
For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I've not been that serious this year so I'm going to come here more often and be brutally honest. I really need to get rid of this before I destroy myself
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  2. Time will tell. We are here to support and encourage you whenever you are ready to give this everything you've got.
  3. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    Woke up with a few urges but also a song in my head.
  4. Keep your heart and mind steeped in Truth. Do not let the lies of the enemy have even a toehold within you.
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  5. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    Mornings can be tough but I've started a few morning devotionals to keep myself busy and I have a lot on today
  6. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I had some fantasies last night and some this morning but I'm up now and trying to distract myself
  7. Avoid sin but do not rely solely on being distracted away from temptation. It must be tackled directly if your are ever to overcome it. When the next urge to fantasize hits, ask yourself: What is it about this illusion that I desire over the reality of my actual life? What am I looking for here, even though I know I can never find it in fantasy? What do I believe I must provide for myself by any means necessary because God cannot or will not do it? Why do I believe this? What is the truth that will set me free?
  8. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I think it's mostly to distract myself from life. I guess I need to get more comfortable with life
  9. What is it in your life you want to be distracted from? Why not fix it so you no longer desire to be distracted from it? Real life is all we have; fantasy and escape will never get us anywhere. They are just illusions and lies.
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  10. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    It's why marvel movies are so popular. Life is monotonous no matter how many interests you have and we've stopped being comfortable doing nothing. I guess I just need to be excited about life again
  11. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I've been listening to podcasts and I think I need to find a reason to not go back to p
  12. Marvel movie plots are exceedingly flat, boring, predictable. All they've got is special effects. My 2 cents. Guardians of the Galaxy was at least funny. ;)
  13. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    It's a separation from reality though
  14. There is nothing wrong with entertainment. But if the things we turn to for entertainment actively hurt us, we need to rein it in. The only helpful amount of P is zero. It can never do anything good for our hearts or our minds.

    Life *is* endlessly fascinating. Staying vitally connected to its Source is how we see this with fresh eyes and renewed vigor each and every day.
  15. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I watched a video about how we need to change focus sometime and I think I'm more of a closed focus person. I went for a walk yesterday and it cleared my head so I'm going to try and take in more of the world throughout the day and stay off of social media
  16. freedom is coming

    freedom is coming Fapstronaut

    Nothing wrong with movies unless we know them to be unsafe for us. I regularly need that deep thinking that comes from watching a movie, as it's something i can't get in eberyday life.

    I'm noticing this week how valuable it is to not be on social media so much. My phone actually doesn't let me use Facebook after 45 minutes. It's horrifying how quickly that comes around. I have a Samsung and it's jist within the Digital Wellbeing tool.

    Are you doing anything for Advent?
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  17. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I have a devotional book for advent. It's different teachers throughout the years writing about Christmas
  18. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I'm getting happier about life and going for regular walks
  19. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    What a great way to prepare for Christmas by cleansing your heart and mind in remembrance of the day the Father sent His Only Son to earth. Well done!
  20. Sean Edie

    Sean Edie Fapstronaut

    I saw a video today about seeing when temptation hits and making a plan to stop it. I still have problems with going to sleep and waking up since my mind wanders. I've been reading at night but it doesn't always work and I might need to get up at whatever time I wake up