Any flirting advice?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by BravelyKegger, Jan 21, 2024.

  1. I have become proficient in small talk and eye contact. However, I am not familiar with flirting. Last night I went to a bar and the bartender was being very talkative and physical with me, it was obvious she was into me. I had no idea how to return the affection or flirt back with her. Does anyone have tips?
    L.LAWLIET likes this.
  2. I'm a little out of practice, but the idea is to keep it playful and open-ended. In other words - no pressure, no expectations, just chatting for the fun of it whether it leads anywhere or not. Don't try to be cool, don't try to impress her, none of that. Instead ask her about herself and her life, her interests, see if you connect on anything and if you do dig deeper and see if a real convesation develops. The key with flirting is to not take anything too seriously, keep it light so you don't come off as pushy or needy. You're just a guy talking to a gal for the fun of getting to know someone new, and if nothing comes of it no worries, there's another conversation with another gal around the corner.
    hulkfresh23 and Nubian Pharaoh like this.
  3. ItsSeal

    ItsSeal Fapstronaut

    Go with the flow
  4. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    Binge videos of Craig Ferguson interviewing women on YouTube. That man was like the Gandalf of flirting.
  5. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    "Hey bby do you want to hear about React Native and Flexbox" "no ?" Understandable
  6. Nubian Pharaoh

    Nubian Pharaoh New Fapstronaut

    Hey babe can you give me your father's number.
  7. Appreciate the unique advice guys.
  8. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    Lol im sorry its not my thing ive never been good at it
    BravelyKegger likes this.
  9. Dying Light

    Dying Light Fapstronaut

    I have seen this many times in movies. Not sure if this will work out in real life. If she was into you and you feel you like her than ask her out for a snack or maybe a coffee. Although it may occur that she was really flirting with you to buy more drinks or make you want to come back for more drinks for the bar in the future.

    L.LAWLIET Fapstronaut

    Flirting Tips to Boost Attraction and Connection
    These are some tips that can help you step up your flirting game:

    1. Start with a smile: A warm smile is a simple and effective way to demonstrate your happiness at seeing someone. Research shows that smiling makes you seem more attractive, trustworthy, and intelligent.1
    2. Maintain eye contact: Maintain eye contact with the person while you’re chatting with them. Put away distractions and give them your full attention.
    3. Use humor: Witty comments or jokes can help you break the ice and create a rapport with the person. Over time, you can build these references into inside jokes that you share together.
    4. Look for common ground: Look for shared interests, hobbies, and experiences to establish common ground and build a connection.
    5. Give genuine compliments: A compliment can show the person you’re interested in them and make them feel good about themselves. Give them a genuine compliment on their personality, habits, appearance, or achievements. Try to compliment them on something that’s unique and specific to them instead of giving them a generic line.
    6. Listen actively: Actively listen to what the person shares. Ask follow-up questions and pay attention to their likes and dislikes.
    7. Be confident: confidence is attractive, but it’s important to find the right balance. Being overconfident can come across as arrogant or cocky. On the other hand, being too shy can make it hard for the other person to gauge your interest and intentions.2 Flirting often involves walking a thin line between subtlety and overtures.
    8. Keep your body language open: Keep your body language open and approachable. When it comes to flirting, research shows that how something is said is as important as what is being said.3 A 2021 study notes that body language in the form of eye contact, a slight smile, and tilted head often indicate flirtation.4
    9. Tease playfully: Gently teasing the person can help create a light and fun dynamic. However, it’s important to ensure that your teasing is playful and not hurtful in any way.
    10. Engage in friendly challenges: You can engage the person in friendly challenges or competitions, to pique their interest.
    11. Touch lightly: You can signal your interest in the person by lightly touching their arm or shoulder. However, be mindful of their boundaries and avoid doing anything without their concent.
    12. Be yourself: People sometimes put on a different persona when they’re flirting with someone they’re attracted to, trying to be what they think the person wants them to be. However, that’s usually not sustainable and generally leads to failure. It’s important to be your authentic self during this process, says de Llano.
    13. Go with the flow: Flirting is about exploring possibilities rather than trying to control outcomes, says Silva. She recommends letting go of your expectations and going with the flow of your emotions.
    14. Respect their boundaries: If the person indicates in any way that they’re not comfortable with any aspect of the interaction, it’s important to respect their boundaries and step back immediately.
    15. Be mindful of the context: Be mindful of the context of your interaction. Flirting can be appropriate—or even expected and welcome—in certain contexts, such as online dating platforms.However, it may not necessarily be appreciated in other contexts, such as workplaces for instance, where it may be considered harassment.

    L.LAWLIET Fapstronaut
