Day 103-104 dick is back to life (Day 102 - no urges and still no morning wood)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by numpty, Mar 7, 2016.

  1. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    I haven't had any morning woof since day 42ish (it was only 30-40% hard) . I wasnt eating well but the last week or so i have been and gained 1kg so I would have expected them to return.

    I don't have random erections unless I think about something sexual.

    My urges have more or less diminished.

    I have been talking to a girl for the last week and we have intellectual stimulating conversations and that does turn me on and my dick does respond to her.

    I guess am in the "black hole" where i don't get urges for pics or porn and I don't get aroused by looking at a hot girl.

    But maybe i fall into the "weird" category and get aroused from the mind? So a top down approach rather than a bottom up approach?

    The girl am talking to says the brain is the biggest sexual organ in the human body lol...

    Anyone can shed some light or been in a similar situation?
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2016
  2. Kiron370

    Kiron370 Fapstronaut

    Day 102, I think it's tym to test your dick wid real sex buddy..... Unless you have real sex, you Wil always be confused whether you are improving or no.... I think day 102 is high tym to give it a try.... I tried real sex after 110 days, I fucked a gal 4 times in one night buddy... 110 days back I couldn't get it hard once also, couldn't even enter her... So I think you should try your luck now.... Best of luck
    The seeker likes this.
  3. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    But did you get random erections before trying it? And how long was your pmo problem?

    Mine was more MO than P.and it went on for 14-15 years. With upto 20 times a day for some days
  4. Kiron370

    Kiron370 Fapstronaut

    I had pmo problem for alomst 12 years, and I started suffering from PIED ...
  5. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Sounds like a flatline. Mine continued until about day 70.
  6. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut


    If that's the case i have pretty much been in a flat line throughout the entire journey except between days 36-44ish?!

    So about a 94 day flat line?! Lol is that possible?
  7. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    I think i always has ED then. First time i realised this was at about 20 years old when I first tried having sex. Am 28 soon.... only had sex once without pills and that was probably 60% erection
  8. skylar_legit

    skylar_legit Fapstronaut

    i get morning wood every day. its kinda' irritating coz i cant sleep after that and very uncomfortable.
    i think this is because i go for jogging every night and blood circulation improves with jogging .
    do you work out or jog? if not ,try it for some days. my acne also goes away when i go jogging and exercise. try it.
  9. lewis713

    lewis713 Fapstronaut

    you need to workout, do some cardio and some weights imo, increases horniness & sex drive, a flatline usually comes with anger,sadness,frustration etc
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2016
  10. Jungler

    Jungler Fapstronaut

    I hear you bud, i'm a few days away from my first month of abstinence and haven't had morning wood or urges yet. We're in a frustrating flatline, take it as you're recovering from those unproductive days you used to pmo in front a screen.

    Hang in there.
  11. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    Not anymore. I did in earlier stages of reboot and last summer.

    Diets been bad within reboot and bad knees and i didn't want to risk it with workouts.

    Felt some hornyness today particularly as that girl has been texting me. We had a three hours phone chat and we were aroused!

    Before nofap i could workout loads and wouldn't get hard on . But i need to try it with my 104 days of nofap under belt!
  12. numpty

    numpty Fapstronaut

    So day 104 has been better. Dicks had 50-60% erection at slightest touch or thought. After i piss i like to wipe it and it was jump starting when wiping haha!

    Also I may be at my peak of sexual energy and this also."overflowed" into the physical and mental "jugs" as i was walking and talking like a boss today even though my sleep was shit!

    I had dozed off after my last post last . night and woke up at 5am and then got into bed. From 5am to 9am In my sleep i could feel my dick was getting hard lol!