Porn Star

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Deleted Account, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Hello fellas,
    I just have a little insight about porn addiction. The reason I had this addiction in the first place was because I didn't have good luck with girls. So I turned to porn for intimacy. I actually turned to a specific porn star. I would watch her in these videos and pretend that she liked me. In a way she was my imaginary girlfriend.
    I probably should not have done this, but today I had massive urges. I looked up photos of this lady online. I saw that she had a snapchat. I sent her a message that was not necessarily sexual, but it was more of an admiration message. Okay I sent it, and then she two minutes later posts an online snapchat, talking about blocking people with stupid messages.
    The bottom line is, well the porn is more fake than it seems. It is fake, and it is pure fantasy. I am saying drop porn like the bad habit that it is. Because the girl I imagined turned out to be a woman of very poor character. It was a phantasy that I made up. So stop living in the dream world because those girls that we watch and think we want..... are damaged goods. Believe me.
  2. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing....

    But yes, those girls are in for the money....and some level of celebrity/self-esteem. also, they get into either alcohol and/or drugs, become depressed...

    Read online testimonies from ex-porn stars that managed to escape that market....lots of suicides, substance abuse, violence, depression, etc.
  3. I
    Know they have problems, but my point is that the porn, and fantasy are all fake.
  4. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    Yes you are right.
    I call porn "science fiction"....and about fantasies, once you manage to realize one of them, its the worst deception in one's're like WTF was it ONLY THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    It's all about the brain's reward circuit..we have to understand how it works.....fantasies are empty promises of stronger pleasure...
    Deepanshu likes this.
  5. I know it was so real to me that I thought I knew her. I thought she would be the perfect woman for me. And then I discovered what a nasty personality she had.
    Deepanshu likes this.
  6. It sounds silly, but it is true.
  7. So true. All the porn stars that are prepared to do anything for you online (or so it seems) wouldn't give you the time of day in real life. It's all a lie.
    Sojourner and Deepanshu like this.
  8. Jodo Kus

    Jodo Kus Fapstronaut

    I know this. I think it's the search of something more essential. I've looked a lot for stories. I also got into porn games for this reason. OC just body images turn me on, but then the fantasy sets in. Therefor I was also into porn games lately. The stuff out there is huge in quantity and genre. But absolutely poor when it comes to story telling.
    Part of the reason for such an expectation is probably that we want to cope something by PMO.
    So for @Daniel856512114 it was communication and love what he was looking for.

    But porn shapes our expectations. When I look back to my time before hardcore porn, when I already was a teen, I see myself fantasizing about real girls and only about real girls. I imagined how I would meet them, get to know them or become their boyfriend, before going on to the sex scenes (probably it became "scenes" after my first exposure to softcore p btw). Since I use to wank to these fantasize it might be true, that it were some kind of dopamine rush already. Nevertheless it's still about reality which means that it promotes real interaction with girls and to try out stuff, instead of what PMO does. Yes, porn is about fantasy. And the fantasies are so over the top, the dopamine rush so strong that it disconnects us from reality. Who needs reality when he has porn and an addicted brain?

    About porn actors/actresses and their painful reality, I think there's much hardship and abuse out there, but it's also a business and work as others and some folks in it even seem to enjoy what their doing.
    We were blinded by all the glamour so it's I think it's good to see the dark and fucked up sides of porn as well and have a deeper look. But in the end, we should just turn our backs to all of it. At least for me, I have to deal with the fact that even things I would never do to women myself can turn me on when I see it in a clip. I think naturally we have this mixture of curiosity, disgust, arousal and fear towards certain things we see. But after you've trained yourself to watch and enjoy it, it has become just ... material.
    Dunno, maybe it can be part of rewiring to rationalize about the sad reality of porn. But it's for nothing if we don't stop watching this shit.
  9. Ikindaknew

    Ikindaknew Fapstronaut

    143 the old days, at least one was fantasizing about a real person from school, neighbor, ruined all that and provides you with the fantasy content.
    Gladiatori and Deepanshu like this.
  10. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    Keep in mind, that for this girl Snapchat is a money maker, and anyone that doesn't get it will soon get blocked. It's basically the one weapon your porn crush has over you. What she doesn't want you to know is that the same Snapchat storyline she creates and sells for $100, (for 24 hours on your cellphone) you can get on any number of "tube sites" for free showing her doing the same stuff. These "girls next door" are master manipulators. I get a real kick out of some girl who one minute is living in a hotel studio with a pull out bed, and then the next is back in a gated condo in AZ, getting a $200 hairstyle, driving a Mercedes Benz/SUV, and playing with her little dog, and talking about her new BF, then tempting you with "tonight on Snapchat." I'm sure she and her new BF have a lot of laughs talking about all the suckers she rips off. Of course when she goes to Vegas 6-8 days a month to work as a hooker, I wonder if the new BF is laughing then? Remember, this is YOUR MONEY that YOU work for!!! Many of these girls have alcohol and drug issues, and as you said are not of good character. Years ago we never knew the real names or all the personal info that's out there today, maybe that was better. Bottom line, once you see these women for who they really are, the desire to fap off to them seems pretty silly.
    Gladiatori and Themadfapper like this.
  11. I am totally turned off to porn. I have fewer urges. Also I have had less desires to meet women too. I have been treated wrongly and I just want to stay away from both women and porn.
  12. ChrisHaven

    ChrisHaven Fapstronaut

  13. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    Do not deny yourself the right to be happy, because of some stranger you've never met. Porn IS NOT REAL!!! Your life is. Focus on what you do best no matter what it is, and people will recognize it.
    Deepanshu likes this.
  14. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    Being in that business can do that to you. In an interview one girl said she watched so much porn in high school that when she started being intimate with guys she wasn't sure if she was "acting out a scene" or really being herself. These people can put on a big show on Twitter and Facebook but when they're in Vegas working as hookers. trolling the bars at 2am looking for drunks to "trick" life isn't so cool. Plus, being the former "hottest teen in porn" doesn't get much juice when you're competing with 5000 other babes "on the stroll." Remember, she may have the "block" button, but so do you. Once you see that, maybe jerking off to them or buying their "Snaps" isn't so exciting.
  15. So....have we processed all we need to about porn and how it affects us?

    OR do we still need to sit around and talk about it to death while we could be out accomplishing things that will help us move on with our lives?

    Half kidding.

    Nice thread @Daniel856512114
  16. What was that Chris? Didn't catch that bud?
  17. This.
  18. dannylomora

    dannylomora Fapstronaut

    I'm curious to what you told her; most porn stars through social media enjoy conversation cause in the short or long term, it benefits them. They get an endless amounts of gifts from men as they will post wish lists on social media; it's off the forum topic, but did you offend the lady?
  19. zip6331

    zip6331 Guest

    I was under the impression that people came to this site to discuss porn addiction and the how it affects them relative to "fapping" to the extreme. It's true most of these girls have AWL's and hustle gifts, Most enjoy interacting with fans with Tweets and DMs. There are a few that although at one time were very pleasant and recognized people, now seem to rarely do that. A couple haven't done any porn scenes in a long time and are "living off their laurels", but have no problem hustling "Snaps" and please pardon the language, "acting like their shit doesn't stink" yet claim in some cases to have 100K+ followers. They all pretty much use the same playbook, but when I see some girl Tweeting about how the Mercedes-Benz dealer in her town gave her bad service, I'm thinking how many guys are sending her money and gifts so she can ride around in a Benz while many guys are working their butts off just to break even or taking money from their families to give to some porn whore who doesn't even say thank you or totally ignores her "fans." IMO, masturbation is a normal part of life, but when it becomes obsessive and creates difficulties in our daily lives then it's time to seek help. Talking in these forums is a start. I experienced this excessive behavior and it was not pleasant for me, but after a while I realized that as screwed up as I thought I was, many of these girls are more screwed up than you think. It kind of reminds me of the TV show "Catfish"
    Gladiatori likes this.
  20. dannylomora

    dannylomora Fapstronaut

    To each they're own; we all have to traverse through life with our insecurities, faults, and conundrums. Addiction to porn/masturbation has caused me much, much harm. But, I don't blame the porn industry, porn actresses, porn companies, etc. I blame myself. More power to them, what should I hate people who are in or produce porn. Porn, alcohol, etc, vices, legal and illegal will always be out there. It's us as individuals that are responsible for our actions and the consequences that they come with. I have been a porn/masturbation addict for many years; in the same room, through the same lap-top. Something to easy to do, you would think would be so easy not to do, especially if it's destroying me. But, I keep digging myself in this whole. But I still fight to break free..........
    cyberlion likes this.