124th day no ejaculation (Tons of porn & fap)

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by bloverlong, Jan 21, 2016.

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  1. bloverlong

    bloverlong Fapstronaut

    First, I don't really get the "NoFap" concept, being that sexuality is part of our human nature. Its natural to have sexual urges. So why suppress or attempt to eliminate these urges? Its just creativity seeking an outlet besides through your penis. I have sexual urges everyday, some intentional, some not. I viewed porn just 1 hour ago to get my creative juices flowing. I love to get excited, horny, penis rock, throbbing hard, yearning to ejaculate - then close my eyes & imagine my brand new clothing business recently started, "Cute ass Girl" (women love being complemented on their ass. It sales like fast food Mcdonald's, im serious) or I'll imagine and concentrate on this BMW car (used BMW) (which i recently purchased at a steep discount). Or I'll just imagine the energy as a light flowing up to my heart or the top of my head entering my brain. This is tittles "sex transmutation", or "sex sublimation", since energy cannot be destroyed; it must be sublimated from one channel to another.
    So the act of "NoFap" or suppressing sexual desires in my opinion is wrong. There's so much can be accomplished with this energy. Why leave it dormant? Transmute that sexual desire into anything you'd like to achieve in this world.
    DannyCool likes this.
  2. IGY

    IGY Guest

    If your not addiction problem, then why even come here? This is not about suppressing natural sexual urges.
  3. bloverlong

    bloverlong Fapstronaut

    Ummm... aren't we all addicted? Ive been masturbating practically all my life dude. I just discovered a better way to sublimate the sexual energy thats more counter productive verses shooting out, via peter.
    DannyCool likes this.
  4. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    Well done on your semen retention. As IGY pointed out to me before though fapping even without ejaculation is addictive and contributes to objectification.
    MementoMori and Caveat Emptor like this.
  5. bloverlong

    bloverlong Fapstronaut

    Ok Danny, during arousal, Instead of ejaculating, if you were to close your eyes and imagine accomplishments you'd like to achieve in this world, your erection would subside or go down back to normal. Then you could turn the porn off and go get famous, take over the world, or create the new business you were imagining.

    Try it one time.
  6. DannyCool

    DannyCool Fapstronaut

    It sounds like you have got a very strong mind. Why not put that to use helping people as oppose to achieving goals. It is great to meet you.
    I have done this for about two months in order to get power over my urges and in case I was going to have a partner because loosing semen to a partner on a regular basis causes a lot of dependency, attachment and negativity. Especially if you are living together a lot. I think you are like me though and you don't really like porn cause it just treats women as objects and not someone to love but to just get pleasure out of.
    bloverlong likes this.
  7. bloverlong

    bloverlong Fapstronaut

    I love porn actually. I have porn covering the wall in my at home "office." It provides me such creativity and possibly the main reason I created "Cute Ass Girl." Not that im a pervert or anything, but i do get to have sexual conversations with girls about their booty. Sometimes i'll measure it, or at times she'll even insist i squeeze it... just to be certain its real, ha ha. There's nothing i could think of better to make money from involving sexual energy.
  8. buzzlightyear

    buzzlightyear Fapstronaut

    Ofcourse we want more details :p

    I didn't read "masturbate" is this something you do? How long do you let this arousal built before you transmute it?
    Did you engage in intercourse during the past 124 days? If so, how many times? How did you did you manage that without ejaculating?

    I can remember my peak of around 60 days where I would be with someone and just get short flashes of urges. They were very strong and I think I started to understand what real masculine energy is.

    I don't know what your age is, mine is 18-20. I found myself distracted when I progressed further into the previous streaks. Now you transmute your energy onto something quite similair? "Cute ass Girl" is a term that definitely gets a lot of hits on a pornsite.

    One example was when I worked with a female collegue, I didn't got that much work done, since I was overly interested in her (we both let work down). A job is something different than your own business which if done properly creates time or moreover you're creating which provides certain needs. Needs created by semen-retention.

    Instead of a child, you build your business sir.

    The only problem I faced during these streak was lack of a certain project where I could fulfill this need to create. Or the discipline to actually pursue.

    Please answer the questions. The information might be of great importance to other fapstronauts.

    Thanks in advance,

  9. Kenzo89

    Kenzo89 Guest

    Everyone is different but we can share similarities for example I'm not the only one here who gets physical symptoms from watching porn I.e brain fog, fatigue, muscle ache etc. When I abstain from masterbating or watching P then I become the opposite. Do we need to watch film prostitution, literally people having sex with each other and we get pleasure from that? That sucks. This website is for individual goals however most of us here share the same problem. "Our mission" is to leave the porn and get back to reality. Real life, real touch 'with a real human', real connection and live life free from visual stimulation.
  10. Matthew5:28

    Matthew5:28 Fapstronaut


    This is a legitimate question so I'd like to help you out! (Please read all of this, I took the time to write you can take two minutes to read it)! In terms of PMO, porn is the main culprit. Sperm retention has many benefits but masterbation on its own won't kill you. Porn on the other IS A MUCH DIFFERENT STORY. Porn screws up everything from your mental health to potentially erectile dysfunction and premature ejactualtion. No amount of porn consumption is healthy and guess what, we all "love porn" too. Being attracted to hot girls only means your a healthy normal male, but let me ask you, do you really want your sexual urges having control over you? Or do you want control over your urges? Porn, by design, feels amazing just like shooting up a line of cocaine feels amazing. Neither one is good for you though. (I'm assuming you know the science behind dopamine- if you don't please message me I'd be happy to tell you about it). And bro, even if you say to yourself "I know this isn't what real sex is like, I'm just gonna enjoy porn for what it is," that thought is gonna evaporate soon. You know what else Americans say that about. Advertising. I can't tell you how many times watching TV commercials I've said "how stupid is this commercial?" but ad designers a lot smarter than you and I know that it does work! They wouldn't make it if it didn't! In the same way, porn, often subconsciously, morphs the healthy way we should look at sex.
    Lastly, your right, we shouldn't be suppressing natural sexual desires. Sexual desires only mean your normal, all guys get them. Trying to smother isn't the best option. But instead if edging, just go right the hell ahead and use the energy from them. I'm religious and often I'll lift up the urge- I'll pray for the girls I'm craving so that I may view them with love instead of lust. Additionally, I'll use the energy I get from urges to work out at the gym extra hard.

    Not to diminish what you've done 124 days no orgasm is huge bro!!! That's very impressive! But I really hope you'll see the perils in watching pornography.

    Extra resources you should check out:
    -this has many great articles and can explain these harms much better than I can

    -I personally don't use this but a lot of people on NoFap suggest it.

    Best of luck!
    seth, Caveat Emptor, Low and 2 others like this.
  11. bloverlong

    bloverlong Fapstronaut


    I for the most part quit masturbating, I'll of course play, via peter; but not until its over bearable. Sex is the driving force in my awakening. I've been to where you've been, losing myself to certain women. They'd get me every time around day 35 - 48. Its like id be avoiding the girls and they'll bump right into me. But this time around I never cared to even sleep with them. We'd still have great conversation, but it never got sexual of course without me taking initiative. Its certain kinky sexual activities I'll have a girl do for me which get me off more than if id had sex. "Sex sublimation", is something i had no idea of it during streaks before. I had no clue about transmuting the sexual energy into a business, company, fortune. I never had an idea about this before, so as a result I no longer do streaks after discovered "sex sublimation." ITS A PERMANENT LIFESTYLE.
  12. nofapmike

    nofapmike Fapstronaut

    I would reverse what you're doing. It's not the fapping and ejaculation. IT'S THE ASSOCIATION WITH OF THAT WITH THE PORN!!!

    Try doing this.

    1) Fap and ejaculate all you want for a week and attempt not to watch porn. Count how many times you actually broke down and watched porn.
    2) Repeat again for week 2 and try to reduce this count by one each time till you hit 0.
    3) So now you're at the point when you're fapping without porn --> congrats. Now try to go one day without fapping.
    4) If you succeed then go for two days. If you don't try it again.

    Anyways the way you're going about it imo defeats the purpose of what this is about (it actually sounds to me like torture). It's about addiction and your brain changing where it only becomes excited by watching porn and nothing else.

    It's not about suppression. It's about retraining your brain back to what it should be.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  13. Youknowbest

    Youknowbest Fapstronaut

    I cant help but say I am baffled...haha
  14. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    Could you send me via PM your company website? I love learning about new businesses :)
  15. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    I have no idea what you are talking about? You get super horny, but don't have sex and that gives you energy to make money, is that what you are saying? Good for you. I prefer to have sex, resist the temptation to PMO, and live a happy and normal life. Running around not having sex, but looking at porn and fapping is an artificial life. What's preventing you from having a relationship with a women? I guess I don't get what you are trying to say?
    about a girl and calvin40 like this.
  16. calvin40

    calvin40 Fapstronaut

    Ι tottaly agree.I dont know what he is trying to say or to achieve for that matter.
    Are you trying to use your sexual energy for bussiness ideas and bussiness success?
    Anyway i think that this forum is not about suppressing your needs but rather about engaging in social life and abstaining not from the pleasures of sex but rather from artificial stimulants and trying to built relations sexual or others
    nomo likes this.
  17. bloverlong

    bloverlong Fapstronaut

    Well not understanding has to do with cognition. A mental function disabled of learning basic concepts. I have a four year old cousin who possibly could understand this basic concept. Or possibly the "monkey brains" not ready yet to understand such entitled information. Sex transmutation is not a new concept im coming up with here. What I'm doing is similar to what Steve job's did during the creation launch of his billion dollar computer business. Yes, Billionaire Steve Job's while utiliing his sexual prowess, sublimated or transmuted sexual energy into a BILLION DOLLAR Microsoft business.

    His girlfriend Brennan quoted "Jobs was so concerned about saving his "energy for work" and "conserving one's vital energies" that he typically preferred not to climax."

    Steve Job's would take that sexual energy and transmute it into his (soon to be) billion dollar Microsoft computer business. Brennan and Jobs were living together when he co-founded Apple (billion dollar business) from a garage in California.

    Steve Jobs, left an estimated fortune of $8 billion (£4.95 billion),
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2016
    BrainPlasticity likes this.
  18. nomo

    nomo Fapstronaut

    Your reply is insulting. That's the unfortunate downside with blogs and social media, we have to let fools like you anonymously type insults from the safety of their computer. You wouldn't dare speak to me in such a tone if we were speaking in person, you wouldn't have the guts. Please don't try to explain your concept to your four-year-old cousin, it's not appropriate. Perhaps if you said sex transmutation in your first post more of us would have understood your point.

    You are not Steve Jobs so don't flatter yourself by emulating him. Your time would be better spent learning how to write with more clarity in case you have to communicate with others on an important matter. Rather than continue to waste my time reading your nonsense, I'll block you and read the post of those who understand the intention of Nofap and whose opinions I value.
  19. maak to

    maak to Fapstronaut

    First, I don't really get the "alcoholic anonymous" concept, drinking alcohol is part of our culture, and many other cultures. Its natural to brew/distillate alcohol, and drink it. Humanity has been doing it for thousands of years. So why suppress or attempt to eliminate this habit? I drink everyday, sometimes alone, sometimes not. I had a drink just 1 hour ago to get my homework done. I love to get dizzy, drunk, the taste of whisky in my mouth, then I close my eyes and imagine all the friends I could make, all the girls I could date, all the work I could accomplish. I also drive drunk, it's awesome. The feeling of freedom. Or I'll just imagine the alcohol as a light flowing up to my heart or the top of my head entering my brain. This is what I call "drunk transmutation", or "alcohol sublimation", since alcohol will never disappear from Earth, it must be sublimated from one glass to another.
    So the act of refraining from alcohol in my opinion is wrong. There's so much can be accomplished with this molecule. Why not use it? Just get drunk and accomplish anything you'd like to achieve in this world.
    calvin40 and BrainPlasticity like this.
  20. BrainPlasticity

    BrainPlasticity Fapstronaut

    Lol nice! XD
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