90 days to 2017!

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by maske, Oct 2, 2016.

  1. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    Hey guys!

    I've been away from the forums for a month, after managing to complete 90 days without PMO, but I'm sad to say that I got back to my old habits.

    I really want to reach it again and really just drop pmo for good, because I know I can do it and it will be good for me. So for the last week I've been thinking about it and I figured that from today, October 3, 2016 there are exactly 90 days to January 1, 2017. And knowing that any and every little thing can help as a motivation, the idea of reaching 90 days in the first day of the year, feeling refreshed and ready to tackle all those new year's resolutions is such a good way to boost my confidence and fight the urges.

    So, if there's anyone who likes the idea and is willing to make it to the first day of 2017 without pmo from now on, I invite you to also post on this thread!

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2016
  2. That's awesome! That's a great goal! Thanks for mentioning this. I never would have thought about it .
    Way99, StraightEdge and maske like this.
  3. maske

    maske Fapstronaut


    Haha Thanks man! Yeah, for me it seems to give more meaning to the cause, even thought it doesn't matter. Any day is a good day to start!
    StepsReborn likes this.
  4. QDexter

    QDexter New Fapstronaut

    Last night I had decided to take up the PM Mode for 90 days starting from today. Finding that it aligns directly with the start of a new year certainly seems like it is meant to be! So yea looks like I will be giving it a crack with the same time frame as you!
    maske likes this.
  5. Alex Bee

    Alex Bee Fapstronaut

    86 days in already, I will join this challenge as well. Calculating, I will reach an accumilative of 176 days of no PMO to 2017.
    lantti, maske, SLIPZ19 and 1 other person like this.
  6. ProclaimedValue

    ProclaimedValue Fapstronaut

    I like this idea lets not wait till 2017 to make a nofap New year resoloution lets make it now.
    Dontfap2016 and maske like this.
  7. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    @QDexter hahah yeah, starting it on this specific day without knowing is a very welcome coincidence. let's do it man!

    @Alex Bee awesome! which is pretty close to half a year also, 182/3 days!!

    @ProclaimedValue right on! it's way easier to reach the new year with this goal already taken care of then thinking about starting it in the next year.

    Well, day 1 is down! 89 days to go!

    Cheers guys, keep it up!
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
  8. ps3lol

    ps3lol Fapstronaut

    Hells yes ! I also thought of it that way , count me in guys !
    Just relapsed after a 14days streak so decided to try a new approach by deleting the app in my phone that used to count the days , dont want it to be streaks anymore but to be a way of life , however the idea of starting fresh on the first day of the new year is really motivating ,and i have a really good feeling about the year 2017 since it's the year of the biggest exam of my life and the year where im going to move out of my hometown small city to a bigger one so i really need myself to be 100% ready , let's do this guys !!
    maske likes this.
  9. StraightEdge

    StraightEdge Fapstronaut

    I'm in @maske! really cool to hear from you today. It's like a coincidence!... I haven't been visiting nofap for a while and came today to see my other counters (Alcohol and IF).
    Moreover, I relapse again this morning so I'm a day late and highly motivated. Let's do this again!
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2016
    stephanD and maske like this.
  10. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    Hope everyone is doing fine! Reaching day 2 of 90!

    @ps3lol yeah, couldn't agree more. Starting fresh in the first day of the year, having reached 90 days already is a great way to tackle that 365 days pmo free.. At first it might look too much to bear, but you know.. One day at a time..

    @StraightEdge haha awesome man! Glad to see you here too.. I really appreciate people who fall and get back up again, the idea of trying to be better, even though struggling a lot in the way. As they say "You may fall 99 times, as long as you get up 100".. Today is my day 2, but I'm like 10x more calm and relaxed about reaching 90 days, because I've done it before and I know it's possible. In the first time I was like "I'll never make it", etc. Anyway, I hope you're doing fine! Let's do this!

    StraightEdge likes this.
  11. Zero-sama

    Zero-sama New Fapstronaut

    It's my first time here n it's really great n encouraging to be a part of a community that all wants the same goal. I've tried to quit this habit so many times but you guys sure know how hard it is to quit.So I'm in:D:D(5.10.16). If you guys have any advice that could make this a bit easier that'd be great. :) (Y)
    maske, StraightEdge and StepsReborn like this.
  12. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, this is almost funny, relapsed earlier this evening. Want to get back on the path with you guys, lets get further even away from it this time.
    maske and StraightEdge like this.
  13. StraightEdge

    StraightEdge Fapstronaut

    Hey @stephanD! So cool to hear from you! Nice to take on this challenge again with you, old friend.
    Welcome on board @Zero-sama! The tip I use: trying to be really present to myself when the urge comes and not fall in the zombi mode.
    @ps3lol it looks like its time for a change! let's find some 'grinta', some positiv energy to finish 2016 and be on top to start 2017.
    stephanD, maske, ps3lol and 1 other person like this.
  14. ps3lol

    ps3lol Fapstronaut

    @StraightEdge damn right its time for change , i really hope by new years eve we all post on this thread as we d be completing our 90-days reboot and ready to work theough new years goals , keep going guys !
  15. Alex Bee

    Alex Bee Fapstronaut

    1 more day to day 90.
    stephanD likes this.
  16. maske

    maske Fapstronaut

    @stephanD ha! welcome, man! I'm glad you're here with us. This time I also hope to go even further than 90 days.

    @Dr.NoFap hell yeah! 2017 will be a great year. welcome! :)

    @Alex Bee awesome! it's pretty cool to actually have a bigger goal after you beat the 90 days. that was my main problem when I reached 90 days back in august. I didn't really have that thought of going more than 90 days and ended up relapsing on day 95 or so. This time it will be different though. :)

    @Zero-sama my advice would be: Be aware of your own thoughts. Today you may be all pumped and confident, but somewhere along the way your brain will try to trick you, and you have to be prepared. Bad ideas that often come to mind are:

    "Why am I doing this?"
    "One little peak won't do any damage."
    "I had a stressful day/week, I deserve to have a reward."
    "It's been X days already, it's ok if I do it only once."
    And so on.. It's important to know that it's your own brain trying to persuade you to give it that dopamine rush it's been craving for, and you have to be strong not to give in.
    Zero-sama likes this.
  17. stephanD

    stephanD Fapstronaut

    Just checking in, been busy all day and evening, but I recognise that zombie mode that @StraightEdge talks about. Next time I'm tempted I'm going to ask myself if I'm really inside my own head right now. Stay strong people, be wise.
    maske and Zero-sama like this.
  18. Nate75902

    Nate75902 New Fapstronaut

    Hi, stumbled across this site today, which was amazing as I had been thinking a lot about PM and giving this up due to how it had been effecting me as a person along with my marriage!

    So to stumble across this makes it easier for me to work towards the goal. Thank you and looking forward to celebrating not only a new year but a goal completed with you all
    maske and Zero-sama like this.
  19. K.C_Cage

    K.C_Cage Fapstronaut

    I'm in. My 90 day point is the third of the new year but to heck with it, I'll be at day 88 at that point. I am so incredibly determined to stick through to 90 days, I hate having to wait for so long. I've been wanting to do a 90 day streak since december of last year and the best I've made is 34 days. But I have all the tools I need. sobriety here I come!
  20. im_alive

    im_alive Fapstronaut

    My 90th is the 4th, so you are one day ahead of me!
    maske and K.C_Cage like this.