New job is stressing me out. I'm fapping everyday

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Namekian23, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    For the last few months, things have been pretty rough. At the time, I just got out of college looking for a job in my field. After searching at 10 different places and many interviews, I finally got one, but it wasn't what I expected. I wanted to get into the field of horticulture before going back into landscape design/architecture. I mean, I like mostly everything about my new job except one thing: my boss. My last job was pretty lenient; I worked at a library for a few years.

    But my new job, however, can be pretty intense. There's so much labor, and I'm moving around all the time at a fast pace. However, I do like to learn about the plants, help the customers, and just keep myself busy. The only problem is my boss; he keeps irritating me everyday at work and it's stressing me out. He corrects my mistakes at least 5 times a day, is very direct, and even puts down my efforts in front of the customers. It's getting to the point where I'm PMOing more often because of it. I normally fap at least once or twice a week, but now I'm fapping every day.

    I don't know how to cope with my new boss. However, I still enjoy learning about horticulture, and I like most of what I do. I'm hoping to work my way up into the company. But other than that, it's just dealing with my new boss that's the problem. And it doesn't help given the fact that I've been a porn addict for the last 18 years. This addiction has never been this hard before. But can anyone relate to this situation? When your work environment is stressful because of a boss or anything else that brings stress itself, how do you deal with it?
  2. Buddy,

    Do you have time to hit the gym? You need some way to decompress. Gym may help if you've neve tried it.
  3. grffn

    grffn Fapstronaut

    Would you be comfortable with asking him to meet with you for 30 minutes and trying to iron things out with him? Ask him what you can do to be better, and let him know that you're ambitious and want to contribute as much as you can to the company. Let him know that it's been stressful for you the way he's been acting toward you and if there's some way the two of you can work more fluidly together without so much conflict. It's really tough to sit down with someone and express these things but I'm not sure what other options you have besides quitting or if possible asking to be transferred to work with a different manager.
  4. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Well, there's a few things. My new workplace requires me to move a lot, so in a way, I'm getting a bit of a workout. But it's not enough for an real workout compared to the gym. I guess after moving around for 8 hours straight, the last thing you want to do is work out. On the other hand, I'll consider your advice. I should've thought of this idea sooner :confused: So yeah, on my days off I'll definitely hit the gym more often. Just to let out some steam.
  5. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    You do have a very good point, but I think I might save it for a later time if I really need to bring it up. I mean, he's not a total dick. Once in a while, he compliments my work, teaches me all he knows about the company and horticulture, and even buys me and my coworkers coffee or sweets. I'll give it a few more weeks to see, but one thing for sure is that I definitely need to work harder to up my game. This is a family owned company, and it's one of the largest in New England. So there's a lot of pressure on him as well because he's the second generation. But yeah, I'll definitely take your advice into consideration. Thanks man.
  6. The Progressive One

    The Progressive One Fapstronaut

    There's a huge difference between being constructive and being a douche. Only you can really tell. Use your best judgement. We all make sacrifices to pay the bills and make ends meet. But if you're miserable at a job because of co-workers, it may be time to reconsider that line of work.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  7. takezawa1

    takezawa1 Fapstronaut

    I can FULLY RELATE! Every job i get causes me to end up fapping but moreso in a different way. When i was unemployed, id be home all day in a slump so id fap 5-6 times a day not really being able to get it up and really just forcing myself to O. But as soon as i got a job my days would be occupied and i would be gone all day and i remember id come home from a stressful day looking forward to fapping, it was so much mode enjoyable after work it actually made the streas of work easier to deal with b/c i knew what i was going home to, so i get it. Its almost like i was fapping away the reality of what i had to go through at work.
    Namekian23 likes this.
  8. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    I feel you. I can relate. Especially when a young man like you get out of the education system and has to adapt to life after school.
    I think you are doing something very smart. Your horticulture learning will give you an edge as a designer. You'll be better able to suggest/plan around species for your designs. Pretty good move.

    Bosses are bosses..not all of them are good. Leadership is not something every company knows how to train managers into. Especially in some family business....Getting the job done doesn't make a good leader. But, its besides the point. You must learn something out of this.

    For sure, yes stress causes you to fap. Its one of yours (OURS) non-healthy coping mechanisms against stress. One of our challenges is to find healthy coping mechanisms that work for us, so we have other options than porn and masturbation.
  9. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    I hear what you're saying. There's a number to things to consider, even as we speak. I took the opportunity to talk to my boss like @grffn said. There was a lot of miscommunication. He was never trying to be mean; the company I work for just operates at a fast pace environment where being slow is not an option. It was pretty obvious, and he was just as frustrated as I was. However, he was just teaching me how to work as efficiently, as fast, and as timely as possible. Once I do this, his expectations of me will be lower, and it will be easier on me. It's a lot of work, but I have to start somewhere. But at least I know that he wasn't be a total douche, but more of a typical boss. He even said a few good things about me, so it wasn't all that bad. But for now, I just have to prove myself once more.

    Other than that, I still enjoy what I do. I like helping the customers, learning about the plants, doing certain tasks, and so on. So the pros outweighs the cons, and since my boss and I finally had this discussion, it's time for me to prove my worth. He wasn't being mean, but direct. He was frustrated, and so was I. But things are settled for now; other than that, this is something that I want to do for a long time, so I have to start from the bottom and work my way up just like any other job. I'll do my best to adapt to this type of environment.
  10. Namekian23

    Namekian23 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I appreciate your compliments. I wouldn't say he's a bad boss; in fact, I think he's pretty fair. Unfortunately, I think because he's pretty young himself, he may have difficulty interacting with certain employees. Him and I don't really click that much, although he does compliment my work and appreciates my presence. But you're right, I will learn something from this experience, and I just have to adjust to his methods of completing tasks. He is crucial about detail. And for the last part, I think all of the pros that I've mentioned is my way of coping. Learning about horticulture and plants relieves a lot of stress, like watering for example. The only irony is that I like everything about my job, but my stress comes from my boss. Either way, I'll find a way to cope.