Magic Mushrooms to Cure Addiction?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by SearchOfRedemption, Nov 7, 2022.

  1. 3nigma

    3nigma Fapstronaut

    Ya know, the world is a bad enough place without people like you trying to convince people to do drugs.
  2. Shu333

    Shu333 Fapstronaut

  3. Shu333

    Shu333 Fapstronaut

    You know the world doesn't get any better with people like you projecting their misery and their suffering and their negativity on other people to try to bring them down so that they can't create a better place. You know the world could be a better place if people like you weren't constantly focusing on the problems and knew how to focus on Solutions. Do you really want to play this game buster?
  4. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    if you talking to me, i stated shroomz gave me a bad trip and marijuana makes me relapse to pmo , how would that convince someone to do either
  5. Shu333

    Shu333 Fapstronaut

    You want to know one thing? I could and should be collecting disability right now and I'm not. You want to know what I do? I manifest and work for everything I need. I go out and serve. I take steps. I face fears. I help people with addictions. I save lives everyday. You have no idea who I am or what I do. Your gas lighting and psychological tactics are going to work on me I'm from Louisiana you son of a I've been homeless out here and grew up around drug abusers my entire life. I have gotten friends clean through dieting & nutrition alone. Before you try to come in me as some goddamn Junkie you should go do the research and study the facts. LSD in numerous other psychedelics have been proven to be a highly effective treatment for addiction. .
  6. Shu333

    Shu333 Fapstronaut

    I thought this website would be a good place to come and support people but I'm leaving and never coming back to this. It's probably a bunch of doomers and incels, miserable ones at that.
    Amalenny likes this.
  7. Shu333

    Shu333 Fapstronaut

    This is coming from someone who has actually struggled with addiction. When you have experience and can speak from it you can step to mic. Until then you have no idea what you speak. What everyone's saying about the psychosis part and people who are already predisposed to mental illness is absolutely true but the fear that you are using in the Judgment behind it you can miss me with that. Youre the type of person to cause a bad trip. Kek.
  8. Amalenny

    Amalenny Fapstronaut

    I've done my share of shrooms. It can give you new perspective with it's dialogs and visions, but it's not gonna fix you by itself. You would still need a strategy to use it to your advantage. So it really depends on what is causing your addiction. I struggle with social anxiety and I think it helped me to be more confident and face my fears, and more motivated to change. But it have not changed my life situation in a radical way. That is on me. Just given me a push in the right direction.

    People differ so I can't speak for every case, but generally I think the talk about "bad trips" is a bit exaggerated as long as you stick to moderate doses and avoid stressful environments.
  9. FocusIsLove

    FocusIsLove Fapstronaut


    Erratic as in he had actual schizophrenia. He had at one point held his wife, the mother of his child, at gunpoint because he was accusing her of an affair based on imagined scenarios. That trend continued as a part of his life, accusing people of misdeed or intention. Needless to say it ended in divorce. He had a difficult time carrying himself well enough to hold down a job, it became difficult to be around him because he said and did things that just didn't make sense to other people. It wasn't like that before.

    All I am saying is a word of caution. Psychedelics are not only positive. I feel the need to put the counter perspective out there because the culture these days is very approving of them. I do think they have their uses, but some people are going to have negative consequences. If no one talks about it, then one could run into this terrible kind of scenario unknowingly. They can be therapeutic for some, and at the least be benign for others, but for some it can be wholly harmful. It may only be 1 out of 100 people who have anything close to that, but I think 100 out 100 people should be aware that this is a real phenomenon that happens with psychedelics. That way, they'd be able to watch for them and get help sooner, that and some may rethink the option at all.

    I say this as someone who had done them some years ago. I can look back and realize that it did have an effect on me and it wasn't all positive. Terrible? no. Do i think they are evil and no one should do them? No. I just think they should be treated with proper gravity and respect.