Finding out who I am.

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Ark619, Mar 18, 2016.

  1. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Hey everyone, I've been lurking on these forums for quite sometime now. I am a 24 year old man, and I have been fapping as long as I can remember. I started pmo'ing to straight vanilla porn, however as everyone knows very rarely does anyone stop there, I escalated to transwoman porn then to gay porn. This lead to a period of time with me thinking I was gay... So I tried getting with a man in real life and it was horrible I had literally zero attraction to him so before anything happened I dressed up gave him an apology and left.... This left me very confused and so I tried to meet a guy who was more my "type" the type of guy I liked pmo'ing too and again nothing . It was extra confusing because I felt no romantic feelings to any man just saw them as friends. So I decided that I'm not gay and should move on with my life.... I met a girl a few months later whom I started dating she was great we had amazing chemistry, she was a devout Muslim so sex was off the table. However when I was with her in bed just kissing I was rock hard... Which never happened with men in real life. Unfortunately we broke up 3 months later.... And I spiralled and went back to watching gay porn. Fast forward a year and I met my ex girlfriend she was extremely attractive however when it came time to having sex I couldn't get it up... Can you believe it here i am my first time naked with a girl I like and I can't get it up.... After a while I managed to get some sort of erection and managed to have sex.... From that point on my erections would come and go and I wouldn't be able to perform consistently. We broke up after half a year of dating..... The constant failure of my erection has made me question my sexuality. From what I read excessive porn use can cause erectile dysfunction.... So I've decided to give rebooting a shot for 90 days to see.... Just what my sexuality is without porn in my life.... So yeah that's me and I guess this is day 1 of NoFap hard mode.
    ByeForever!! and strugglemode like this.
  2. sih

    sih Fapstronaut

    Cool, good luck man.
  3. sih

    sih Fapstronaut

    Let the unravelling begin.
  4. dragonaire

    dragonaire Temporarily Suspended

    Do you feel electricity when u touch an attractive man or when an attractive man touches u?

    If not, then ur not gay
  5. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Thanks everyone got any tips for me?.... Dragonaire no I don't feel nothing no electricity ?
  6. dragonaire

    dragonaire Temporarily Suspended

    Then ur only curious... And of course ur dick cant stand up, u need tons of stimulation to make u feel aroused again... Stay away from porn and eventually ur pleasure center on the brain will become sensitive again to the simple things of life
  7. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Im very excited to see what happens, so one day down another 89 to goo
    sih likes this.
  8. Hey man, I get similar confusing feelings about sexuality. I'm also trying the 90reboot and figure it out clearly. Good luck.
  9. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Yeah... I'm getting a good feeling about this, we are on the right path. Good luck to you buddy.... How's your reboot ?
  10. Man to be honest so far is quite turbulent. I can't get a long strike and sometimes the urges and brain fog are unbearable. But still I'm better than before. Progress is gradual, slow and painful. But I look forward to reach the reboot challenge. What about you? First week is tougher I guess.
  11. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Yeah man I have terrible brain fog... It's really tough but I found that daily exercise completely get rid of it, meditation session after helps too.... Man I've been keeping myself busy with work and friends... I don't want to give myself the chance to Pmo
    strugglemode likes this.
  12. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    So day 3 feeling some urges to watch porn but nothing a bit of willpower can't handle.... I had some serious morning wood, haven't had it in a while.
  13. coldplay1989

    coldplay1989 Fapstronaut

    you can do it!, you will find out who you are .
    have a good day and good luck!
    Ark619 and strugglemode like this.
  14. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Day 4 of NoFap this is the longest have ever gone without spanking the monkey in the last 10 years... I'm feeling good, morning wood is there and strong... Using gym and work to work past this urge to Pmo. Meditating and deep breaths work well too
    dragonaire likes this.
  15. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Day 5... I've got a really bad cold which is definitely gonna keep me bed bound, no morning wood today. Besides the sore throat I'm feeling good
  16. Day 05 too man. Be careful of become bored during the sickness. Vulnerability can turn into relapse. I hope you get well soon.
  17. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Yeah man I was worried about that.... Arranged my day so I'm working in the living room no alone time for me
  18. I've had the exact same experience!!!!! And I know exactly how depressing that feels. Don't worry dude, your brain will slowly help you fix those glitches I promise. Just hang on and you'll slowly get there
    strugglemode likes this.
  19. Ark619

    Ark619 Fapstronaut

    Yeah man it was so embarrassing, I was lucky she was understanding. Yeah man I really hope so it's really worrying
  20. How's your progress going?