Desperate for this ebook: End Game - Leigh Louey Gung (LoGun)

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Tyler Durden, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden Fapstronaut

    If anyone have this, tell me
    I've seen some guys here got, since it's about self development
  2. Seems like it is available here! I'd recommend this book, can't recommend "End Game" because I've never read it, and probably never will. I think most of that pickup artist stuff is seriously miss-guided.
    Getter Better likes this.
  3. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden Fapstronaut

    This book is not really into Pick up, he wrote a book called "Seduction Community Sucks"
    Well the site u put is the official one, and i can't buy it
    i want free pdf
  4. Why do you feel like you should have it for free? It isn't a free product. Sometimes you have to make an investment in yourself, and you'll take it more seriously by making an investment in it.
    Getter Better likes this.
  5. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden Fapstronaut

    no have cash bro
    no job and from Brazil

    =, (
  6. Feel your pain. Honestly, I spent some of my last money on books and what-not and they helped to change my life. Investment in yourself isn't a waste of money. Sometimes I'll pirate something for a little bit to test it, but almost always buy it officially if I like it, otherwise I don't use it. Supporting small content creators is the right thing to do. If you can't afford that investment, you can harness that as energy / drive to get into a more financially stable position in life.
  7. Tyler Durden

    Tyler Durden Fapstronaut

    ye you are right, thanks
  8. IwillSucceed

    IwillSucceed Fapstronaut

    What are some good books for recovery?