Hi all!

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Rail junkie, Jan 28, 2024.

  1. Rail junkie

    Rail junkie Fapstronaut

    Hi everyone!

    New fapstronaut here about to start my first PM reboot! Really nervous but excited to be in the community and get better. A bit about myself: I'm 20, from the UK, love music (mostly pop, rock, alternative etc) and love trains (hence the name!) I like to go trainspotting when I can as its something I've done from a very young age!

    I guess I'd like this to be an AMA (Ask Me Anything) kind of vibe so if anyone has any questions fire away!

    Have a lovely weekend :)
    NfBigGlP likes this.
  2. kaotic

    kaotic Fapstronaut

    What's your story? You sure seem awfully chipper.
    GeorgeJetson and Rail junkie like this.
  3. Rail junkie

    Rail junkie Fapstronaut

    It sure is a long story ahaha. I'm not happy about my story, but I'll explain why I always sound happy shortly as there is a reason behind it.

    Long story short I've been addicted to porn since around 11-12
    when I was sexually assaulted by a girl who I had known for a few weeks. This same girl showed me my first porn video and
    from then till about 2 years ago I was unknowingly hooked on it. My relationship with my partner came very close to the brink of collapse when my addiction got out of hand and I made a very conscious effort then to stop watching any porn with other people in it. I reset a few times but been doing pretty well for a little while now. I've joined the community as I'm looking at doing a PM reboot. Even though I don't want to watch porn with other people in it, the idea of porn still lingers in my head, and I want to work on rewiring my brain out of that mindset, as I still feel immense amounts of guilt now about what I put my partner through.

    The story why I sound happy is a completely different topic together! Once again, another long story short,
    I used to be very heavily addicted to drugs, namely ecstasy. One night I overdosed quite heavily by myself, to the point that I really shouldn't have survived it.
    From then, my mindset has been that I am so incredibly lucky to be here. No matter what life has thrown at me since, I've always approached everything with positivity and optimism! Don't get me wrong I still feel negativity a lot (I'm a healthcare student so theres plenty of it to go around lmao,) but I accept it in my stride and do the best I can. Example: I am quite scared about starting my reboot, and joining the community, but I'm remaining positive because I know there's an end where my brain is completely porn-free, and all the benefits that come with it!
    NfBigGlP likes this.
  4. NfBigGlP

    NfBigGlP Fapstronaut

    Looking forward to hearing about your journey bro
    Rail junkie likes this.
  5. GeorgeJetson

    GeorgeJetson Fapstronaut

    Hey there! Welcome to the community! This is a fantastic place to get the support needed to get sober and stay stopped.

    I've battled this addiction for 30+ years, been all over the world chasing it, and finally put together some sober time.

    Again, welcome to the community!
    NfBigGlP and Rail junkie like this.