I want to touch a human being

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by Deleted Account, Jun 15, 2016.

  1. There were a series of experiments conducted both by an ancient Roman king and an Egyptian Pharaoh that took a group of infants and deprived from them human interaction while at the same time scrupulously tending to the infants physical needs, (food, changing diapers, etc..). All in an attempt to "gauge the true language of God", the wet nurses were told not to talk or coddle the infants and within less than half a year, all if not most of the infants had died. Looking back at my life I've come to the realization that all I've ever really wanted, all anyone really wants, is a real, meaningful connection to someone on an emotional level. Speaking on a personal level, I've always been alone. I hadn't made any real friends until high school, and being raised by a paranoid single mother, I wasn't exactly encouraged to be around most of my family.
    I started to develop a hole inside. There are days even now that i walk around and i feel completely hollow and jaded. I feel like it'd be easier to want to be alone because I've lost my ability to connect with people but I can't seem to lie to myself. Like everyone else, I wanted to fill this hole inside and what I discovered was pornography. Pornography is always there when i need it and not there when I don't. It doesn't lie to me, it doesn't ever let me down, and damn does it feel good. I've come to realize that although porn was meant to fill this gaping chasm in my chest, all it's done is make it bigger because PORN IS JUST A REPLACEMENT FOR THE EMOTIONAL CONNECTION THAT COMES FROM A REAL PERSON. I want to touch a human being. Not in a sexual way that entails a certain expectation of a person (although maybe a little), but as hand that reaches out as if to say that "Although this world is full of falsehood, I will be your truth", and i want someone to reach back and tell me the same thing. Porn is just the finger in the dyke and my dam has burst (masturbation pun). I'm a greedy man, I can't be satisfied by a cheap imitation anymore. To all my brothers and sisters who can relate and have read through all of this, I'm telling you; we can overcome this. Just as porn became the replacement for real human interaction and connection, so can connection be the replacement for porn.
    I know it's not easy, but we have to put ourselves out there. Something real is out there for us all I swear it is, we just have to let it in. Thanks for reading.
  2. LiveAnAwesomeLife

    LiveAnAwesomeLife Fapstronaut

    Man such a great post , it just feels like my story.
    But in my case I have never had problems with friends, but now towards the end of college I've realized inspite of having so many friends I can hardly qualify anybody as a real or true friend of mine.

    While in college I made some real friends but never took the initiative to start interaction or you can say just took them for granted and eventually lost some of the closest people to me.

    I remember when I was badly addicted to porn 2 years back , a girl really like me and I liked her too ( not in that way ) but she was very awesome. She then asked me out and I told no.. my mind was looking for those real hot 10/10 fake boobs chicks. I then started ignoring her and it happened with some more of my friends where 2 were girls including this one.

    Now 2 years later.. I sadly admit that I hardly have any real friend to whom I can speak my heart. This great damage porn has done to me , actually us. And to get over it I sometimes again go back to porn .. after its over .. it feels like a hole again.
    We all must quit it before it silently kills us.
  3. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

  4. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

  5. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Actually, no. Society tells us men must be stoic and manly, not tender and sensitive, but that's a lie. P has told you that lie too. That you don't need human touch. From your title for this post I thought you might be interested in the article. But if you're not comfortable with it, that's OK.
  6. RealLifeGamer

    RealLifeGamer Fapstronaut

    Ofc you can feel bad for yourself but that wont help. Even if its true blaming the past wont help. Change is YOUR choice. Happiness is chosen by you.
  7. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    I didn't mean cuddling, I meant only cuddling.
  8. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Porn has stripped you of the ability to imagine cuddling without sex. But if you'd like to have an intimate relationship with a woman, you need to figure out how to do that.