there to be a war. I want to go and struggle for something".
    However, now I think it is more accurate to say "There is no struggle I FIND MEANINGFUL ENOUGH TO ME".
    There are struggles all around. Which one echoes for you?
    So begins the search for that which is worth dying for.
    Only you can answer this.

    Remember the words of Jordan Peterson:

  4. beat_it

    beat_it Fapstronaut

    Be patient, because the struggles will inevitably come. And then after some time, you're gonna be wishing you were young and carefree again.
  5. Alcatel1312

    Alcatel1312 Fapstronaut

    Hey. Currently I dont have any plans of going to college, b ut that doesn’t mean that I haven’t considered it. I am just so unsure if which field i want to go in to. I procrastinate, and overthink a lot.

    I totally agree. No need for a wife when I can’t even provide for myself.

    Thanks for the advice.
  6. Alcatel1312

    Alcatel1312 Fapstronaut

    I have so many interest so it really makes me overthink which way I want to go.

    there is so many things a human can do in his life, I’m afraid I pick a way and stick with it only to be displeased at the end. That is why I want to find something I like and go all in.
  7. Alcatel1312

    Alcatel1312 Fapstronaut

    The current state I am in makes me want to be old. I don’t do anything with my life. I try to cut out pmo because I feel like that is what messes up my head the most.
  8. Dr.J_76ers

    Dr.J_76ers Fapstronaut

    I've felt this feeling a lot lately. But I picked an area and have just gone with it.

    I think the key is to develop mastery. In my opinion, many people develop a sense of purpose by honing their craft.

    I mean don't focus on something like aardvarks, the surfaces of bubbles, or gaming. Pick something you have an interest in and that is applicable to real-life.

    And then just roll with it!
  9. Spark Advance

    Spark Advance Fapstronaut

    I've got some more thoughts that I wanted to share on this topic, but I need to get to bed so I'll give this to you to chew on for now:

    I know that you want to skip ahead to being "old", but your being young means that you can afford to take a little bit of time and figure out what you want to do with your life before going all-in on it. You're doing a really smart thing by taking a moment and making a plan.

    I'll be back.

    - Spark Advance
  10. OLLIE_100

    OLLIE_100 Fapstronaut

    If you want to find your purpose, you need to go out into the world and actively seek it and try out new things if life eventually you will find that one thing you are deeply passionate about. Deep down I bet you have things you really enjoy but it’s just up to you to pursue those things and think of ways you can give a service to others in order to help people and to make money from.

  11. This is your purpose. When I graduated this is all I did, was hang out with my friends whenever I could grasp it while it was there. Later in life you don't even know if they'll still be there. Most of mine have moved away and are pointless to contact now. This is why I am feeling less engaged in social activates or whatever.

    I basically eat, sleep, exert whatever energy I have left to work out and do push ups. Friends right now are my least concern. Loved The Matrix, it's really a documentary as they say.

    I'd say try and find your purpose, find hobbies or activities you would like to enjoy.
    I found music when I was 16 years old, it's kept me busy and averts my mind from destructive thinking.