(TRIGGER WARNING) Short Opinion - The Great Lie

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Owari, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Can't know what you like in Battlefield if all you play is Call of Duty. They're different, very different. So in my opinion, it is not so much a "lie" but more of a misconception.
    Owari likes this.
  2. Whatever it is it's dangerous
  3. The way that our popular culture, society, traditions, norms, or history - call it what you want - we like to put up these unnecessary barriers that separates us and isolates us. Divide and rule philosophy - men do their things, women do theirs. This race does one thing, this race does another. This country likes these things, this country another. It's after I came on NoFap, the internal truth that I knew that pain, struggle and hurt affects life irrespective of any distinction. Since we are talking about NoFap here, I came here and joined a group that had women, and having received the love, support and bonding from so many virtual strangers that have gone through the same ordeals... it was awe inspiring. The women had the same story to tell... and in many ways, their struggles are discounted on top of already being victimized just because we as a species are too insular, sickeningly content and equally ignorant when it comes to addressing existing inequities. Like... can we FUCKING THINK OUTSIDE OF OURSELVES for once in our lives??? This is what perpetuates things like porn - "yep, feeling horny. gonna watch porn dude. yeah, dude, this one girl... she's so hot bro. cool. cool." - what the HELL? We aren't pieces of fucking meat that can be packaged in synthetic plastic sheaths and consumed... have we no self-respect, self-awareness, or self-confidence? It's a rant man... but shit, try to play it cool when a sicko fiend breaks into your house and starts jacking off on your dinner table at midnight and then kidnaps you - you may break free but those claiming to empathize with people or the ideas that people like that represent... I'm sorry. Treat disease as a disease... not a damn cover like, oh... the person must've been weak to get it. :S dafaq?
  4. How far are we from that route anyway... I mean some of the things that exist to please a "fetish" in porn - I'm looking at you: S&M taken to unspeakable extremes and I don't have the heart to say the rest of the categories (and I certainly hope you don't know what I'm talking about) that are just so detestable, there's no words or actions enough to counteract their existence. Their soulless, decrepit and desolate existence.
    Thanks! It's so hard in these times to actually raise a fist with proper intellectual backing and see it follow through. I wish hisoka that you're right. My experience with porn addicts and PMO itself just invokes the pessimist in me, thinking it's going to be the same way people deal with animal torture and shed a tear. Next day, they buy a dog and go to the next chain restaurant and order a double cheeseburger. Same way how a blind eye is turned to wars fought in the name of profiteering by companies pretending to establish commerce in such places but in fact are looting the place dry of health, wealth and life potential. And so, same thing with porn consumers --- "oh man, yeah that kind of porn is just not my taste, but I'm okay with it if other people get off on it... shit, who am I to judge?"..... and you guys know that these people exist because not so long ago, I was doing this (shamefully) - I always felt that pang of deep seated hatred, shame and guilt but it was so everlasting and non-stop that I wouldn't understand why I am feeling this way. Emotions are a tool we can use to become better people - it's only after what 2-3 weeks of no PMO, I am becoming a damn human being again, worthy of even being called a human being.
  5. I know exactly what you were talking about MoTWoL I was into the most fucked up shit. I cringe when I think about it now.
    ons.obb_swaha likes this.
  6. Owari

    Owari Fapstronaut

    I understand your point of view as masturbation isn't equivalent to sex. However it's still a large justification that needs to be exposed.
    "Sorry for the rant?"
    Things like that need to be shared! I'm really sorry about all that, and it's great that you're recovering from it. Keeping your emotions bottled up is really bad for your mental health and expressing them like that will really help both yourself and your fight.
    I absolutely agree! I've actually seen stories on here Bout how people are also starting to end their drug or tobacco addictions, which is really good. I think it also may have something to do with the amazing self confidence you get, which you can then transfer to other areas of your life.
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  7. Owari

    Owari Fapstronaut

    The porn industry makes me sick. They make billions of dollars off of:
    -Ashamed stars
    -Ashamed consumers
    -Disguised child pornography

    And just a whole bunch of other stuff. It's di
    So true!
  8. Half the time I feel like I have superpowers but the other half of the time I feel like absolute shit like right now. Theres a constant pain shifting between my head and my stomach. I'm exhausted and tired even though it's only five o'clock where I live. I didn't sleep last night. I'm losing morale here. So far these last 16 days have been bipolar. Yesterday I felt empowered but today i'm more depressed then I've ever been. I'm starting to think that this is all in vain. But I won't surrender to porn. Even if I never get better I'd rather die than be a slave to those bastards.
    Owari likes this.
  9. himmelstoss

    himmelstoss Fapstronaut

    Al goldstein seemed to think so. I wish I could find the quote again but he said something to the effect of porn keeping men from becoming men.
  10. Owari

    Owari Fapstronaut

    Dude, you made it 16 days! That's amazing! My record right now is 8, so you still have a high achievement. Don't let the pain get the best of you! Remind yourself that it is only temporary compared to the permanent feelings of freedom and confidence you'll have!
  11. I feel a little better now. I'll weather the pain, I'll never watch it again.
    Owari likes this.
  12. Owari

    Owari Fapstronaut

    That's the spirit!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. I've found that mornings are shit for me but at night I feel as if I'm on top of the world. Let's focus on the positives of nofap. Most notably I feel liberated, porn no longer controls me. I also have more time to do whatever. I've become more assertive, I feel like a badass sometimes. Lastly I've noticed that I've grown more facial hair. I'm 16 so I don't grow much yet, but I have about triple the amount I had 16 days ago. There are benefits to this ordeal, and I can't wait for more benefits.
    Owari likes this.
  14. Owari

    Owari Fapstronaut

    The benefits are very motivating. I mean, doing NoFap is like taking a magical medication to fix your problems in life, which is what makes it really great! Ever since doing NoFap, I've felt less depressed, less lonely, less anxiety, and way more productive. It's insane, isn't it?
    Deleted Account likes this.
  15. I thought of two other reasons. 1, more detailed, easier to remember dreams. 2 I met awesome people such as yourself. I may have relapsed earlier if not for you and the others on this site, thank you.
    Owari likes this.
  16. Sleeping_Beauty

    Sleeping_Beauty Fapstronaut

    This is a helpful reminder to me too, thanks :)
    Owari likes this.
  17. Sleeping_Beauty

    Sleeping_Beauty Fapstronaut

    Wow, this is it. This is the real reason why we're doing it. Thanks for reminding me
    Owari and Deleted Account like this.
  18. Owari

    Owari Fapstronaut

    Wow, really? I'm happy to talk to you and others here, and it makes me happy that I somewhat prevent you from relapsing. You have 16 days, you can't lose it! Thank you very much for your kind words :)
    Of course, Hisoka! :D
    We all need more reminders like this because when we get our urges, the benefits in our head just go away and we don't think about how big the benefits and greatness in your life is compared to the lust we get.
    Sleeping_Beauty likes this.
  19. The people that say that kind of crap, are just enslaved to their computer. They find every justification they can to continue their bad habits. It's a clear sign when people make excuses justifying their bad behavior, that they are addicted. I feel sorry for these people but at the same time I'm angry at their blindness. It frustrates me so much that porn has destroyed the lives of thousands of people on this site, and many more off of this site. It nearly destroyed my life. I WON'T BE A SLAVE TO A COMPUTER! They should teach about porn addiction in health classes. But they don't, not here in Minnesota at least. I saw a video on Youtube made by this site called BuzzFeed, it was titled 4 good reasons everyone should watch porn. This video makes me sick, if you look at it, you'll cringe. The video triggered me to come back to this thread about The Big Lie. It's probably the biggest lie in the book. One thing the video said was that it "improved the quality of life". No way, porn has ruined my early teen years. Sure the quality of life improves because you are under the spell. It's like being a zombie. All you want is to consume porn, and nothing else matters. I think of this to stop relapsing. I imagine myself not going to my family's funerals just so I can jack off, I imagine my significant other leaving me due to ED and when I finally die, all off my family will be dead and nobody attends my funeral because I have no friends. Out generation needs to wake up. Otherwise we'll all be slaves to a computer.
    Owari and ons.obb_swaha like this.
  20. I had a similar experience with a justifier recently. Don't let them crawl into your sacred mind-space. We have escaped the lie and we should never doubt ourselves for it. NEVER indulge them. NEVER EVER EVER indulge a slave that doesn't know that they are a slave. Especially if you are not SURE in yourself. Put up a fight when it matters. Unnecessarily challenging yourself to HELP others altruistically, although damn noble of you, will never have its desired effect. It's like giving a newborn baby, the keys to your private jet. It will just put those keys in the mouth and throw them in its pile of toys, perhaps never to be found again. They (at least the unchanging slaves, the perma-slaves) will try to dilute what you stand for and in the most PERVERTED way, in the name of pseudo-intellectual pseudo-rational logic. They will try to convince you that your struggles are worthless, meaningless, and basically your agitation, horror and resolve against something like porn (that they enjoy time and again, something they've *self-admittedly* never had a problem with, and believe that all forms of sexual outlets are healthy AKA all those reasons you ONCE believed when you were in PMO) is basically your NARROW-mindedness, bigoted sense of conceitedness and all these proto-Fascist accusations that are basically stemming from nothing but the type of shallow, nonchalant, and throw-about manner in which they treat life. NEVER EVER listen to the advise of someone in the spell of PMO... we know why we are here. Our experiences are the bare TRUTH and EVIDENCE that PMO is not a damn joke at all. So safe yourself the trouble and fight the battles that are necessary, otherwise you're just edging and fueling that negativity in needlessly corroding your renewed self-awareness, all on an undeserving addict who will NEVER see the truth until they discover it for themselves. Experience itself is the best teacher. If you want to be an inspiration to someone and change someone's life that you identify with, just keep bettering yourself. Your rock-steady stance in front of their joke-r-about antics will weaken their resolve in demolishing your walk in the sun and perhaps, they'll wonder why you're not lashing out when they try to bring you down - this interest will draw them closer and they will see what you've seen. So keep working, keep fighting, but fight the good fight, don't waste your energy where it doesn't belong. Be brave, take risks and Godspeed everyone!