Our generations FIGHT CLUB = nofap

Discussion in 'Off-topic Discussion' started by g2stop, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    Hey, I love the film fight club with Brad Pitt and was wondering if anyone else saw any correlations with FIGHT CLUB?
  2. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    It's hard to say. Fight Club is a movie that pretty much teaches: Don't go with what society says. Do your own thing, pursue your own dreams and mostly anti-materialism. Modern people identify themselves as consumers. They are what they own and not who they are as a person deep down. Certain quotes should come to mind now.
    Especially being yourself and pursuing your dreams is what connects fight club and NoFap in my opinion, because we all want to channel the energy we save through NoFap in becoming the person who we really want to be and start doing the things we are passionate about. If we would go with what society says we would all fap daily.

    The one quote in FC that pretty much is anti NoFap is when Brad Pitt says something like: "Self improvement is Masturbation". Which we all know is not true.
  3. Red Eagle

    Red Eagle Fapstronaut

    Yes that's the scene. Just looked it up here it is
    Funny that I just now noticed that he says: "Self-Improvement is Masturbation. Or self destruction.

    I think this scene is not against working out but against trying to copy how others look and concentrating on the superficial aspect of it.
    Working out is awesome, but you shouldn't do it to just get girls but to feel good in your own body.

    Yes self improvement goes beyond the physical. Self improvement starts with the mental aspect anyway in my opinion.

    My favorite quote is: "The things you own end up owning you". Because it's fucking true. Material possesion doesn't create happiness in any way. It's just another addiction like pmo.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2015
    TopBoys_Frontline likes this.
  4. I joined a Fighter Club this week lol, not here though over at www.fightthenewdrug.com

    I think NoFap is more about improving our own lives, and hey if we impact the world for the better while doing it then we have fought ourselves not just for ourselves lol.

  5. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    Not really, according to fight club self improvement is masturbation

    I didn't really see the connection but Chuck Palahniuk is gay so that might explain it
  6. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    As with much of fight club I didnt think that was meant to be taken literally and I am interested that people did take it literally. I think this means that the superficiality of self improvement is like the wastefulness of masturbation, we need to go beyond that into taking down the ego/self, so we can truly help others. But I guess it is open to interpretation. Yes its good to improve the self, but if just for selfish motives, it is just like jizzing life away.
  7. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    I can't even tell if fight club was serious or satire. The movie ending seemed a little ridiculous.
  8. Dude this post is awesome hahah! Well said.
  9. lionace

    lionace Guest

    I keep remembering Fight Club every now and then and I might have watched it a minimum of 12 times already. In some way I'd call it my favourite movie. I think despite the terms / symbols used there are very much different from anything else and must be seen in context, yet a movie with a comparable amount of truth and inner spirit remains to be seen.

    "Self-improvement is masturbation"
    is something I would not agree on but if you see the context it is not really about improving the self but it's about improving the appearance to hide the shitty inner self.

    "Is another woman really what we need?"
    This is IMO an absolutely valid question, and I would not even interpret it as a pointer to the gay community.
    A man needs the community of other men, and nowadays, many young men do suffer a lack of male idols or a proper father figure (me included). Usually the mother is predominant, and the female part continues to be dominant during kindergarden and pre-school.
    Also I regard solitude as invaluable, and the ability to be alone without feeling lonely.

    "It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything"
    This is about hitting bottom. I experienced it myself: I wasn't hitting bottom because I had a somewhat difficult childhood, some trauma or bad circumstances. It was primarily because I was not free to do certain things/think and behave in certain ways. That's why I had to loose some things first - not everything, but it sure felt like everything back then.

    Narrator: You're making a big mistake, fellas! - Police Officer: You said you would say that.
    Narrator: I'm not Tyler Durden! - Police Officer: You told us you'd say that, too.
    Narrator: All right then, I'm Tyler Durden. Listen to me, I'm giving you a direct order. We're aborting this mission right now. - Police Officer: You said you would definitely say that.

    I just think of it as a inner dialogue before relapsing *LOL*

    I could go on forever, basically every scene makes me think about important matters of life.
    TopBoys_Frontline likes this.
  10. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    @lionace wow, some great revelations bro
  11. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    The comparison just doesn't work

  12. g2stop

    g2stop Fapstronaut

    A story about a guy who goes to all self help groups and learns something from each of them, but feels there is always something missing, so starts a self help group of his own "fight club" with a greater good in mind, where all the people in the group dont only help themselves, but aim to ultimately help society - admittedly the ways of freeing society from capitalism both practically and ideologically are a little extreme.