Quit For The Right Reasons

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by classicalguitarmonk23, Aug 1, 2016.

  1. classicalguitarmonk23

    classicalguitarmonk23 Fapstronaut

    It is important for all of us, including myself, to quit for the right reasons. That means we should identify why we want to quit PMO. We shouldn't do it because we want to brag to somebody that we don't watch porn or we are quitting for the world or something. We have to quit for ourselves. Do it for our health and our sexuality. Once we quit for ourselves and for our sexual health, then we can later see the other benefits of living porn free. What are some good reasons to quit PMO?
    MrCAllen301986 and MsPants like this.
  2. BlackKnight

    BlackKnight Fapstronaut

    One good reason to quit PMO is the reason that we become free to live our lives as the men and women we have always strived to become
    Andy_M and MsPants like this.
  3. My reason is to be like a freaking Daniel Craig. Just look at him. He's not masturbating. He don't even need it. It's pure masculinity I want to achieve. Is it a right reason? Of course it is!
    Overfloweth likes this.
  4. iceman40

    iceman40 Fapstronaut

    I want to quit porn so I don't die a lonely man. A man who has focused all of his energy on porn and he wants nothing else. It's time to see the pretty for what it is: an amazing place to live and experience. I want to be free from this drug and get married and have kids. Treat my wife with respect instead of a sex toy.

    Someone else's story: I lady who was married for 20 years to a man. The had no love but she wanted to be a good wife because that was the thing to do. They lived in California and moved to Texas. After 11 months she took her younger son and daughter and left him. I ask her why? She said he was addicted to porn and nothing I could do pleased him. He liked to please him self. Then he was eyeing my daughter and watched Brook back mountain with my son when I was gone. It turned out that this man watched so much porn that he was getting into the extreme ones and was thinking of having sex with his kids.

    I'm not saying that this is everyone who watches porn will end up like him. Yet when we watch porn and we see that what ever is happening to the actors are acceptable, we may think it is acceptable in real life too. The line between reality and fantasy gets merged and we make our life a fantasy.

    For my self, I started with softcore and moved on into hardcore. Nothing illegal. I found myself searching for different and anything that was different. I don't want to say it in case it relapses some people. I hope you get the picture and it's a crazy road.

    When I stop watching porn I focus on myself and the reasons why I watch it, I start to heal myself and become a better person.
  5. classicalguitarmonk23

    classicalguitarmonk23 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for the story. That is a great reason. We can't lose our lives to this drug. As you said, reality and fantasy can merge if we get too immersed in Porn Land.
  6. That was quite an eye opening story! I'm glad you posted that it really puts things into perspective. It hasn't been long but my mind is starting to feel much cleaner. I need to change solely because I want to know what it's like to really love someone for who they are instead only focusing on their body. I've never been in a relationship and that has always been one of my biggest worries. I want to carry myself as a man...not an animal. I am not trying to demean those who do, I only apply that to myself.
    iceman40 likes this.
  7. six

    six Fapstronaut

    There are the obvious reasons: wasted time, money, energy, not to mention all the paper towels :). And the health & relationship benefits (PIED, and improved intimacy). But for me, on a deeper level, there's integrity. Being able to face my family, friends & colleagues without the notion that I'm harboring a dirty secret, leading a double life. There are times when I am with my family, or a client or friend, and the visions of my last PMO pop into my head, and there is a debilitating affect. It's particularly obvious in professional situations, where you are trying to project confidence & integrity, and it's hard to do that when you're not feeling it inside.
  8. six

    six Fapstronaut

    We don't know that...:)
    Andy_M and Lone_Wolf like this.
  9. Sure, but is he type of person who would do that?
  10. Lone_Wolf

    Lone_Wolf Fapstronaut

    I want to see if it improves my confidence levels. As it stands, I go about my daily business trying to avoid people as much as possible. I don't feel comfortable with myself.
  11. Barej

    Barej Fapstronaut

    hang in there lone wolf. the key to getting over social anxiety is to find good people to help you. Find a good therapist, social anxiety support group, church group, or any other source of support and go from there.
    Lone_Wolf likes this.