Fresh start

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by UpyetDown, Nov 30, 2022.

  1. UpyetDown

    UpyetDown Fapstronaut

    Single and addicted to P&M. I use it for way too many feeling outlets. Sadness and negativity, some loneliness. It's time for a change. A childhood peer had her husband just pass and he is only a little older than me.

    Makes me wonder what I could have made of myself without P&M. I know it drains one to a degree and it also can increase depression.

    I have tried Christian programs in church and online regarding a pure lifestyle. I'm not going for perfection necessarily but... Possibly something close to it.

    I know it doesn't guarantee a spouse or children to overcome it but I do feel it impedes my confidence and my spiritual life and therefore prayer life.

    I hope to clean more, exercise, and read more so I don't accidently or purposely watch erotic scenes online or in streaming movies.

    If you are Christian please pray for me. If you are not still please root for me.
    from2003 likes this.
  2. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    You will get whatever you have dream for but you have to sacrifice for it
  3. UpyetDown

    UpyetDown Fapstronaut

    Yes but have to find other outlets to balance the stress of work and dealing with people in general when I’m tired from work. I don’t want to sacrifice in those areas. Trying to monitor my viewing choices on streaming stuff more.
    from2003 likes this.
  4. from2003

    from2003 Fapstronaut

    Feel you brother understand