Hi I'm new here so I have a question about the reboot

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Nihil, Dec 22, 2015.

  1. Nihil

    Nihil Fapstronaut

    Am i suppose to stop masturbating to porn or stop masturbating all together?
  2. JoeinUSA

    JoeinUSA Fapstronaut

    What is a problem for you and your life? Why do you want or need to reboot? These are the real questions. What do you need to recover from and why?

    Hard reboot technically means no porn (P) or masturbation (M) alone, or orgasm (O) (no sex) with a partner for the whole period of the reboot - often 90 days.

    Soft reboot usually means no P or M, but O with a committed partner is accepted. This reboot may or may not be as powerful as the hard reboot.
    the phantom pain likes this.
  3. Nihil

    Nihil Fapstronaut

    Well, I've stopped masturbating for 2 weeks now because my girlfriend and I started having a long distance relationship and it will probably last for 6 months.Anyways, we used to do some stuff on Skype but after masturbating so much my penis got kinda addictive to my own had so I wasn't able to ejaculate last time we had sex so I stopped masturbating till we meet again.I was only able to ejeculate with using my hand and it really bothered me I don't know if it's about porn or just masturbating.
    JoeinMD likes this.
  4. Nihil

    Nihil Fapstronaut

    So what do I do?Stopping to masturbate and watching porn will that fix my issues?Isn't it unhealthy if I stop for a long time?
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Yes, stopping masturbation and porn use will give your brain a chance to heal. :) The problems with your penis are not really with the physical organ. :rolleyes: The problem is in the electro-chemical reactions in your brain. The quickest and most effective way to get things back to normal is total abstinence. We are here to advise you and encourage you so don't worry.
  6. Nihil

    Nihil Fapstronaut

    How long for a month or two?