Physical symptoms

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Xwin, Apr 3, 2014.

  1. Xwin

    Xwin Fapstronaut

    Hi all I was wondering what sort of physical consequences (changes in your body) have you experienced? I've been PMOing for 15 years, luckily never suffered from ED, but I wonder if my body changed somehow..
  2. Brandon2001

    Brandon2001 Fapstronaut

    changed like how?
  3. Mariposa

    Mariposa Fapstronaut

    Some people say PMO worsens/causes acne...
  4. Brandon2001

    Brandon2001 Fapstronaut

    im 15. I have acne...not really bad, but i think it does cause it more.
  5. muesli

    muesli Fapstronaut

    I can't take a sh*t for two days after multiple PMO. Don't know why, maybe hormones.

    And yes, I also think it can cause facial acne to some extent.

    Scientists have to do more research. It's a joke how little is known about basic body chemistry.

    But I feel any changes are probably just temporary.
  6. shyguy93

    shyguy93 Fapstronaut

    Is this whole thing about that it can cause baldness true? I'm 21 and since I've been 19 I've had a receding hairline that is getting worse and worse. It's driving me crazy.
  7. ethomatis

    ethomatis New Fapstronaut

    I am almost positive that my right arm is bigger than my left. Even though I tried to catch my left arm up it still is noticeable. Anyone else have this issue?
    Empty Red Cloud likes this.
  8. Xwin

    Xwin Fapstronaut

    I get headaches and my lymph nodes feel enlarged.
  9. Lunar Devil

    Lunar Devil Fapstronaut

    yes it does. it makes you weak, like falling and colourless hair. weak bones. bad eyesight. etc. but also over time it plays with the natural flow of so called 'yin and yang' energies. it other words it makes you look like jonny bravo. NOT joking. it is very bad. it makes you left side of the body weaker. it does it include your arms and legs getting smaller, etc. check out happeh theory he knows it well: he got many other videos and i personaly agree with all of them
  10. Xwin

    Xwin Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the link!

    I don't mean to sound hypochondriac, but I do believe my eyesight is actually geting worse and worse.

    Are there any medically proven side effects of PMO addiction you know of?
  11. diesel2256

    diesel2256 Fapstronaut

    I fapped for 14 years, most of those on a daily basis. I had constant fatigue and depression that seemed to never get better. Furthermore, I had become quite suicidal and jaded with life.

    In the last few days, I've never felt better. My energy keeps going up, my mood is hopeful and positive, and thoughts of suicide have completely vanished. PMO is one hell of a dangerous disease.
  12. johnnnnni

    johnnnnni Fapstronaut

    Im 25 and got ED about a year ago. I just couldn't get it up to P anymore. Not even looking at real women did anything. I also developed GAD, SA, and mild depression. Also my sleep gets bad and dizziness. I was in denial for so many years, but i realized PMO really messes you up
  13. one32

    one32 Fapstronaut

    I've been socially withdrawn for years and have experienced severe bouts of depression. I've also noticed that sex just wasn't as enjoyable as masturbation: there was the death grip syndrome and performance anxiety.

    Not expecting a panacea, but I've never tried to attack this particular addiction. I figure it's worth a shot.
  14. Malik Jaffar

    Malik Jaffar Fapstronaut

    I know a guy who did it 8-12 times a day. As to how long he as been doing it, I am not sure but he has a very distorted sleeping schedule. One day he might sleep only 3-5 hours and the very next he will sleep for 15-20 hours. When he went to see a doctor, the doctor told him it was a side effect of over-ejaculating.
  15. johnnnnni

    johnnnnni Fapstronaut

    damn how can men do that. I can only do it once a day max! if i push it to two times a feel drained as hell and my balls start to hurt. I can only imagine 12 times!! no thanks

  16. Saserman

    Saserman Fapstronaut

    I've read somewhere that excessive masturbation can reduce your levels of vitamin A, which can cause temporary night blindness. But I think that study was flawed or something, or only applies for very extreme cases.

    I think you should go see an eye doctor, personally