The REAL Woman

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by TeddyBear, Jun 28, 2016.

  1. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Fapstronaut

    I've been together with what feel is an amazing man for 11 years and we have 3 wonderful children. However his secretive porn use has destroyed our once beautiful relationship and my trust. I have a lot of hurt, anger and bitter disappointment boiling around inside me. He found this site yesterday and says he is starting the reboot. I looked it up to see what it was about. I'm signing up, because I want to be supportive and NOT angry. So I'm here to try to understand, find strength in others who have been through this. To see if I can get my loving husband back and to see if I can trust him again. Our life is on the barest of threads and I want back what he took from me.
  2. Ben Jamin'

    Ben Jamin' Fapstronaut

    Sounds like you've already taken the first step by joining NoFap to get support! Also, I think it's great that you want to be so supportive!
    I am not married, as I am not qualified to give advice for you situation, but there are plenty of other women who have been in your situation. Here are a few:
    There are also some men who have been in your husband's situation, and can be of use to both you and your husband:
    @i_wanna_get_better1 @jfromcr
    I wish you success!
    TeddyBear and ILoathePwife like this.
  3. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    We have a group for SOs, I'll add you. I journal in the main forums and am also active in the private SO group. Both things are helpful. I'm sorry you are facing this but glad you found nofap.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
    TeddyBear and oreogirl like this.
  4. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the forum @TeddyBear. Your story is not unusual. Addiction ruins the addict's life, the spouse's life, and the marriage eventually withers and dies. There is a lot of community knowledge and people who are supportive here. Recovery is possible for both the husband and wife. Hopefully you will find what you need to save your marriage.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2016
  5. Hi TeddyBear,
    what do you mean by "my trust" ?
  6. oreogirl

    oreogirl Fapstronaut

    Not surprised that your husband is an amazing guy, I feel the same way about my husband. Unfortunately PMO addiction can turn the best person into a liar and a cheat. Boy does that suck, the fallout when I found out what was really wrong with our relationship?

    Relief: you aren't out of love with me, I am not crazy, I was right (kind of)
    Hope: you can fix this, we can recover from this.
    Dispair: our 25 year love affair ment so little to you, you literally cheated on me in our home, in our bed.

    You have quite a roller coaster ride ahead of you. It feels like a yoyo, happy sad happy sad happy sad...

    My husband is coming back, and we are falling back in love, his brain is healing, he is getting stronger.

    Last night I saw a picture of us on our last anniversary, and I cryed at our smiling faces, and I asked him - did you ever do P on my birthday, on Christmas, our anniversary, he didn't have an answer, he said He was f'ed up, He doesn't know, his face shut down. I felt devistated, I want a freaking answer.

    Good days and bad. I wish you luck. I am glad I am seeing this through. He is the love of my life. I want him to get better.

    I took an axe to his apple laptop, but I didn't kick him out. It is an addiction, no more no less.

    He hurt me.
    He hurt himself.
    He hurt our family.

    If he stays in recovery we will make it, but it is hard, and rebuilding trust is a real bitch. Hard day today.

    Welcome to nofap!
  7. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Fapstronaut

    When my husband and I first discussed dating 11 years ago, we discussed our views on porn, masturbation and lying. At that time he stated he sometimes watches porn. I told him that was a hard limit for me. I understand if he enjoys porn, but that I will not get involved with someone who wants porn in their life. I would however be willing to take dirty pics/ videos of myself or us to give him something to look at for those times he needed additional aid. Therefore if he wanted to date me he'd have to give up porn. It was his choice. I did not mind masturbation and felt that masturbation could even be healthy. Lying was another hard limit as it causes trust issues which leads to relationship issues. However for my part, I wouldn't ask questions that I didn't want to know the answer too. Aka, if I thought he was having an affair and I just wanted it to stop, I may make suggestions like I need you home more. If I did want to know I would ask "Are you having an affair?" At which point I would expect the truth. About 2 years ago I asked if he was watching porn. He cupped my face, stared deep into my eyes and lied his ass off.

    A few months ago, he began mentioning ideas of invited another women into our bedroom. telling me he felt predatory towards women and didn't want me to leave him alone with a woman in case he couldn't control his "primal instincts". This was not my loving, one woman man that I chose to marry and have babies with. He's never even flirted with other woman. So what's this sudden instinct he's talking about? After further looking into it I discovered he'd been reading or watching porn concerning rape and breeding of women several times a day for 11 years. He stated he knew I wouldn't like it so he lied about. You can bet your ass it I didn't like it. 11 years ago he said I was more important than porn. However over the years he's frequently (nearly daily) abandoned me during day to day activities, during parties and other times. Once he abandon me to masturbate during a party, which one of his buddies had drank too much and nearly raped me, while he was watching/ reading about the rape of someone else and masturbating. Porn has been more important than the protection of his family. He's been cheating for over a decade, knowing I would not tolerate what he was doing. Knowing because I told him so upfront, but still lying. It isn't an accident or a mistake, things didn't just get out of hand. He knowingly and intentionally chose porn over his best friend and children, after agreeing to ditch the porn. It wasn't that I denied him sex either. We had sex 3-4 x per week. He told me during that initial conversation that he had a high sex drive, if he didn't get off every couple of days it would cause him pain and discomfort. I've never turned down sex when he initiated or asked for it. I've made it a point to keep count of the last time we had sex, so I didn't leave him without for too long.

    None of that mattered though. So that's my trust issues. I am angry. I don't know how to come back from it. We've just started seeing a sex therapist. He's going to a sex addict meeting for the first time tonight. I wanna scoop my babies up and run for the hills. I'm so mad, because I seen all the times he ditched me for porn, but I choose to turn a blind eye. I tried to be more for him so he wouldn't go to it anymore. He would only need me. I don't understand the addiction part of porn. I have a hard time wrapping my mind around it. Why can't you just turn it off? Walk away? Be with your partner? I'm doing a lot of research. I'm trying to understand. But I'm so unbelievably pissed, hurt, angry, disappointed, betrayed. Then we have a nice moment and for a second I'm so happy share a life with him. Then I remember that alternate life he's been living and I don't even want him to touch me.

    That may have been more of an answer than you were looking for. But I think I got the general gist of my trust issues down.
  8. oreogirl

    oreogirl Fapstronaut

    Beautifully written, so familiar I have tears in my eyes. This is what I love about nofap, people here give words to what I am feeling, thank you for inadvertently writing down a piece of my story.
    MsPants and TeddyBear like this.
  9. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Fapstronaut

    I'm not sure I want an answer. I do feel as though every happy memory has been tainted. He keeps trying to get me remember the happy times we've had. Then I ask if he PMO during that time. I know he has, because he has been doing it 2-3 times per day nearly everyday. He doesn't answer, but again I don't need him too. I already know deep down in my crushed, bleeding heart. I just don't see the sense in facing it. It's done. It'll only hurt more to hear him say it. I'm already at max capacity of hurt.

    It was one of your post that was my deciding factor on signing up. I realized I wasn't the only one feeling like I'm feeling. Thank you, oreogirl, for deciding to sign up.

    For a while I thought it was me and I felt so broken. I wasn't good enough. But I've haven't stopped thinking over everything and I now know: It's not me. It's him. He's broken. At first (maybe still) he didn't think he had a problem. He thought it was my problem with porn. It was something he was hoping I would get past. Yesterday I was able to sit down and calmly, soberly, explain to him, that I don't need to get over my dislike of porn. He is the problem. Porn was every bit as destructive as I told him it would be a decade ago. It's costing him, his marriage, his children, his home. It's affected his behavior and changed him into sex craved monster, to the point he thought he might "accidentally" rape a woman. It looked like it got through to him. He looked sick with realization. Maybe that's just what I want to think though.

    Our relationship has always been about open communication. What I loved about him was how much he was driven to help people and not hurt people. It just doesn't jive with how he's been behaving. I set up the sex therapist appointment for me, but I've requested he come to them with me. However he'll have to find his own help. I could do it for him, but it would be depriving him of the opportunity to show his sincerity. If I did it for him, I'd always wonder if he just did it for me or if he really wanted to stop and needed help to do that. That's when he looked up to find a meeting for sex addicts. It's a men only group. A part of me wishes I could go, just to make sure it's legit and not another place to go and watch porn. I'm trying to trust, but really I've none left. Everything seems suspicious at the moment.
    zauvek and MsPants like this.
  10. ILoathePwife

    ILoathePwife Fapstronaut

    I'm so sorry. That's a heartbreaking story. The details are different from my story but rest assured, your pain is understood. Discovering the lies is excruciating. The reboot had helped my husband and me immensely. That and FANOS and karezza. There is hope, if the addict us willing to do what is needed to heal and change.
    MsPants and TeddyBear like this.
  11. Sunflower80

    Sunflower80 Fapstronaut

    I'm sorry you've had to join us here. But as many will say here, HE needs to be the one to get help. No matter how much information we throw their way they will not be receptive of help or admit their problem until they are ready to quit and they seek their own help.
    I hope you join us in the SO group. You will find lots of support there from us SOs :)
    MsPants, oreogirl and TeddyBear like this.
  12. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    I'm so sorry that you have been hurt so deeply. Porn is often the invisible problem lying at the root of many divorces these days. Porn is anti-love. Porn kills intimacy and trust which eventually kills relationships. Many wives are hurt by the discovery of porn in their husbands lives, but mostly they are even more hurt by the lying, hiding, and secretive behavior surrounding this addiction. It is a betrayal of the highest magnitude. You have every right to be angry and frustrated. It is also extremely unfair that someone else's problems end up affecting you. You even went to great lengths to avoid getting into this situation to begin with!!!

    I will attempt to explain the evolution of this problem. It is similar in most addicts. It is the same process that alcoholics, drug abusers, chronic gamblers, compulsive shoppers, and compulsive eaters go through. But first I want to to assure you that I am not going to justify or condone his behavior. It was wrong and despicable. Yes, we still retain free will and we are primarily responsible for allowing this to happen to us and for the damage we cause.

    Addiction is primarily an emotional problem and defies traditional logic. Men start off looking at porn during their adolescence and find it curious and exciting. Soon the brain realizes it makes them feel good. Then the brain realizes it makes them feel better when they feel bad. Next the brain starts to make people crave it whenever it feels emotional discomfort. Addiction is the medicating, controlling, or numbing of emotional pain. It doesn't truly satisfy the emotional need... it gives the brain the illusion of emotional satisfaction. The euphoric feeling wears off and now the addict has to deal with the guilt and shame of his actions PLUS the original discomfort. Here's the illogical part... instead of turning to real sources of comfort the brain turns more deeply into it's addiction... either more frequently or more intense forms of porn.

    Addicts stop trusting people and trust the predictable effects of porn. Therefore, slowly their addiction becomes the primary relationship in their life. Everyone else takes second place. Relationships start to degrade and die out. Marriages suffer as trust and intimacy vanish. Addicts love porn more than they love their wives... it's very sad. But addicts are constantly deluding themselves into thinking the problem is not that bad. It's the only way they can go forward with being married and indulging in their addiction. The brain compartmentalizes the two issues and they never touch. We think there are no consequences, but we are being intentionally blind. Addicts isolate themselves because they don't want anyone to pressure them to change. They isolate themselves because they are deeply ashamed and think they can fix the problem on their own. It is another one of the many lies we tell ourselves. Since we cannot be truthful with ourselves it becomes impossible to be truthful with others.

    As time goes on addicts form a tolerance. So they start binge watching. Porn addicts go into a trance when they watch porn because there is no pain while in the trance... they think they can perfectly control their emotions while in the trance. This trance can last for hours. It can also bleed into the real world as they imagine themselves doing sexual things to people they meet during the day. Also they start escalating into watching forms of porn they never used to watch before. If they have other issues then those issues start showing up in the type of porn they watch. For instance if the addict has power issues the they will form fetishes around those themes - either/both dominant or submissive forms.

    To an addict, porn becomes an emotional crutch. They stop learning healthy ways to deal with emotional problems. They are emotionally stunted. Porn also is used as a stress reliever, anxiety reducer, reward system, numbing agent, and primary form of entertainment.

    An addict becomes so inwardly focused that it is very difficult for someone to pierce their bubble of delusion and denial. Often it takes a rock-bottom moment to break through and wake them up. But often by this point their life and their marriage is in shambles. Recovery is more than simple abstinence. Addiction infiltrates every corner of an addicts life. Recovery involves changing thoughts, feelings, actions, beliefs, and behaviors.

    You in NO WAY are to blame for any of his problems. You did not make the problem worse. Even if you were the perfect wife the addiction would still have taken over his life. The problem is his and he bears the primary responsibility to get better. When a spouse is faced with a major betrayal they want to feel safe. Withdrawing trust creates a feeling of safety. It may take a long time for him to give you reason to trust him... it may never happen. Many couples have gone through this process and saved their marriage. We shouldn't push you to make a decision in one direction or another... but we can help you once you make a choice.
    Last edited: Jun 29, 2016
  13. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Fapstronaut

    @i_wanna_get_better1, thank you. I truly appreciate your response. I am hurting from the lying and betrayal. It makes sense what you say. I want so badly to understand and try to help; to still love him and find trust in him again.
    oreogirl and WifeInTheDark like this.
  14. i_wanna_get_better1

    i_wanna_get_better1 Fapstronaut

    Part of his recovery will involve finding the answers as to why porn became his medication of choice. He will also need to learn how much damage this has caused in his life. And he will need to start fixing the damage. It's a long term process and the pain won't go away overnight. If he is serious about his recovery and uses this opportunity to be open and honest and to truly look to you as a partner then it can eventually bring you both closer together. The fact that you have found a therapist that specializes in sex addiction will be a HUGE asset. Rest assured that you have found a community that can empathize.
  15. jfromcr

    jfromcr Fapstronaut

    Hi @TeddyBear,

    I am sorry that you are going through this. I appreciate @Ben Jamin' for mentioning me and my wife. Just wanted to correct the link for her, it is @lfromcr.
  16. JustADude

    JustADude Fapstronaut

    @TeddyBear, your story breaks my heart, and causes me to reflect on the pain I have caused my wife.

    If you don't mind, I have some questions for you to ponder. When was the last time he looked at porn? Is this his first attempt to quit? I ask, because I want you to prepare yourself for the worst. Most of us on nofap don't succeed in quitting the first time. Most of us don't succeed in quitting the 50th attempt. Just like alcoholics, most of us will always be addicted and thus, even if we do permanently stop using porn, we will always struggle with the urge and we will always have to manage our addiction.

    Try to find solace in the direction and the momentum your husband has during his recovery. Expect missteps. Keeping an open line of communication will be your only way to have any hope of knowing where your husband's true priorities lie. If he is like most of the married men on nofap, we all desperately want our wife and our children to be the most important thing to us, and we hate our addicted self for keeping that from being true.

    I just finished reading a very short book, "The Addictive Personality" by Craig Nakken, that I think everyone on nofap who is in a family situation should read. I think you will find it eye opening and help you distinguish between the person you married that you love and the addicted person he is battling with.
    MsPants likes this.
  17. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Hi lady!
    I understand your frustration and pain, as I did make my wife suffer like that. I'm being good for the last 170 days and I learned a lot here, both from fellow addicts, but also from the victims, the SOs..There is wonderful people on here.

    For me, I found that understanding the scientific aspects of the addiction helped me better understand what's going on. Porn addiction and masturbation are both nasty things in the couple, if one SO is fapping in isolation...

    Here is a good video for you. Watch it, and consider watching it with your old man after...

    Also, this site is good for addicts, to understand better what they did wrong.
    TeddyBear and MsPants like this.
  18. Rav70

    Rav70 Fapstronaut

    The only way you can start trusting him again is if he stops and you start seeing big changes.
    My bf is PMO free since dec7th 2015. He won't even m anymore because he would rather have sex with me. A complete turn around. He realized being with me was the most important thing.
    His phone lays forgotten, he goes to bed when I do, he stopped playing video games... Life is about us now. Trust came back.
    Porn and m was a habit he had long before we were together. He knows it only leads to loneliness and depression, longing for something real. It's a road he no longer travels. Happily!
    Do you think he is sincere about stopping?
    Things can get better but only if he is 100% committed to stop. You can't half ass this.
    Take care.
  19. TeddyBear

    TeddyBear Fapstronaut

    Revelations from the OP :cool:

    We’re on day 7 since my SO has started the reboot and about 3 months since I realized he has a problem. Of course at first I thought it was a joke. A sick joke to be sure. A few months early a good buddy of mine, now going through his 2nd divorce, told me he think he’s has a sex addiction. I confess I was not a sympathetic friend who encouraged him to get help. I am ashamed of that and I have since called and sincerely apologized for being such a huge jerk and asshole and mentioned several options to find help.

    When first I found out my SO was viewing porn I was hurt, shocked, betrayed, angry….yea all those things. I wasn't sure if I was going to stay or go. I raged and screamed and came really close to beating him until he hurt as much as I did. He wouldn't have stopped me or raised a hand against me, it's just not his way.

    I’ve mentioned my SO and I had sex quiet regularly. Out longest stretch was typically 3 days, unless he was away due to his job, which is rare, maybe once per year for about a week. Often we didn’t have sex just once a day, but we had sex many times a day. So to know that in addition to that he was PMO’ing 2-3x a day was demoralizing for me. “I wasn’t enough?” “Would I ever be able to fulfill his needs?” and many more questions viciously went around in circles in my head. Especially when I learned that some of those time we’d have sex, in his mind it wasn’t with me, he was with someone else.

    I would wake in the middle of the night so angry I couldn’t go back to sleep. I used that time to write him letters, not the loving kind, the angry kind. :mad: I’d use time trying to see what he got off on. I even tried to give up the love and become a whore for him. After all I thought that’s what he wanted. I wasn’t sure if I could keep it up, but I wouldn’t know until I tried.

    It was that last part I think that drove my SO to figure something out. Our sex life was tattered and therefore the marriage/ partnership was a sham. My SO found this site, showed it to me and said zealously and determinedly:

    I want to do a hard reboot!

    I was shocked no sexual activity for 90 DAYS?! :eek: I'm don’t masturbate often, but when I can't have my husband and I'm feeling like crawling up a long telephone pole, I will. I see no harm in a little “m” here and there if you can’t have flesh and blood. However, I’d prefer my SO’s hand to my own any day, any time! (Well not at the moment, but hopefully you get the point.) And I hope one day he’ll feel the same about me. Still going cold turkey kinda sucks. My brain's flashing me images, delicious ones, involving my SO, it's frustrating.

    I didn't understand much and still I feel I’m just barely figuring it out. Like a lot of others here, I been on this site a lot. I’ve stalked a lot of threads and visited a lot of helpful sites. I want what was mine back! I choose my SO 11 years ago, I wanted him, no one else. I could have picked others, but I didn’t I choose him. I still choose him, but it’s hard at the moment.

    So while trying to “fix” him, I received a lot of good advice, which of course I didn’t listen to immediately. Lol I’m stubborn that way. ;) I did start listening to it after a while. We’re not doing much touching at the moment. I’m too mad and I’m afraid he’ll touch me and I’ll hit him. I decided all those folks who told me to back off and just be supportive were right. Among them, I’d like to especially thank @AllentheCowboy, something about your words really resonated and I can’t explain how. I couldn’t just back off, though. I don’t know about others, but I can’t sit in the bleachers and watch the most important thing and the most important person in my world tear apart the best thing in my life.

    So I came up with a plan. I discussed my inability to “back off” with my SO. However! I would stop trying to “fix” him. I recognized I could not - that was his battle. I would need to see that he was actually working to get past all of this though. We’re using the FANOS check-ins nearly as often as an Olympic Swimmer uses a pool. We agreed that anytime one of us said the word FANOS, everything else would take a backseat, we’d clear our minds, set aside our anger, hold hands (nearly the only time I can bear touching) and FANOS. I thought it was cheesy at first, but damn it’s really working. In the meantime I’ll start pouring my efforts into learning about trust building exercises. I’ve found a few that doesn’t involve touching. I’ll start there, when things improve and I don’t wanna hit him….We’ll try some of the ones that do involve touching. Until then I’m taking baby steps and increasing his life insurance policy. :p J/k about the last part, well maybe I'm just kidding, I'll analyze that thought later. :) It's odd, but these little smilies make me happy.....
  20. oreogirl

    oreogirl Fapstronaut

    My brain is mush from work, just want you to know I am happy your SO is heading in the direction of a PMO free life. Jokes are good, laughter really is the best medicine.
    TeddyBear likes this.