Ultimate Monk Mode

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by SpiritSoul11, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. SpiritSoul11

    SpiritSoul11 Fapstronaut

    In addition to the standard Monk Mode, I am instituting for myself what I call Ultimate Monk Mode (UMM):

    - No Porn
    - No Masturbation
    - No Sex
    - No Reacting to involuntary erections
    - No Erotic literature
    - No Fantasizing, and if this happens unknowingly, attempt to stop it in less than 5 seconds.
    - No Browsing or using Dating apps

    And the Ultimate additions to the standard Monk Mode are:

    - No Eating of Meat, Fish, or Eggs (Milk Optional)
    - No Intoxication including alcohol, caffeine, nicotine products, and illicit drugs.
    - No Gambling

    For me this is a true reboot of our dopamine receptors and the reward center of the brain.

    For this Mode, Medition and Exercise are highly recommended. Also, I am trying to go to bed by 10 PM at the latest and wake at 6 AM at the latest.

    I don't want to change only one aspect of my life, but be the best person I can be!
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
  2. Awakening123

    Awakening123 Fapstronaut

    Wow! Good luck on this man!
    SpiritSoul11 likes this.
  3. SpiritSoul11

    SpiritSoul11 Fapstronaut

    Thank you so much for your encouragement I hope others may become inspired and begin their journey of NoFap.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    Awakening123 likes this.
  4. Mywifesbabydaddy

    Mywifesbabydaddy Fapstronaut

    Damn that's going hard ! (No pun intended). I'm just trying to keep the pm out, I commend you on your ultimate monk mode quest and I wish you luck on your journey. I'll be checking the thread to see how you're progressing and the changes you feel with your challenge. I'm interested to know what you eat in place of all the foods you are cutting out. Stay up!
    SpiritSoul11 likes this.
  5. SpiritSoul11

    SpiritSoul11 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your encouragement! Lacto-Vegetarianism is not very difficult, but it sometimes requires me to cook my own meals and develop a closer relationship with the foods I eat. There are a whole plethora of fruits, vegetables, beans, grains, nuts, and their combinations to create amazing meals. Last night I made stuffed avocados with quinoa cooked with a spiced homemade Mexican tomato sauce on a bed of arugula with fresh cheese. Was amazing! I find also that when I eat a plant based diet that I don't feel so heavy and lethargic as I do when I ate meat. I feel much more energized and my mind is clearer.
  6. Mywifesbabydaddy

    Mywifesbabydaddy Fapstronaut

    That's awesome man. A couple of factors for me are I'm afraid of not being full after a meal like that, as good as it sounds. As well as not being a good cook at all , I assume it's more expensive too to eat that good and fresh. Again, not making excuses for myself but it's something I'd like to try sometime. Much respect spirit , maybe one day I'll get a recipe off you .
    SpiritSoul11 likes this.
  7. SpiritSoul11

    SpiritSoul11 Fapstronaut

    It was a pretty full meal :) I even had leftovers. Our brains have lied to us for so long, as we can see that with our porn addictions, telling us what we "need." This is a time for trying new things, being open to anything healthy that will help us on this path of becoming the best people we can be.

    Anyone can cook :) we live in a distorted society where people think one must be a trained chef or a celebrity chef on TV to cook. No, it just takes practice like anything else. The key to addiction is not that we do something we enjoy too much, it's that the thing that we are doing is unhealthy for us. It's okay to be passionate about learning new skills and partaking of new outlets to replace the time and we put into Porn and Masturbation. That makes sense because if we just create a vacuum, and take PMO out of our lives and don't replace it with healthy behaviors, we will ultimately relapse.

    Also, cooking at home is so much cheaper than going out to eat and you can control what goes into your body. Eating restaurant food has so much unneeded fat and sodium and sugar and other undesirables, and is strictly for enjoying the senses. We as Fapstronauts must realize that if we continuously live to serve the senses, we are a slave to them. We must take control of our body and give it nourishment and be responsible in this life.

    Lastly, I'd love to work with you to help you if you are interested in this lifestyle. We are all brothers helping each other to be the best people we can be.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    bearbones likes this.
  8. xedger

    xedger Guest

    As others have said, this is awesome :). Nofap is a great springboard for a wholesale reboot/rewire.
    I wish you strength, good luck and success!
    SpiritSoul11 likes this.
  9. EthanH

    EthanH Fapstronaut

    Good luck!

    Just curious: why would you consume milk and cheese if you're on a plant based diet?
    SpiritSoul11 likes this.
  10. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    You can do it ! this is the best idea you can do for yourself, not just changing one thing in your life for the better but numerous things. I'm on Day 34 of NoFap and i'm making this not a challenge, but a lifestyle ! this gives me motivation man, keep it up ~

    SpiritSoul11 likes this.
  11. SpiritSoul11

    SpiritSoul11 Fapstronaut

    Good question :)

    I am aspiring to practice a philosophy that is known as Gaudiya Vaishnavism from India which teaches Bhakti Yoga, the Yoga of Love and Devotional Service. As a part of this philosophy one offers all of their work in sacrifice to the Supreme without attachment to the work, or the fruits of the work. It is said in the Vedas, the scriptures of ancient India, that God does not accept meat, fish, or eggs, but does accept milk and milk products, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. In this way, we try to live in harmony and service to God even in the foods we eat, which we offer to God first for His pleasure.

    Also according to Ayurveda, the Indian science of longevity, meat is the most potentially deranging food, breeds toxins or áma, feeds infections, fevers, tumors, dulls the mind and senses, and reduces love and compassion.

    And it is said dairy is most beneficial when raw, from animals that are treated kindly (i.e., free roaming), and who receive no steroid injections or chemicals in their foods. It calms the mind, nerves, and emotions. It is good for meditation and yoga; emaciation, debility, convalescence, wasting, bleeding, and sexual debility.
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2016
    EthanH and Awakening123 like this.
  12. SpiritSoul11

    SpiritSoul11 Fapstronaut

    I had a most wonderful day, and it's still early! I find I have so much more time when I'm not thinking about sex, porn, and masturbation, and treating my body right. I went on a meditation hike on the trails in the local nature conservancy for about 2 and a half hours taking the longest route. I chant on my meditation beads while I walk and witness the wonder of nature.

    I got back home, and cooked dinner for myself: cabbage and baby potatos cooked in a homemade Indian spiced tomato sauce, with roasted avocados slices on top. Delicious. Life is good.
    Awakening123 likes this.
  13. Kvath

    Kvath Fapstronaut

    Best of luck to you man! Will look forward on your advancements :)
  14. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    my reboot is more strict then this because im sick in the head and ocd lol
  15. seeku

    seeku Fapstronaut

    How is your progress.. I follow same rules.. no meat and dairy too. I chant veda's and it is mandatory to follow complete brahmacharya. Please post your other ideas especially in the night.
  16. Mattomatic

    Mattomatic Fapstronaut

    Wow that's awesome dude! I've also really wanted to get into vegan cooking, but I'm not really sure where to start. Do you have any cookbooks you recommend? Or know of some helpful websites or other resources? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  17. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    Alot of vegans eat soy. Avoid it it will slow your reboot
    Mattomatic likes this.
  18. Mattomatic

    Mattomatic Fapstronaut

  19. IggyIshness

    IggyIshness Fapstronaut

    releasez estrogen and your it makes you like a girl. i thi k it can hinder the prpdiction of sperm and lowers ur testpsterone
  20. with all do respect, you are being very hard on yourself. if you must do these goals, do it by measure. it's a process, an every lasting process, the direction your going in, is key, not how fast you get there.
    Awakening123 likes this.