The Hobby Thread

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by I Free I, Oct 16, 2016.

  1. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    What's going on everybody ! As most of us know, having a hobby is very ideal when on this NoFap journey, to keep our mind's off of Porn and Sexual Fantasies, Etc... So I thought of an idea on us sharing our hobbies amongst eachother . Share your Top 3 favorite hobbies and in each of those hobbies, give us a reason why you enjoy that particular hobby so much. I feel like if we truly understand why we do what we like to do, it gives us more of a focus and more of a meaning on our hobbies, thus helping to keep away from PMO. I'll go ahead and start first :

    1 . Producing Music / I love the feeling to create what I feel in my soul .
    2 . Playing Softball (or Baseball) / I enjoy playing amongst my family and friends, love the fresh air and exercise you get from playing all day .
    3 . Reading / I like visualizing or getting lost in stories and reading particular books on how to improve your life in any aspect ( Self Help ) .

    Hope you all stay strong throughout your journey ! Never give up !
    ~ Peace ~

  2. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Nice !
  3. samsonhanson

    samsonhanson Fapstronaut

    1. Pottery- I love to create and be artistic, and using the wheel to transform a lump of clay into a beautiful bowl takes a lot of patience and hard work. I also love the functional aspect of the art i create and being able to use them or give them away to people.
    2. Hiking- I love being outdoors away from the hustle and bustle of the city and being able to spend time outside in the fresh air enjoying the wonderfulness of nature.
    3. Gardening- I really love the hard work that goes into planting and maintaining plants. It requires a lot of patience, but once you have produce its so much fun to use the vegetables to cook with, or to give away and make someone's day a bit brighter.
    I Free I and Foledawg603 like this.
  4. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Interesting hobbies... I'm liking what you guys got so far !
  5. Credo

    Credo Guest

    1. Marksmanship: I've always liked darts and so when I shot my first gun I looked at it as extreme darts. I enjoy the patience and focus it requires as well as the many things which come into play in order to make the perfect shot.

    2. Lock Picking: When I worked in a hardware store I spent a lot of time messing with locks and re-keying them. I love that it's a skill people think you shouldn't have until the day they need you to get them back into their house.

    3. Writing: I love writing and have always wanted to write a book and become published. Even if I sold just one copy I would be happy. Tied in with this would be the art of letter writing. I've always loved stationary and the personal quality of a handwritten letter. It's an art which surely has been lost in our technological age and this is kind of sad. In my grandparents time they would write letters to each other and their letters would be passed down to the next generations as tokens of love. What are we going to pass down to ours? Printed e-mails? Memes? God help us all.

    4. Weightlifting: I've been getting into weights more and more as I improve my health. I enjoy the focus it takes as well as excitement of increasing weight and reps! I've decided though to stick only to free weights. No machines.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2016
    I Free I likes this.
  6. Sunshadow

    Sunshadow Distinguished Fapstronaut

    1. Board Games: I love the challenge of solving puzzles, or optimizing patterns, or bluffing and fooling people. And I love the social aspect of getting people together for the sole purpose of having fun.

    2. Roleplaying Games: Yeah, yeah, same thing maybe. But I really like the imagination that you need to bring to the table when you roleplay. You shouldn't just sit there and roll dice, that's missing the whole point. I love getting into a character's headspace and playing through a good story. I love whacking that orc a good one on the head, or maybe insulting him so bad he up and dies. And again, the social aspect of getting together friends and creating new stories and worlds is awesome.

    3. Writing: Again, it ties into my other hobbies. The good stories that I write come very naturally to me. When I have a good idea and image, I need to write it down, or I get restless. And often, writing makes me restless, so I end up walking. Which triggers creativity, so I write more, so I walk more, so I write more, etc. It's a great cycle that has turned out some good stories and got me a bunch of exercise.
    I Free I likes this.
  7. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    LockPicking takes alot of skill, I admire that ! . and roleplaying games sounds like fun, I watched people roleplay too, It was cool and fun even watching. I like the versatility yall have with your hobbies . dope . :cool:
    Credo and Sunshadow like this.
  8. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Bonus Hobby :
    1 . Running / I love the feeling of being outside on a nice night out and just listening to music while your focused on every mile you run. I ran 7 miles a couple of days ago and the feeling of accomplishment you get when your finished is awesome.