Confused about Rebooting

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by wherethebuffaloroam, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. wherethebuffaloroam

    wherethebuffaloroam Fapstronaut

    Hi all,

    I am new to the community and am happy to find you all. I am 43 years old and recently through my relationship been pushed to give up porn. My woman has said that she can't be with me if I am going to look at porn. I was not a daily user but did use it to get off for a day or two a week. We have three kids at home so intimacy with my partner was only happening once maybe twice per month for a long time. I feel that I have a higher libido than that and needed an outlet. The truth is that I have been looking at porn for over 15 years and have tried to quit on occasion only to go back. Things came to a head in our relationship and it was put up or shut up time. I quit porn on 10/1/15 but had a relapse last night for the first time when I PMO'd. So here is where my confusion comes in. I feel that giving up porn would be pretty do able for me if we weren't talking about giving up orgasm or masterbation. I was cruising along pretty well during October when I was masterbating once or twice per week. But then i stumbled on this site and got intrigued by the rebooting option. I was at day 11 last night of no masterbating or orgasm when things went off the rails. At 43 I will say that my interest in sex last night was greatly heightened. I felt more like I did at as a teenager. Does this pass? I really want to give up porn but feel that giving up masterbation is going to make that very difficult. Also, there is my partner who I love and want sexually. She is on board with supporting me but I wonder how it will go down when she gets in her mood and really wants me. I am just confused as to why I would turn down my lover when that is really the goal isn't it? Shouldn't we be giving up porn to connect more with our lovers? To form more deep intimacy and love. Any thoughts would be helpful....
  2. stealing_the_key

    stealing_the_key Fapstronaut


    Some people don't give up sex with their partners when they reboot. However, this may trip up the progress you're trying to make in your brain. You aren't just trying to quit porn, you're trying to heal your brain from the effects of the massive amounts of dopamine you've been bathing it in for the past 15 years. Once your brain has heal, then is a better time to reconnect with your wife, imho.

    The other problem with having sex while rebooting is the Chaser Effect. The Chaser Effect is another dopamine-based effect where people crave more orgasms after having an orgasms. It's one of the most commonly experienced pitfalls here. If you have sex with your wife, you may very well crave more orgasms, and you may seek those orgasms via porn/masturbation if you can't get them with your wife.

    On the point of masturbation, again, some people only give up porn and not masturbation. And, again, that's going to slow your reboot because you're still periodically bathing your brain in dopamine. Remember, on a fundamental level your brain isn't hooked on porn, or masturbation, or sex. Your brain is hooked on dopamine. But because of the way you've wired your head by looking at porn, porn gives you the biggest rush of dopamine -- but it's prudent, during the reboot, to stay away from ALL rushes of dopamine, including masturbation and orgasm.

    You might want to look into non-orgasmic sexual play with your partner. You can find out more about a practice called karezza at Karezza allows you to still have intercourse with your partner, but without orgasm. The advantage of this is twofold, first, you are still withdrawing from the dopamine rush of orgasm, secondly, you still get to have physical intimacy with your wife, which promotes another neurotransmitter, oxytocin. Oxytocin is the so-called "love chemical" (where dopamine is the so-called "pleasure chemical"). Non-orgasmic intimacy with your wife, whether through karezza or just cuddling and hanging out, is going to build up feelings of love without washing your head in dopamine.

    BTW, congratulations on 11 days! I'm glad you reached out and tried to learn more. That is exactly the attitude that's going to get you through this! There is always something more to learn. Good luck!
    CdB and JoePineapples like this.
  3. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Hello, just to make that clear, you can have sex without orgasm and ejaculation! It gives you great pleasure, great feeling of connection, great control over yourself and it can last for hours !

    And yes, orgasm really gives you dopamine like a drug. That's why I also stand away from orgasms.
    stealing_the_key likes this.
  4. stealing_the_key

    stealing_the_key Fapstronaut

    Do you practice karezza, by any chance? I've never tried it.
  5. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    Yes I do ! Actually, I deeply enjoy it (the word "practice" sounds a little bit technical ;) ) ,
    So yes, I can really recommend to try it. It's unusual at first, but once you have learned to let the waves come and go, then it's such a pleasure for you and your woman!
    wherethebuffaloroam likes this.
  6. stealing_the_key

    stealing_the_key Fapstronaut

    Does it always involve intercourse, or are there karezza techniques that don't?

    My girlfriend and I "practice" a lot of sex play, but she's saving intercourse for marriage. Since I've started Hard Mode, she's actually expressed interest in doing more stuff without orgasm, as well, and we've had one session of non-orgasmic play, which was very satisfying.

    I'd be interested in finding out more about karezza if I knew it offered non-orgasmic non-intercourse techniques.
  7. SnowWhite

    SnowWhite Fapstronaut

    I think the term "Karezza" is meant to include intercourse. Basically it goes back to some taoistic / asiatic ideas that man and woman "unite" and transform their energies, etc. But then, it is also just a wonderful way to enoy your time together. So I wouldn't take it too literally. Just enjoy sex play, with or without intercourse, enjoy a good time together.
    stealing_the_key likes this.