Struggling with my wife

Discussion in 'Rebooting in a Relationship' started by CFmurse, Dec 9, 2023.

  1. CFmurse

    CFmurse Fapstronaut

    Need some advice from you married men.
    I’ve been married for 4 years, and struggled with PMO for 5 years before meeting my wife. I’ve done very well over the past several years at cutting out p, but have traded that out for psubs unfortunately.

    So here’s where I’m at today:
    I just want to start off by saying my wife is very beautiful, and the love of my life. I could never dream of cheating on her or divorcing her or anything like that, because I really love her and will choose to stay with her till death do us part. But over the past couple of years she’s as she describes it “let herself go.” I have noticed that she’s not taken the best care of herself, and gained a lot of weight. I know I sound like the scum of the earth for saying this, but a lot of times I have a hard time being turned on by her body during sex. This is especially hard for me because I take really good care of myself, and am very fit and healthy, so I guess I may subconsciously feel entitled to someone “hotter.”

    Because of this I always prefer to have sex in the dark, where the only thing I can barely see is her face (because she still has a beautiful face).
    Have any others had this same struggle?Will this get better as a continue progressing through reboot?

    I know a probable cause of this is the addiction, but I had to ask if anybody had any advice or has gone through the same thing.
    I feel like the biggest scumbag in the world, and my heart is broken and aching as I write this post. But I’ve felt like this for awhile now and I really want to get it off my chest and stop internalizing this struggle.
    jasonmark, Roady and NfBigGlP like this.
  2. SilentWolfSong

    SilentWolfSong Fapstronaut

    Sorry to hear that you are going thru that, and to hear that she is having troubles.

    How is she doing? Is she under a lot of stressors? Do you feel like you're both open and supportive with each other emotionally? Does she feel the same way? Does she feel stuck in the house? Does she know that you struggle with PMO?
    Warfman and Cyan Flame like this.
  3. Real Jerry Seinfeld

    Real Jerry Seinfeld Fapstronaut

    It doesn't make you a bad person because you're struggling to be sexually attracted to someone. To some extent, sexual attraction is involuntary, you can't will yourself into feeling it.

    I don't personally think that what you do in terms of recovery is going to have a massive effect on how you feel. If you thought your wife was objectively smoking hot but still couldn't be aroused by her, then I would say that's likely an issue with your porn habit. But it sounds as though your attraction to her has decreased in relation to her weight gain, given that you've cut down on porn substantially across this time.

    I would discuss the attraction issue with your wife if you haven't already. And I would also be tactful but quite frank about it. I think a lot of guys either avoid talking about this or downplay its significance because they want to spare their other half's feelings. But if she doesn't know the extent to which this is an issue for you, then she doesn't have an opportunity to decide how to respond to it. She needs the fully story.
    True-Self likes this.
  4. To me, it sounds like there is an underlying issue going on here; maybe something has bothered her recently and it's up to the point that she doesn't care. Try reaching out to her and see if she's willing to discuss it.
  5. CFmurse

    CFmurse Fapstronaut

    That’s definitely the hard part. Letting her know my feelings tactfully, but with offending her. She’s a very sensitive person, especially when it comes to this matter, so it will take some preparation before talking about it.
  6. CFmurse

    CFmurse Fapstronaut

    true! Her dad has had a lot of health issues over the last few years too, which might be contributing. I feel like a lot of people in this situation either do everything they can to prevent themselves from ending up in the same situation, or just unfortunately end up in a spot where they start down the same path to end up as their loved one.
  7. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    If your wife is sensitive about it how do you think she will respond to the information? And how do you think you would handle that response? Do you feel like you can handle the response she gives well?

    I have found, the further along I've gone removing P addiction the better I handle my wife's own erratic behaviors. For this reason my opinion is you wait to say anything about this until you feel you can articulate it in a kind, loving way, that also expresses how you truly feel without feeling shameful about it. I would take some time to really think hard on how you feel. I also don't think that this is something that should be kept silent long term either. Do you think P is affecting any preference here or no?

    It sounds like you've been working on the addiction part so that's good. I can't fully relate to you on the attraction part with my wife as even though our looks are changing I see her in the same light in did when we were younger. I can say what I feel I want/need now is much different than what I did a year ago since starting to remove addiction in terms of sex and intimacy.

    P addiction trains the eye to objectify others physically. This severs a certain level of emotional connection that is very important, because without the physical attraction the person viewing the content isn't going to emotionally connect. Do you feel fully emotionally connected when the lights are off with your wife? Or is the physical attraction issue on your mind then as well? I wonder if it's a little bit of both, her body gaining weight, and your habitual objectification of others.

    What's your story with removing P? How long have your steaks been? Have they been improving?
  8. CFmurse

    CFmurse Fapstronaut

    I agree 100% with everything you said! For the last few years I’ve done a great job of removing p, but I’ve traded that out for psubs. Previously I would MO once or twice a week, but since joining the community a month ago I had a 13 day streak and a 16 day streak, so heading in the right direction.
    I think for my wife the best course of action is to be prepared when she feels good about herself and brings it up in casual conversation. The hardest part will be letting her know in a soft, loving way, that won’t hurt her feelings or offended her. And that’s the hard part!
    Appreciate the advice and questions, thank you so much!
  9. Warfman

    Warfman Fapstronaut

    I think focusing on how you handle bringing this up would be a better focus than waiting for a time that she is feeling good about herself. Since that's actually out of your control. All you can control is you. It's important to understand how your wife might handle things. But your focus can't be on trying to find the right time when to say something.

    Congrats on the streaks!
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2023
    Real Jerry Seinfeld and CFmurse like this.
  10. rejected

    rejected Fapstronaut

    Does she know about your addiction? If she does that could be what's causing her to let herself go. I was in a sexless relationship for ten years. Starting when I was 90 pounds and ending when I was 135 pounds. Most of these years I weighed in at 106 daily. It didn't matter what sexy outfits I put on, he'd reject me. I felt like a fool all made up perfectly to be treated like that. Ever since, I only dress and groom for myself, and believe me, I already had major depressive disorder before letting him in my life and now I have no confidence even though many men find me attractive and think I'm a lot younger than I am. I see a lot of addicts here putting the blame on everyone but themselves. I'm sure you know that porn decreases your attraction to real women. Just a thought.

    In my case he was forced to choose between me and porn and he chose the porn, but he will tell my friends I went on vacation and came back in a bad mood so he's just giving me some time to myself. He doesn't seem to understand or admit to something that clear cut. He even thinks I'm the narcissist when it's commonly known that narcissists withhold sex. All I wanted was love and he was incapable of giving it. I stayed loyal for ten years. He knew my boundaries and constantly stepped over them, and me.

    Do you realize that this addiction warps your brain? Your decision making skills are being stunted. Best to reset that before saying something to your wife.
    Wuugazi32 and +TenPercent like this.