Blue Balls?

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by NamelessЖ, Jun 21, 2016.

  1. NamelessЖ

    NamelessЖ Fapstronaut

    I know I see this in some topics but what is "blue balls"? Can anyone explain it to me?
  2. A sensation of aching in the scrotum. Medically it's called epididymal hypertension.

    In essence, when a man gets aroused, blood flows to the penis and scrotum, causing everything to become engorged. Pressure built up causes aching.
    formothermary likes this.
  3. IGY

    IGY Guest

    Good summary, @TheSumOfAllBeers. Also, click on highlighted words below for more information about this phenomenon.

    Vasocongestion is the swelling of bodily tissues caused by increased vascular blood flow and a localized increase in blood pressure. Unpleasant side effects of sex-related vasocongestion may lead to the cramp-like pain of blue balls.
  4. is this unhealthy? blue balls, to have them all the time from over sex and mo.
  5. Tj720

    Tj720 Fapstronaut

    Blue Balls are not unhealthy, although they can be quite painful at times depending on the severity. Usually they only happen when a man is significantly aroused without release, so they can be common for Fapstronauts who might "edge" but stop themselves before climax in order to keep their NoFap goal, or who see something arousing without masturbating. They aren't dangerous, or unhealthy, but they are unpleasant, so I find it best to avoid them when I can.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Never experienced it, neither a discoloration or pain from the overflowing of the testes.
  7. Tj720

    Tj720 Fapstronaut

    They aren't literally blue. They don't look any different than normal, it's just like an aching pain. If you haven't experienced it consider yourself lucky.
    formothermary likes this.
  8. got it. the solution to my problem!!!!!!!!!
  9. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    Cold showers has basically eliminated this for my husband. Even with prolonged sex but no O.
  10. Tj720

    Tj720 Fapstronaut

    I've tried cold showers and they don't usually work for me. I guess each guy is different in how his body reacts to blue balls. But cold showers is one I have heard frequently so definitely give it a try.
  11. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    I'm sure it is different for every guy. Try water directly on, if you have a handheld sprayer. Or a cold cloth directly on. Good luck.
  12. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    According to this article

    It is caused due to the blood becoming congested in that area. Not because of semen over buildup, and it can cause a bluish discoloration.

  13. Ted Martin

    Ted Martin Fapstronaut

    Interesting, I always assumed it was from the buildup of semen from a prolonged state of arousal without release. Learn something new every day! :p
  14. Themadfapper

    Themadfapper Fapstronaut

    Like with any addiction [ alcohol, drugs] are brains come up with excuses to for why we need to give in to the addiction. If you have ever watched ' the trailer park boys ' Jim Lahey is a great example of this with his drinking. " The Liquor" talks to him and he thinks he needs its guidance.

  15. NamelessЖ

    NamelessЖ Fapstronaut

    So? How does a person get it? No I'm not trying to get it I'm saying this so I can prevent myself from getting it.
  16. Illmatic

    Illmatic Fapstronaut

    Don't let yourself get aroused. Stop fantasizing and having frequent sexual thoughts that will give you a semi or a full erection.
    Short thoughts that give you slight dopamine hits are the worst. It's like turning a tap on and off.

    I had blue balls the other day and it was a pain in the ass to walk! Especially in my business suit.

    I can also get slight lower back pain when I experience it.
  17. Tj720

    Tj720 Fapstronaut

    the most common way to get it is by getting very aroused without release. Usually just getting an erection isn't enough to do this. Is usually caused by "edging" without O or watching P without O.