I think I'm possessed by the devil

For Fapstronauts of the Catholic Christian Faith

  1. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Here we go again. I was doing great. Going to Mass every Sunday. Praying daily. Forgoing sin. I was growing spiritually and emotionally. Everything was going great. And then my nurse messed up my medicine twice in a row (the medicine is good for a month so that's two months of screwed up meds). I ended up descending deeper and deeper into madness and despair. Life became hell and at some point I realized the world would be a better place without me in it. I was confronted with a choice - commit suicide and go to hell immediately and spare everybody else any more problems. Or I could go on living and die whenever I die and drag everyone else down to hell with me. I couldn't bring myself to commit suicide because even though I really love my family, I REALLY don't want to go to hell.

    Things weren't perfect when I was well-medicated but they were a lot better. Now, I'm back on my medicine but I still sense this presence in my head that I think of as the devil. He comes and goes in and out of my body, centering in my head. He corrupts people. He corrupts me. He makes me corrupt things that I love - like prayers, poetry, images, etc. I can't make any friends because of him. He's constantly getting me to ruin things for myself and for others. He's constantly plotting against me and making me think of self-defeating schemes. And no matter what I try, he wont leave.

    I don't know what the process is for getting an exorcist but I doubt it will do any good because I have mental illness and they'll just write me off as crazy.
    Sefz33 and MarkosF like this.
  2. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    You, and your pastoral team, will have to write off physical or psychological causes first. Can you proclaim aloud that Jesus Christ is Lord? ;) I'm sorry for your troubles, I won't pretend to know what it is like to be in your shoes. But I do know that the worst thing you can do is to give up; that's what the enemy wants you to do. God permits all sorts of evils, including our temptations, in order to bring about a greater good, "All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to his purpose." Also, St Paul says "The sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us." Just keep standing up, sir, it's not going to be like this forever. God will not leave you orphan. Keep trying. If you are concerned about real demonic activity, see a priest for healing or deliverance, especially with the sacrament of penance and the holy eucharist. And if you are having suicidal ideation, please do all of humanity a favor and call 9-8-8. Seriously
    Sefz33, born3, Mara43 and 2 others like this.
  3. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I can proclaim aloud that Jesus Christ is Lord. Anyone can. Do I believe it? Sometimes. Do I feel guilty like I'm lying? Sometimes. I'm not gonna give up. I know he that you're right and "All things work together for good for those who love God." The question is, do I love God? Or am I just some sort of person that works for the greater good of others but is himself doomed? I wont pretend to understand the workings of God's mind. I can't even understand my mind or that of other people. I'm going to keep standing up. Some days it's so hard, though. I know I need to go to Confession but I'm dealing with the consequences of 36 years of sin. The guilt is absolved but the consequences remain. Thanks for reaching out.
    Sefz33 and born3 like this.
  4. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I have lost a daughter due to cancer. I have been through many, many difficult things in my 60+ years but undoubtedly this was absolutely the saddest thing I have ever endured. If you love your family, do not take your life. The ramifications of your loss would not only be incredible sorrow but feelings of guilt for them too.

    As far as the consequences of 36 years of sin, I must admit my years of sin are even greater than yours. I admit, there are moments when I feel despair over the decisions I made however, when I am reminded that God has forgiven me, I am reminded to forgive myself. Until 2 years ago, I refused to let my guilt and shame go, despite numerous heartfelt confessions. I felt that my shame must be an essential deterrent from sinning again. Then, I looked back at my history of hundreds, perhaps thousands of failed attempts to repent and I realized that shame had done nothing but drive me to despair.

    Our Precious Lord died on the cross in atonement for sins because no human could have born that burden. As individuals, we do not have the strength to bear the burden of repeated sin. Drop your shame and guilt. Accept God's forgiveness. You and your soul are incredibly valuable entities. You are a good man! I am praying for you
  5. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Thanks, CPilot. I appreciate that.
    Sefz33 and born3 like this.
  6. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    jarvyjarvison, you stated "Anyone can" [say "Jesus Christ is Lord"] but St Paul wrote, "No one can say 'Jesus is Lord' except by the Holy Spirit" (1 Cor 12:3). I'm just trying to put your mind at ease here. If you were possessed, they would not allow you say the Holy Name. Period. Can you receive the sacrament of penance without writhing uncontrollably? Can you approach holy communion without frothing at the mouth? I don't mean to sound pedantic, sorry about that, but it's worth asserting that being mentally unwell does not mean you are possessed by a demon. Fr Ripperger or Fr Vince Lampert are good resources for basic information on this, if you are concerned about it. Jesse Romero has some crazy stories as well.

    CPilot, thanks for sharing your testimony.
    Sefz33 likes this.
  7. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    I tested it out and said "Jesus is Lord," aloud. I had no problem saying it. No, I do not writhe uncontrollably during penance. No, I don't froth out the mouth. In fact last time I was at Mass a couple of weeks ago, I didn't receive communion but still felt a sense of peace when while I was praying during the reception of communion.

    It could all be in my head but it seems so real.
    Sefz33 and CPilot like this.
  8. kaito1234

    kaito1234 Fapstronaut

    Greetings of peace, brother! I might not fully grasp what you are going through right now but please do know that you are not alone in this battle. I am no exorcist nor a psychologist/psychiatrist but maybe you are having obsessive or intrusive thoughts. To be honest, I also have some problems when it comes to prayer because blasphemous thoughts would enter into my mind which is out of my control and not only that, negative thoughts would also enter my mind. Bro, this is to remind you that you are not alone in your struggles. Keep fighting because the Lord is with us when we reach out to Him with a sincere heart.
  9. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Hey, man. Yeah, I have intrusive and obsessive thoughts and also tactile hallucinations. I too get blasphemous thoughts when I pray. It's miserable. I wish I could just close my eyes and pray like a normal person.
    Sefz33 likes this.
  10. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Where there is good, there will also be evil. I have also gotten blasphemous thoughts while praying. I suspect that many, many people do. I have found a few ways to combat this, I hope these are helpful to you.
    1) when praying in silence picture a holy scene floating above a highway. Example - Christ and His Sacred Heart. When a bad thought or a distraction enters your mind, consider it as a car passing on the highway. Let it go by and return your gaze to Christ and His Sacred heart.
    2) Feel your breathing and with each exhale, say the name of Jesus, slowly and deliberately.
    3) If you are praying before a statue or a crucifix, fix your eyes on the eyes of the statue. Look at no other feature but the eyes as you pray.
    4) Remind yourself that the devil only tempts those who are on a path towards God and purity. He need not bother tempt the others, they are already his.
    5) When praying the rosary or reading the gospel, picture the mystery or the scene. Put yourself in that place. Smell the smells of the place and time. Feel the heat or cold of the day or night. Hear the sounds of the people and animals. This is a method of prayer known as Lectio Divina. Google this and learn more, it is a very enjoyable way to pray.
  11. I will keep you in my prayers, brother. I wish I could comment on what the cause of your affliction is but I’m not qualified to give advice in that area.

    What I have found out is that the journey to holiness is a war and in it there will be many battles. It’s not uncommon to have movement of peace and then intense combat. When I started this journey I thought that things like temptations would become less frequent or less intense, but through spiritual reading I have found that it’s actually the opposite. Temptations can increase and become more intense since you’re finally putting your body into subjection and at times the devil must work harder to get you to fall. Trust in Christ and you will overcome all temptations.

    With that said, I don’t like to think about everything bad as being from the devil. As Fr. Ripperger once said “the devil isn’t under every rock, he’s under every other rock.”

    Just know that things like mental illness are not obstacles to sainthood. Also know, my brother, that a possessed person isn’t always an unholy person and that no possessed person is ever held morally culpable for their actions while being possessed.
    CPilot and Life_of_Socrates_777 like this.
  12. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Hey guys. Thanks for all the replies. I wanted to let you all know that I decided not to commit suicide. That would be like one big, fat, final "F you," to God. Also, to be honest, I'm deathly afraid of going to Hell. I've had some experiences in my life where I've been convinced I was in hell, I've had hellish nightmares, I've seen demons, and if there's one thing I can tell you, it's that I do NOT want to goto hell. At the time when I was contemplating suicide, I thought going to hell might be the reasonable option, as at the time I believed that I was dragging all my friends and family to hell and if I thought maybe I could spare them that and perhaps earn a spot in a lesser hell than if I continued to live. Now, I've gotten to the point where I don't think I'm damned before I die. I think I've done some good this past year and I might still have a .01% chance of going to heaven. And I'll fight fight like hell for that chance. I have pretty much ruled out sainthood on account of my past (becoming a saint would be practically/virtually impossible). I think, if I play my cards right, I may be looking at a lengthy stay in purgatory.

    So, I'm kinda living the middle ground between heaven and hell right now. I'm trying to make morally correct choices, while also not taking things to extremes. There's a couple sins that I've come to accept have become part of my self - masturbation included. I tried quitting. I managed to quit for a year and a half. I was not a happy soul. We're sexual beings. Without some sort of sexual excitement on a semi-regular basis, life becomes, I dunno... pointless. Of course, I'd rather be married and all that with all the luxuries that come with that. But as my mom often says about other things, "that ship done sailed." I'm 36 and I'm unmarried. My choices for women come down to the very young, who are unmarried, (how can I relate to a 20 year old? how could she relate to me?) or widows (with their children etc.) Divorces are out of the question. Simply put, I have no good options. So, I masturbate. And that's the way it's gonna be.

    I will say, though, that the porn has gotten increasingly vile on the site I visit. Just total filth. Whatever happened to a blowjob and some casual sex? Now everything has to be so extreme.

    Anyway, thanks you all for all the encouragement. Special thanks to the guy who said the best thing I could do for humanity is not kill myself. I never saw myself as a benefit to humanity and still really don't but I've done some semi-good things this year and so far, 2023 hasn't been so bad.

    Anyway, thanks for listening.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2023
    Life_of_Socrates_777 and Sefz33 like this.
  13. I’m happy to hear you’ve decided against suicide! Praise God!

    I’m sorry to hear this as it’s not good for your soul. Please reconsider this outlook.

    Not trying to offend, but you don’t sound happy now either, so I don’t understand why you would want to keep masturbation around.

    We’re human beings capable of love and we’re called to love not called to be sexual. Yes, we have the capacity for sexuality; however, if this is not being ordered towards love then it’s being misused and will become disordered. This disorder will then start impacting the faculties of your soul such as darkening your intellect and will.

    Marriage is hardly about luxuries, but rather the mutual self-giving of spouses and the procreation of children; It’s an invitation to live the selfless love of God and the image of the Trinity. I know you’re not married but I would encourage you to read “Three to Get Married” by Fulton J Sheen. It’s a great book to help Catholics, married or not, understand the dignity of the vocation of marriage.

    While I agree with the divorced part, the rest of the stuff just sounds like excuses to masturbate. I’m 39 and unmarried but so what? This doesn’t give me permission to violate Gods law or offend Him; I’m not entitled to sex or sexual pleasure when it’s contrary to, or divorced from, love.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 12, 2023
    CPilot likes this.
  14. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Ugh. I wrote a long response but it got glitched out of existence. So, I'll just say this: it's not that I don't want to quit masturbating, it's that I can't. When I do, I lose interest in the opposite sex, my reproductive system shuts down, and life becomes not worth living. I've been doing it since before I hit puberty. I'm 36. I've accepted that this is something I must do to survive. It's not going away. I'm a sinner. I'll never be a saint. And I'm okay with that.
  15. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    A saint, by definition, is someone who is existing in heaven. You need not be canonized by the church to be a saint. Therefore, there are people in heaven, probably millions of them, who spent some time in purgatory to be perfected before being brought to heaven. It seems likely that suffering which we can choose to undergo for the glory of God and in atonement for our sins can also be performed while we are earth, not only in purgatory.

    Could it be that your celibacy, including abstinence from M, is a means that God has offered to you to speed your soul to heaven when the day comes?
  16. Life_of_Socrates_777

    Life_of_Socrates_777 Fapstronaut

    "A saint is a sinner who keeps on trying"
    I used to hate this quote when my addictions were more imposing, but nowadays I see the truth in it. One of my favorite passages from St Paul is in Philippians when he reminisces about his past life and how he has come to accept it and move on, "forgetting what lies behind, I press on toward God's call upward." You will always, always, always have a future. What you're describing about your lack of willpower is the essence of addiction. Addiction is not a choice; it is a disease 'of' choice. Your spirit and your soul is not any less; your brain is messing you up. This mitigates your culpability, which only God knows, sees, understands. You gotta get back up on the horse, man. Find new people, places, and things that support the healing of your brain, and as often as possible return to the sacraments. "Grace builds on nature." The gospel reading today is about forgiveness... not 7 times, but 77 times. As far as the Holy Trinity is concerned, you have unlimited forgiveness which Jesus was pleased to win for us. As Pope Francis said, the Lord does not tire of forgiving us; it is we who get tired of us asking for forgiveness. Listen to the things you are saying... you are settling for a life of lukewarmness and, basically, tacitly accepting a life of despair. Does this sound like voice of God? Whose voice is that? You are buying into a lie, bro. If I were in your shoes, I would wage war. Find an addictions specialist; find a sex addicts anonymous group; educate yourself on the science behind addiction and porn abuse; come up with a game plan; create a rule of life; list your non-negotiables in your relationship with God and commit to daily prayer, true relational prayer, not just reciting Paters and Aves. There are 1,000 saints - known and unknown - who started way later than you, and with way worse things on their soul. You're still in a good place, it is a long way to fall. Trust that the Lord is present in your life and will never stop inviting you to a life of communion and grace with him, period, Amen. He has counted all the hairs on your head.
    CPilot likes this.
  17. I’m sorry but you don’t need to masturbate in order to continue living; You think this way because you’ve made a god out of lust. Life isn’t about sex it’s about Love; you weren’t created to be sexual, you were created to be loving, to experience the agape Love of God. The problem is you’re too preoccupied with yourself, so much so any invitation to direct love outside of yourself becomes stifled within you.

    You should pray for a conversion of heart to heal the wounds of selfishness caused by lust and your continuation in it. Pray for the light to see past the ridiculous position that lifeis not worth living without sexual gratification.

    God is inviting you to carry the cross, to live like Him selflessly. To offer up your suffering for souls in need and to challenge your incorrect position that life is pointless and unfulfilling without sexual pleasure/gratification. He’s calling on you to live a life of faith and put your trust in Him instead of yourself.
    Keli, CPilot and born3 like this.
  18. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Ugh, sorry guys. I was obviously going through a super religious phase when I wrote all this. I've since moved away from trying to be Super Saint Man and moved more toward just trying to be decent and do the best I can. I'm obviously addicted to masturbation and it's been going on since I was about 12 and I'm now 37 so I don't think it qualifies as a mortal sin for me. I'm trying to reboot right now but not for spiritual reasons, but more for restoring my depleted vitality. I don't see the problem with masturbation. I use it to fulfill my sexual needs without impregnating anybody or spreading STD's. If I were more physically attractive I would probably be out having sex like everybody else.
  19. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I have begun thanking God for the things He has NOT given me as well as those which He has given me. I am not a tall man and I was not blessed with much athletic skill. There are silly moments in my life when I look at tall, handsome actors and athletes and wonder what it is like to be so attractive to women but in an instant, I thank God that is it not so. What sort of sinful behavior and ultimate unhappiness would I have received if I had such shallow attributes? How far would I have strayed from God while trading solely on good looks? Good looking, famous actors who are devoted to God are such a rarity that they are news worthy. I doubt seriously that I would have been one of those if I had their good looks. No, I thank God that He did not give me this gift.
    Pathfinder01 and Keli like this.