Is it PMO or something else?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by CanQuit, Jun 4, 2016.

  1. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    Hello everyone,

    This is my first post on the forum. English is not my first language, and I tend to digress a lot in whatever I say. So, please pardon any mistakes and bear with me. :/

    I usually don't talk about such things, not even on the internet. But, my addiction has gotten to such an extent that I can't control it anymore. On the contrary, it controls me. Hence, talking about my problem seemed like a sensible approach towards stopping my addiction. Here it goes:

    What I do is every night or whenever I can't suppress my urge, I lock my room's door, take out the woolen, soft blanket from the wardrobe and fold it in half, download a **** video on my phone, turn it on, put my penis into the fold and start moving it back and forth as if I were having real sexual intercourse. I am sorry for going into such details. But, I think it's necessary to explain my situation. Is it considered masturbation? How can I stop it? I have been doing it for 3 years now. I always say to myself that this is going to be my last, but the next day I give in to my urges again. Mentally, I am totally devastated. I feel like I have no self-esteem, zero confidence. I cannot think straight. I feel emotional easily. Sometimes, I feel suicidal. Physically, it is having pretty bad impacts too. I feel too exhausted. It has spoiled the texture of my penis. I can't sleep properly at night either. My hairline is receding faster. :(

    A brief history on how this addiction started:

    I am a 23-year-old male. I am literally a retarded person. Retarded in every freaking way you can think of. Examples being, I am short, I have dry, scaly skin with dark patches on foldings and groins, I sometimes have erratic hair loss, I literally look like 13-year old with a small face, I can't concentrate too long on anything, and so on. I believe I have GHD which led to such retardness. However, all the doctors who have checked up on me said nothing is wrong with me, and everything is genetically inherited. No one in our family has my problems. Even, my sister is an inch taller than me. So, I was extremely depressed for 3 years. In order to get out of my depression, I started masturbation in 2012 (no I never masturbated before) mostly as a brief respite from depression. Slowly, it became an addiction and in 2013, I devised the method I mentioned above as a more pleasant experience. Now, masturbation itself is causing its own problems on me. That combined with my depression and you can understand why I feel suicidal at times. :(

    How can I completely quit my addiction?

    If you have it read till now, thank you very much.
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
  2. Star owl

    Star owl Fapstronaut

    Hi Canquit!. First to answer your question yea it sounds like masturbation. I personally have had suicidal thoughts as well but you just have to keep pushing forward too. First i would say try nofap for like a week with no pmo just try that for the first try and then if you relapse try harder. Also talk to your friends and family about you're depression and remember that suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problem. hoped that helped ;)
    CanQuit likes this.
  3. krawkaw

    krawkaw Fapstronaut

    I would recommend just trying to go 3 weeks (minimum, I would ultimitely shoot for a larger goal like 90 days if you are wanting to quit entirely) without porn/masurbation/orgasm (PMO). This will show you some of the amazing benefits of stopping. It won't be easy, but you can read some success stories to see the strategies people use. If you want to learn more about porn addiction, look up Gary Wilson's ted talk, "Your Brain on Porn".

    Your can completely quit your addiction by just that: quitting.
    Sundevil0271 and CanQuit like this.
  4. David95

    David95 Fapstronaut

    Fill your life with good things! If you take away the porn and masturbation there will be this void your body wants to fill with porn, but if you fill that void with hobbies/friends/learning or whatever inspires you, that void will not have room for the porn!
    Sundevil0271 and CanQuit like this.
  5. Ben Jamin'

    Ben Jamin' Fapstronaut

    Read as many posts as possible on noFap. Everyone has different strategies that work for them, and you need to find out what works for you. I suggest starting a journal and limiting your internet access.

    I wish you success!
    CanQuit likes this.
  6. Hey... You Can Quit :)

    I've read your story. I'm sorry that you have had to go through all this. It brings tears to my eyes to read what you've endured and your reason for turning to this physical behaviour. I can relate to your silence.I am happy that youbtooknthe step of speaking up. It's a little bit of freedom for me. How do you feel?

    I think that it is PMO in accordance with the description of the NoFap Forum:

    Star Owl's advice is good. In addition I think it would be helpful to really establish why you want to quit. A core and deep motivation will help you do anything it takes to overcome PMO completely. Even if you fall, your goal will get you up again!

    You're not alone. Take comfort in that! This battle is not one that will be won in one day but your willingness to fight is an achievement! :)
    CanQuit likes this.
  7. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    I try to talk about my problems with my parents. They seem to shrug it off/not pay enough attention to it. What initiated this habit of mine was depression.
  8. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    I went without PMO for 2 months last year. I could slowly feel the good effects it was having on me. However, on the 61th day mark, I gave in. That was one of the saddest days of my life.
  9. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    Update: I haven't masturbated in 9 days. Hopefully, I can continue this for at least 3 months.
  10. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    You can do it CanQuit! We here will try to give you the tools to help you help yourself. The happy feeling you used to get from it has obviously subsided, and now the depression replaces even your urges to masturbate. We have all been there and are still there, we use it as an escape. Is there anything that is especially troubling to you about porn or your addiction to it? Sometimes understanding things like this about yourself can be a key to quitting for good.
    CanQuit likes this.
  11. KIMI

    KIMI Fapstronaut

    Try to go just 10 days. I've experienced big changes in only 10 days. Let this be your motivation. Every time you feel that you need to fap, just call a friend, go outside and try to talk to women. It worked for me.
    CanQuit likes this.
  12. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    Not the happy feeling. Sometimes, I feel there is no point of my existence, and I simply give in to my urge. My depression is troubling me. I feel too sad at times about my height. My retardedness, to be more specific. I suffer from excessive inferiority complex. Something which wasn't the case 3/4 years back.
    oversexedsami likes this.
  13. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    Talking to women is my weakness. I have next to no women in my friend circle, and the ones I do have, I am not at all close with them.

    Update: 15th day. Still going. I have been having strong urges to give in since yesterday. How do I sublimate this urge?
  14. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    I understand. Not trying to minimize your experience at all, but luckily you've been an addict 3 years and you can definitely reclaim your life. There are some on here quitting PMO that have upwards of 20 years+ addictions and quitting PMO for life :) I hope to be one of those myself! I am working hard at it. One thing that I definitely found the hard way is that the shame and guilt will not keep you from relapsing. You've got to dig in to the deep stuff and learn. Get pissed off about how porn has hijacked your brain and your life. One of the best resources I have found to get into the nitty gritty is It has many first hand accounts from the porn industry recounting the physical and mental abuse, rape, drug and alcohol dependency, rampant STD outbreaks. It makes it REAL when you read what these actresses and actors say. Its not sexy, its actually quite horrid. Over at and they give you the low down on the scientific studies that show you the repercussions of a neuroplastic brain molded by porn abuse. These things have been helping me break my 16 year addiction so far, and I'm the farthest I've made it without PMO since I can ever recall. Hope this helps :)
    CanQuit likes this.
  15. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    I am sorry for saying this, but I don't think you clearly understand my situation. And, I do not blame you for it. I have never being articulate in my life. Hell, my own parents do not clearly understand my situation. All they know is that I am too worried about my height. They do not know the havoc this depression is wrecking on me. Yes, I know I can reclaim my previous life, but my previous life itself wasn't much pleasant either. I have been suffering from inferiority complex for as long as I can remember because I feel like I am retarded which I physically am. I believe I have some sort of underlying condition(probably GHD/Growth hormone deficiency/some sort of hormonal disorder) which the doctors are unable to diagnose. A few months I went to discuss my situation with a renowned doctor who I was referred to by my dad. After only 30 minutes of discussion, he reached the conclusion that I am fine and that I unnecessarily worry too much for which he suggested me to get checked on by a psychiatrist. Only god knows how much that hurt.

    Thank you very much for those links. I will read them when I have the time. :)
  16. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    Update: 18th day. Still going. I had some really strong urges last night, but I managed to suppress them by watching the EURO football matches. :p
  17. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    Right on, it isn't that you did not articulate anything well or that we misunderstand each other its just hard to fully understand another person's situation. I am sorry that you've been depressed and that the trip to this doctor was unsuccessful. Did he take any blood tests or anything? It's got to be so frustrating and infuriating when you know something is up and nobody takes your concerns seriously. I genuinely hate that you're going through that. Psychiatrists like to do that same thing with dismissal of real health concerns and you'd probably just walk out with an Rx for a new antidepressant. I hope you find some answers!!! Yw for the links though, I hope you find them useful and informative. Good job on 18 days PMO free!
    CanQuit likes this.
  18. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    I don't know why but my parents being oblivious to my issues triggered off my depression pretty strongly today. I was feeling so bad and despondent that I was seeking respite from it. Hence, I relapsed even though my urge was not very strong. And, it felt really good. I think that explains why I started masturbation in the first place. To seek respite from depression.
  19. oversexedsami

    oversexedsami Fapstronaut

    It's a total escape, and at the time it does feel good. Hopefully it's just a reset and not a relapse though. I am sorry to hear about not being understood and upset, that stinks.
    CanQuit likes this.
  20. CanQuit

    CanQuit Fapstronaut

    That was actually a reset. Thanks for clearing that up. I am not fully acquainted with the terminology. :p

    I was doing pretty good. Sucks that I gave in. I need to figure out how to healthily seek solace whenever I have bouts of depression. Playing video games sometimes help, but not all the time.
    oversexedsami likes this.